[-] [email protected] 1 points 15 minutes ago

The AR-15 is ridiculously easy to shoot with no formal training and easy to hit a tight grouping at 20 yards the first time you pick it up

Honestly that is every rifle ever made, 20yd is 60ft, the max effective range of the AR with 5.56 is about 600m or 1968.5ft. The AR and its common caliber are far from the best rifle at distance, 6mmARC for example you can push out to 1,000yd. Iirc the longest sniper kill so far on record was 1mi with .338 lapua. 60ft is honestly pistol distances, at this point you'd have to basically ban all rifles. Even .22lr can go 200yd accurately out of a rifle.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 28 minutes ago* (last edited 27 minutes ago)

Physics might. No one else could.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 30 minutes ago* (last edited 29 minutes ago)

Pre-1968, civilians could buy full auto machineguns. At one point in the 1930s the Sears catalog would send a full auto Tommy Gun straight to your house via mail order with no background check.

Slight correction, between '30-'68 you could still get full auto thompsons mailed to you at 12yo (if you had the dough, of course). The GCA of 1968 is what gave us the background checks, and they became instant in the 90s thanks to the internet. Full auto wasn't banned (yes yes I know "technically it isn't banned.." yeah it basically is) until 1986.

And high profile murders did happen but it was mostly stuff like the Valentines Day Massacre, the SLA killing the first black superintendent, Kennedy, Lennon, y'know, not school shootings.

That said I agree with your assessment.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Usually don't do the comment history thing but I was specifically curious about said state, which appears to possibly be Ohio?

If so yes, people do carry in Ohio.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

Tbf they actually view the other side as the tyrannical one and think their side is the savior, it isn't actually that hard to understand their feelings on that one.

Not saying that they're right, just that this is the explanation for this oft cited "disconnect." Basically just "nobody thinks they're the bad guy."

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

You could, for example, make it illegal to sell/own guns under 30.

When do people become adults? I think if we're doing shit like this we also have to raise the age of adulthood to (in this case 30). Meaning no military until 30, no smoking/vaping/drinking until 30, on your parent's insurance, they can't kick you out until then, can't be tried as an adult, age of consent, etc, and frankly we likely shouldn't trust kids with other deadly instruments such as cars until then either, they're clearly causing problems with those too considering the numbers on car accidents.

Frankly there is some scientific basis for all this, being that our brains don't stop developing until 25, but this half-adult stage where all of the negatives but none of the benefits apply is ridiculous to me. Fwiw I have this exact same argument about raising the smoking age, etc, it's not just guns, but talk of raising the age makes them relevant to that opinion for me. I'm not even necesarily against it, but for me personally to be on board it has to be bigger than "no guns til 30 just because." Besides, people 18-29, especially women, have a very good reason to have tools with which to defend themselves, and I personally think it'd be a shame to deny say a woman who is escaping an abusive ex those tools, especially considering often women date slightly older men meaning he may be able to get them while she can't, if she's 25ish and he's 30+.

You could ban magazines

Not really. You could ban detachable magazines, which is 99% of guns made after 1910, but that won't fly here because duh, you could ban detachable magazines over 10rnds, but that is entirely ineffective as it's defeated by "carrying another magazine or two," and reloading takes less than 2sec literally (way less if you train it which you can do in your room while watching TV.) That also includes almost every 9mm pistol in the country btw, which mostly have 14-17rnds standard, magazines aren't only in AKs and ARs.

You could limit the caliber of bullets sold.

I mean, in theory maybe that is legally possible? Maybe? But even still the venn diagram of "the deadliest calibre" and "the smallest calibre" is actually just a circle containing the word ".22lr" This is mostly due to quantity (availability/price), of course, but at any rate it illustrates that limiting calibre wouldn't do much since even the smallest calibre commonly available can kill with ease. On top of that the .223 rnd commonly used by mass shooters for example is .003" bigger in diameter than a .22lr, about 25gr heavier of a bullet, but with more powder making it carry about as much kinetic energy as a hot .357 rnd, they don't usw "high powered" rounds like the .50bmg or .338 lapua already, .223 is one of the weakest rifle rounds commonly used for self defense or hunting coyotes.

You could make gun manufacturers civilly liable for the advertisements they put out.

Where are you guys seeing gun ads, like, in Guns & Ammo magazine or something? I don't think I've ever seen one but I hear about them with the whole Daniel Defense scandal. At any rate, they already would be to a degree, like Juul was, that would apply to guns too if it is proven to target kids or something. But there would be a court case to determine culpability which they could win, that's just the way our system works really. Seems easy enough to just not buy those magazines for your kids or whatever. Do they even still have print magazines?

I'm not opposed to something that would actually work and couldn't be abused by some racist sheriff or governor to deny guns to POC et al. But most of the proposed legislation I've seen falls short of one or both of those (personal) requirements. Most things will be used to further burden marginalized populations in overpoliced neighborhoods just like drug prohibition is, it won't affect the people in gated communities at all.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

Tbf, they have before. Ron Paul for instance was a Libertarian who ran as a Republican and won, and they do run for local offices a lot (at least the Libertarians, never seen a local Green on the ballot), they just also put forth a presidential candidate because if they can get like 5% or 15% of the vote (I can't remember which) they get federal funding and have to get included in the next debates instead of the debates only being R vs D.

Idk about the other third parties, but the Libertarians are doing exactly that.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

His name is Bingo Gas Station Motel Cheeseburger With A Side of Aircraft Noise And You'll Be Gary, Indiana.


[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

Nah it's all a scam, it costs about $130,000 to become clear, and then another $30,000 ish to become level "OTIII," Then another $130,000 to become OTVIII which is the highest current level, just to learn that South Park's Scientology episode was actually accurate to what these people actually believe.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

I'd argue that it wouldn't even be doxxing to show it, personally. They put out the flier with their number on it, how is me posting a picture online any different from posting the flyer for a local pizza place with the number visible? Seems to me if it's on the flier it's now public info.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

Scientoligists are anti therapy and anti psychology

All cults are, really, because the therapist can see that the cult is basically an abusive partner x1000 and try to decondition the members.

"Plus, that money should be going to the church, or in this case your therapy sessions with us so you can become 'clear.' Don't you want to give us $300,000 so we can tell you your soul is an alien and Xenu is trying to eat it or enslave it or something?"

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Into The Unbeing Part One #4 - End of the road for this one. It's been interesting so far, some spelunkers going into a "cave" that may actually be a "head of some giant creature." I'm actually one behind but I'm going to read it here in a minute, just picked it up.

Groo Minstrel Melodies #1 - Idk much about Groo but I did read Mad back in the day, so I'm grabbing this.

Time Waits #1 - Idk much but DSTLRY stuff is usually worth a look.

Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #4 - This one has been alright so far.

Space Ghost #5 - Zorak is here! I love Zorak lmao, I can't stop thinking about The Brak Show and Space Ghost Coast to Coast while reading this and tbh it's a big reason if why I'm reading it haha.

Ain't No Grave #5 - End of the road. This series has been great, I like these weird westerns.

Geiger #6 - Hooray for Barney!

Precious Metal #4 - This series is weird as shit and I like the art.

That's it for me this week, what about you?

Subscription issues? (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone else having an issue where they have to resubscribe to a community every time the app closes? For some reason in eternity it keeps unsubbing me from !c/[email protected] every time the app restarts itself, and I have to go resubscribe. None of this actually affects my account, I guess, because when I sign in with other apps I'm still subbed to it, eternity just removes it from my subs on boot and won't show the content in my subscriptions feed. Is there any way to fix this?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

New list is up! Sorry I'm a day later than usual, I was "really sick" yesterday (totally not hungover if my boss is reading this!)

Let's see, decent list for me this week:

Animal Pound #5 - Last in this series, it's been great! A modern retelling of Animal Farm by George Orwell

Minor Arcana #1 - Jeff Lemire back at it after the conclusion of Fishflies. Flishflies rules, this sounds like it'll follow the trend. A woman who's mom is a psychic (but she never believed that much) has to move back home and take over the family business (or something like that). Turns out there may be something to it after all...

Dawnrunner #5 - End of the road for this too but I hope it gets picked up, eldritch kaiju vs mechs with consciousness and pilots.

Helen Of Wyndhorn #4 - This series has been great too. Helen's father, a writer, dies and she has to move back into her grandfather's palatial estate. Turns out the fae world her dad wrote "fiction" about is anything but, and she has been traveling through it with her grandfather doing stuff.

Plastic Man No More #1 - Idk much about Plastic Man but I've heard it's funny, I'll give it a shot.

Blood Brothers Mother #2 - Good western! I'm definitely going to finish this one out.

Cruel Universe #2 - The first one was great, hope that continues!

Well looks like that about wraps it up for me. Pretty excited about all of these! What're you pulling?

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

New list is up! Good one for me this week!

Batman Off-World #5 - This is still running? Bout damn forgot about this one!

Convert #1 - "Science Officer Orrin Kutela finds himself stranded on a distant planet, starving and haunted by the ghosts of his dead crew. On the verge of death, he makes an astonishing discovery. Veteran writer John Arcudi (Rumble, B.P.R.D.) and illustrator Savanna Finley bring you a sci-fi/fantasy comic like no other." Sounds interesting enough!

Drawing Blood #5 - Drawing Blood! Raining Blood plays. Kevin Eastman rules.

Sacrificers #11 - Sacrificers! Pigeon has been fucking shit up, Soluna is having a rough time, can't wait to see what this issue brings!

Universal Monsters Frankenstein #1 - The Creature reboot was good, I'll try this one too.

What're you pulling?

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fresh list is up! Looks like a short one for me this week but that's ok!

My Bad Escape From Peculiar Island #4 - This one is stupid and weird and I've been digging it, Thomas Jefferson vs some guy lmao.

Epitaphs From The Abyss #2 - This one I was so excited for the first issue but instead of having good stories it felt like it was just preaching to me sponsored by the DNC. It doesn't matter if I agree with many of the "lessons" they were trying to "teach me" either, it felt very condescending in a "hello fellow kids" way like some kind of food pyramid comic from the 90s. And the icing on the cake is the goddamn "weird fantasy" reboot Cruel Universe had "scarier" stories than this "horror" reboot! I'm going to give it another issue or two but this might get dropped pretty fast.

Standstill #1 - Not gonna lie I'm only slightly interested in this but since there's not much else for me this week I may check it out. Guy steals a time stopping device and commits crimes, the inventor has to stop him. Could be good though, we'll see!

That's it for me, what's on your lists this week?

Help burning CDs? (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm having an issue trying to burn a music CD for use in my (very old, I know I know) car. I'm running FedoraKDE (40) and Brasero, a Liteon brand external optical DVDRW drive, CD-R (TDK brand), and a Framework 16.

The issue I'm having seems to be that the blank disks(maybe?) aren't recognized automatically by Fedora, when I pop a full commercially released CD in it'll play/rip, but with a blank disk nothing happens, and I don't know where to "save" the "image" of this album I'm creating in Brasero to get it on the disk.

Someone on a random linux forum told some other guy to run cdrecord -checkdrive which says my drive is at /dev/sr0 with a blank disk, but that's as far as I've gotten. Do I choose sr0 as the place to save it? It says "something something overwrite" when I try which makes me wary, it seems it wants to overwrite "sr0" itself and either bork my drive or install, but maybe?

I'm positive it's just something simple I'm missing, any help would be greatly appreciated and I can answer questions and run commands if needed (but I don't actually have WIFI rn, so I'll have to have the package for said command already.)

Thanks in advance.

Current best lemmy clients (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey I figured I'd make a post and see the state of current lemmy appage, since I'm looking for a good one. So far I've used Jerboa, Thunder, Eternity, and Voyager.

Eternity seems to be a dead project, it's full of bugs and hasn't recieved an update since The Exodus

Thunder seems ok and is what I'm using right now, but I can't seem to send direct messages, and can't "Don't blur NSFW preview on NSFW comms" which sucks. The messaging is the dealbreaker for me.

Voyager I used momentarily but the UI was not my favorite.

Jerboa seems OK if unpolished (which is ok to me) but I don't trust the rabid idealogue that makes it and using another instance of his site is one thing, but installing an app is another. Has it been audited to confirm lack of spyware?

Ideally through this I can find one with instance blocking, DMs, and a decent UI. What're your experiences with the current state of lemmy apps?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

List is up! Come amd get it!

From The World Of Minor Threats Barfly #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Evan Dorkin) - Our protagonist Shiteater is back in issue #2! And I love Evan Dorkin.

Into The Unbeing Part One #3 - This has been weird, I like weird.

Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #3 - Some decent Batman so far. Idk what elseworlds is actually, but this is that.

From The DC Vault Death In The Family Robin Lives #2 (Of 4) -Great old Batman! Need more classic rereleases like this, I've missed all of them.

Falling In Love On The Path To Hell #3 - This book is fucking cool. No two ways about it. So cool in fact it's now billed as "Your new favorite ongoing" by Image, looks like it has been extended, and I'm here for it! Issue #5's teaser says "This series is stabby, shooty, and horny, and you know you need it," and that's a pretty good summary lol.

Geiger #5 - Super Fallout Man vs The Cannibals in a quest to save his dog. Let's go! Get your dog back buddy!

Precious Metal #3 (Little Bird Series) - Issue #1 was actually my intro to the Little Birdiverse, but I now have all the back issues. I think I'm going yo finish out Precious Metal since iirc it is a prequel, and then start on Little Bird.

Dick Tracy #4 - Been digging this one.

That's it for me this week, what's on your list?

Way to log start up? (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Is there a way to log all the stuff on start up to a text file so I can read it? It goes by way too fast! Mine shows some blue warnings but I can't read them.

To be clear I mean the part that explains what is starting or failing, like if you hit [ESC] during start up or don't have plymouth, not the plymouth splash screens.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

List is up! Short one for me, but that's all good!

Lester Of The Lesser Gods #3 - Last one of the series, this one is truly stupid, but it gets at least one good laugh out of me every issue so far

Ain't No Grave #4 - This series is great, dying cowboy lady on the way to kill death.

Space Ghost #4 - Space Ghost rules! I wish there was a fake funny letters column in the style of Space Ghost Coast to Coast but can't win em all.

EC Cruel Universe #1 - It's here. I was actually pretty disappointed by the first Epitaphs of the Abyss, I'm gonna give them both a few issues, but I hope it gets a bit better. As for Epitaphs if it stays the same I'll just stick to Creepshow (which is amazing and getting a Vol 3 this fall!) so no love lost!

That's it for me, what's on your lists?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

End of month list is up! Small one for me but that's ok!

Operation Sunshine Already Dead #4 - Final issue of this run. Will there be another? Who knows but if there is I'll get it. Love the LPOTL crew's stuff, they also did Soul Plumber but I like this series better, I'll get whatever they do next.

William Of Newbury #3 - Loving this series! Based off an actual dude of a similar name, the series follows an anthropomorphized raccoon priest traveling and ridding the countryside of demons and foul spectres. The art is great imo, sort of reminds me of the old PSP game Death Jr, but like almost watercolored.

Drawing Blood #4 - Kevin Eastman rules. This series isn't about turtles but it's still pretty interesting so far!

Honorable mention to Falling In Love on the Path to Hell (3rd print). It's getting a 3rd for a reason, it's damn good! A cowboy and a cool lady samurai die and wash up in purgatory together, what's not to love? Cool art, good writing, and O'Hallorhan colors!

Well that's it for me! What're y'all grabbing this week?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What do y'all like? Get as granular and varied into genres as you want!

To start, I like: Punk, HxC, D-beat, d-trakt, metal, grindcore, sludge, stonermetal, jungle dnb, hardstyle, hardbass, pre-00 country, americana, blues, jazz, western, noise, anti-music, -gaze both shoe and zoomer, and many more!

If I start posting weird shit in here like Julie, or Vince Gill, or Ernest Tubb lmao, will y'all run me out of town or are y'all cool?

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