@[email protected] It's kinda funny to me that MTG has been parading Hunter's cock around way more than he probably has.
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@[email protected] Except that what she won't acknowledge is that Hunter showed the fuck up and offered to testify and they never called on him.
@[email protected] I would be terrified of Traitor-Greene as well. Terrified her stupidity is contagious!
@[email protected] I know I'm not supposed to be advocating violence, but Greene needs to have her jaw broken. In this way, her jaw will need to be wired shut and everyone will enjoy six months of relative peace.
@[email protected] She goes and says this shit on Newsmax where she knows she'll face absolutely no pushback whatsoever. She's as transparent as she is pathetic.
The most highbrow thing EmptyGreene has done was wave around a dick pic in congress.. TWICE. lol
Classy, just like the rest of the GQP.
@[email protected]
Absolutely no one cares what an uneducated gun fool has to say, except those who are even less educated. Listening to her is such a waste of time, it's better to twiddle your thumbs and watch chickens cluck!
@[email protected] Maybe, She needs a second gig? People who have only grievances sell only doubt. Doubt they're effective in their own business, so maybe she could sell furniture, burial plots, anything that clients want to see pictute of other than that.