Wow, that is a crazy good looking image considering it's from an AI. I didn't even notice at first
Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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Dear lord, that's some ridiculous equipment! Gonna be a fun run =D
I'm on floor 11 and just did 123 damage with a sniper shot from a damage augmented kinetic bow. 😳
For the future, when the update with the new quest variant in caves drops, a seed with the new quest is what I want in my life
I don't have a request, but to help build up a list, a 2.2.1 seed that I'd call pretty decent on my Mage: NCZ-RGF-ZXF.
Wand of integration + 2 and arcana +2
Do you have a seed for an early leveled-up Ring of Arcana?
What about a +3 wand from wandmaker and two more wands of the same type? Would that be possible?
Can you possibly find some seeds where:
- All floors have a depth feeling (except 1/26/ boss floors)
- Given 1, All floors within the same region have the same depth feeling (except floor 1/26/ boss floors)
- Given 2, Each region has a different feeling from other regions.
Think you could find a good necro seed? Wand of corruption (preferably before corpse dust). Corpse dust. Cursed rose.
Please find a seed for the following and available only in sewers or prison or both!
Seed with a ring of sharpshooting +2 minimum
Seed with a ring of wealth +2 minimum
Seed with both a wand of regrowth and boots of nature
Seed with a ring of energy +2 minimum
Sorry for another request
Could you please find a seed with a wand of corrosion in sewers or prison, OR wandmaker with a minimum +2?
Seed with a +3 corrosion will be awesome to play
Hi GWLexx
I have a couple of interesting requests. Please ensure the items are available in either sewers, prisons or both ONLY!
- Seed with regrowth wand+2, ring of arcana+2 (minimum)
- Seed with sandals of nature, regrowth wand, ring of arcana+1 (minimum), and corrosion wand. All items should be available between sewers and prisons region
Lastly, I'd like to know if such a seed is possible 3. Seed with regrowth wand, ring of arcana, ring of might, plat armour, and sandals of nature. If any or all items have +1 or more upgraded drop then the better
yoo, u still take requests?, if so, whip me up with a duelist seed
Hi GWLexx
Seed requests for v2.2.1. Need the below items to drop in either sewers or prisons!
Ring of Wealth+2, any +2 or +3 armor (leather or higher), any +2 or +3 weapon (tier 3 or higher), any wand +1 or higher upgraded including any 1 artifact drop
please could you find a seed for a early leveled up ring os haste? it need to be found on the sewers
Good day @[email protected]
I'd like a seed to max out wand of Warding. So ideally before blacksmith;
- Wand of warding + 3
- Wand of warding + 1
- Any other wand + 1
Also if possible, the ultimate Ring of wealth seed would be good;
- Ring of wealth + 3 (early on)
- Ring of wealth + 2 (any time)
Could you find a seed with wand of fireblast +2 and wand of corrosion +2 along with ring of recharging and plate armor +2?