What an absolute joke
Censorship is bad, and is often difficult to seek accountability for (because such attempts are themselves censored).
This community exists as a safe place to report on instances and patterns of censorship among pro-GME, pro-DRS, and financial transparency accounts/content.
RULE: Due to the unfortunate risk of escalating tensions, please limit content in this community to factual record. Please do not include commentary on presumed motivations, intentions, shillery, name-calling, etc. If such commentary is included in screenshots, it must be redacted out.
The Hedge Funds gotta keep it a safe space after all.
Reuploaded picture/screenshot due to last one being corrupted.
nice, thanks OP!
information like this is valuable. these types of things are evidence that contributes to the reality that there are ongoing efforts to attempt control the types of information that communities are consuming and have access to, and the types of behaviors associated with that.
Who benefits if investors are passive and not engaged, as opposed to motivated and active?