My first Discworld book. And then I spent 3 months chowing down the other 40.
Don't be me. Don't put it off for decades. Just get onboard and read #1. Go for it. You won't be sorry, I promise you that much.
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My first Discworld book. And then I spent 3 months chowing down the other 40.
Don't be me. Don't put it off for decades. Just get onboard and read #1. Go for it. You won't be sorry, I promise you that much.
I just had this convo with my husband yesterday as we watched hogfather!
There's two stages to Discworld. Stage one: I don't have time to get into it right now, there's 41 books, I'll read it someday. To stage two: there are only 41 precious books in this series whyyy
Remember, it's important to believe the little lies so we can learn to believe the big ones.
GNU Terry Pratchett
GNU Terry Pratchett
GNU Terry Pratchett
GNU Sir Terry
Oxen free.
And triple ollies.
Discworld is an amazing series. Thanks for sharing this.