Can I get a cuddle before u die of heatstroke? ๐ฅบ
Furry memes
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I fell this implies they're still wearing a suit, Dogs seem like they do okay with their coats. But think of how much fur would get all over everything. How would you cook?
Alternatively, is your fursona sufficiently well-designed to avoid instant biological problems? Most foxes are missing their internal organs for example. As for fur, people with pets can attest that your cooking is going to have fur in it and that's just the way it's going to be.
There's a short story from a few decades back about a boy who gets stuck in a dog suit and ends having to live as a dog
Aren't there ones with AC?
I seem to remember reading somewhere that they usually put computer fans in them, but I don't know if that's true.
Ive seen one with build in liquid cooling (basically thin pipes through the thing and a backpack with a cooling system, idk how it works exactly, but it seemed to work)
If gorillas don't die of heatstroke, why would an anthropomorphic furry animal?
yeah came to ask why if he was magically merged with the suit (which if its what he wished for it would not be that but actually being what the suit represents) why would he have heat stroke?
He wasn't merged with the suit. He became delirious from the heat and assumed because he could not get the suit off, that he merged with the suit.
A peaceful thought to have when you are about to die of heatstroke in a fursuit.