[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think you missed the part where he wasn't around when she was four years old. How does he know what she said when he left her to be raised by her mom and nannies?

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Even if camp has a history of being looked down upon (particularly in the mid-20th century), that view is a bit outdated as postmodern artists have long incorporated camp and kitsch into those same elitist contexts that previously rebuked it.

Art history and shifting attitudes towards camp aside, it doesn't seem like the context of Vivian using a descriptive term like camp to point out the almost excessive artifice in Elon Musk's made up stories is intending to denigrate the lower classes, even if for some people "camp" carries some classist associations.

It is good to be sensitive to classist attitudes, but it seems a bit weird to call it out in this context, especially considering the power dynamic of the context where Vivian, the victimized trans daughter, is standing up to her father, Elon Musk, literally one of the richest people in the world.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 1 month ago

I don't think its too spicy, I just think it isn't very smart or strategic.

The ACAB crowd obviously doesn't love Harris precisely because she's a cop, but as Transient Punk pointed out, the ACAB crowd didn't choose Harris and don't represent most of the Democratic party, who skew right-wing. (Whereas the back-the-blue types overlap much more with uncritical enthusiasm for Trump, who they see as an innocent man who has been wrongfully convicted by a corrupt and politically motivated justice system.)

The Democratic coalition made up of progressive, leftists, and more right-wing liberals holds together by pragmatically overlooking these divisions and cooperating against the even-further-right, and this meme sows division right before a major election where Democrats are divided (e.g. over Israel) and having a hard time unifying.

In that sense this meme will get a reaction, but again not because it is spicy but because it is divisive.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi, just wondering if anyone else has a similar struggle as me.

Sometimes when I'm thinking in my mind, I have a voice (I know not everyone experiences this, but it sounds common enough) and this "inner" narrative voice has habituated to a masculine sounding voice.

I have noticed when I'm feeling connected with my gender and it's easier to stick with a feminized voice when speaking aloud (i.e. to others, not internal), my internal voice is likewise easier to be subconsciously feminine as well.

Some days I have a really good gender day and I wake up the next morning and my mind has reverted back to that masculine-sounding voice in my head. This isn't necessarily inherently distressing as much as it can feel invalidating or make me feel doubt and cognitive dissonance, like I am not a valid woman because my unconscious has this masculine voice, or the internal masculine voice makes it harder to feel authentic using my feminine voice. Some mornings I try to consciously make it sound more feminine and that is helpful, but some mornings it can feel overwhelming or difficult to constantly correct that masculine voice, and the practice becomes a bit like when I try to use my feminine voice with others - an exercise that makes me feel inauthentic, fake, performative, and anxious.

So far the only real solution I have to these dual problems of habituation (for inner voice and outer) is to just keep trying and persist. I have a tendency towards perfectionism, which makes me feel constantly like I am failing, and this can lead me to feel less motivated to keep trying. However, I am continuing to make an effort. I find having a weekly speech therapy appointment keeps me engaged in that process, and from letting it drop due to other pressures. It also usually makes me feel extremely affirmed, as my therapist is much happier with my progress than I am, and this usually results in finding using my femme voice easy and natural (though usually this only lasts the rest of the day, again, sleeping seems to reset everything and the next morning I wake up with a masculine voice again).

Was wondering if anyone else has habituated their inner narrative voice, how long it took for them to do that (or if they just stopped noticing or it became less relevant?), and if anyone has tips for overcoming the anxiety of using your voice in everyday situations.

I feel like forcing myself over and over into the situations has been effective in reducing how anxious I feel. Over time it has gone from feeling like I almost physically couldn't do it and a rising panic sensation to now it just feels like a bit of performance anxiety right before and I usually slip into it without too much issue - though sustaining it over a long period when speaking a lot can be challenging, and how anxious I feel seems connected to how confident I feel in my gender.

So to summarize, things that have worked for me:

  • noticing masculine inner narrative voice and willfully feminizing it in my head when I notice
  • persisting in forcing myself to feminize my voice at work and in public full-time, even when it is terrifying and just continuing to get regular exposure and ignoring the anxiety that is there
  • building confidence in my gender with styling my hair, wearing jewelry, putting on makeup, wearing feminine clothes, etc. help a little with getting on-board with using a feminine voice (I think of it as I have to pass to myself before I feel like I can try to pass with others, so finding ways to look more like your gender to yourself to build confidence will help with using your voice)

Wondering if anyone else has experiences to share or advice.

Thank you!

[-] [email protected] 20 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I recommend a gaff from origami customs, as they don't charge for making your gaff to custom measurements, and they have a free gaff program.

EDIT: Origami Customs is based out of Canada and they ship internationally. Since I don't see any of their in-person free gaff programs partners in Austria, your best bet will be their online free gaff program through Point of Pride, here are their requirements:

We have only two requirements in an effort to be as inclusive as possible:

  • You identify as transgender (MTF, genderqueer, non-binary, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, and every other non-cis identity assigned male at birth within the trans umbrella.)
  • You cannot afford to purchase femme shapewear, or you cannot safely obtain femme shapewear.

We accept all requests for support, and applications are open year-round. Once you complete your application, your request will be added to our waitlist. Shipping is discrete and 100% free, and we ship internationally to 90+ countries and counting.

Point of Pride sources their gaffs from Origami Customs. You have to take measurements, fill out an application on this Google Form, and they will contact you when it's ready to ship. They do ship internationally for free.

I think the main "catch" is that there is a wait-list and presumably a long wait time. Even buying a gaff directly from Origami Customs I placed my order in December 2023 and it didn't ship until March 2024. I suspect it will be a much, much longer wait for a free gaff through Point of Pride.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

they debunked the myth that caffeine causes pancreatic cancer:


EDIT: Caffeine might make you more likely to have issues with your heart, and isn't good for your blood pressure.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


tl;dr after injecting the same amount of estradiol valerate (subq) for a month or so, I started to experience more dysphoria and signs of testosterone (esp. mental) started to come back. Any reason this might be?

Longer version / details:

I injected 5 mg (0.25 mL) of estradiol valerate subq into my thighs every four days for a while, and for a couple weeks I started injecting into my abdomen instead to avoid blood supplies.

This dose seemed like more than enough. In the past 3.4 mg every 3 days gave me blood estradiol levels of ~350 pg/mL at trough. Recent labs showed 5 mg every 4 days had ~300 pg/mL at trough for me, which was lower than I expected.

It's a good level, but I was having weird dysphoric experiences that commonly happen when my hormones are out of wack (usually when I'm taking too little estrogen). Things like really doubting my gender identity, depression (lack of motivation, lethargic), anhedonia (little pleasure, flat affect, often leads to craving short-term reward behaviors). Physiological signs of T were not as evident in this case, and the dysphoria was not as severe as in the past when my estrogen was too low. Still, it seemed a lot like my estrogen was too low.

I increased my dose to 5.4 mg and the dysphoria went away within a day and I felt amazing and continued to feel amazing. I intended to switch to 5.4 mg / 4 days instead, but on day 3 I could feel my hormones coming down and trusting my experience I injected 5 mg a day early with the intention of trying 5 mg / 3 days (which is a lot more than I have taken before in terms of what this should do to my overall levels). Still not sure what I will do next. Part of me wants to stick with a 4 day cycle to keep lower peaks and to minimize overall levels (out of principle, I know injecting is not as risky as oral routes).

I'm trying to figure out why a stable dose that seems so high and was for the most part effective would suddenly not be "enough" (assuming that's indeed what's happening).

For context I'm close to 4 months on HRT, I took bicalutamide for a bit but stopped because I don't think it helped my mental symptoms and that's the most important therapeutic goal for me with taking HRT. I switched to monotherapy after 2 months which is when I started the 5 mg / 4 days.

I've heard sometimes the body can go through phases as it adjusts to estrogen early in HRT, so maybe this is just one of those lurches or adjustments?

Anyway here are some guesses I came up with:

  • I gained some weight (like 15 lbs), some maybe I need a little more EV than before?
  • injecting into abdomen depots the oil differently than the thigh, so maybe I am seeing a slower or lower circulation of EV (or alternatively a much faster circulation that is causing a crash earlier?)
  • maybe the estrogen receptors are downregulating due to taking too high of a dose too regularly? (I see lots of debate about whether this is a thing, mostly people on Reddit rejecting the idea that this has any clinical relevance.)

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has suggestions.

Thanks so much!

[-] [email protected] 22 points 5 months ago

If you would like to traumatize yourself more, here's a video about another dangerous water slide:


[-] [email protected] 20 points 5 months ago

Maybe it's faux-pas to post a reddit link on lemmy, but here's a list of EU FFS surgeons: https://old.reddit.com/r/TransSurgeriesWiki/wiki/ffs/europe

What does "non-binary" mean? (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Non-binary seems like it could have several non-compatible meanings, so I wanted to list some of those meanings and see if there are any others out there I don't know.

One way I could think of non-binary is as being a kind of third gender category, like there are men, women, and non-binary people. In this sense of non-binary a butch woman who considers themselves a woman would not be non-binary because they are a woman.

Sometimes non-binary is used like "genderqueer" is sometimes used, as a generic description of anyone who doesn't fit perfectly in the narrow confines of the binary genders (i.e. men and women). In this sense a butch woman could see themselves as a woman, but also as genderqueer and non-binary, as they do not conform to binary gender norms for women.

Another way non-binary seems to be used (related to genderqueer in its historical context) is as a political term, an identity taken up by otherwise cis-sexual and even cis-gendered people who wish to resist binary gender norms and policing. In this sense even a femme cis-sexual woman might identify as non-binary. Sometimes this political identity label might come with a gender expression that cuts against the gender expectations for the assigned sex at birth, but it doesn't have to. (I recently met two people whose gender expressions matched their assigned sex at birth but who identified as non-binary in this political sense.)

I was wondering what other meanings of non-binary are out there, and how they are commonly used.

Note: gatekeeping what is "really" non-binary seems pointless to me, since I agree with Wittgenstein that "language is use".

I know people get heated about policing what a word means (and I am guilty of this myself), but in the interest of inclusion, pluralism, and general cooperation in our community I think we can find a way to communicate with overlapping and different meanings of a shared term.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 5 months ago

Unexpected pros of E:

  • after 3 - 4 months on E, my leg hair has become more thin and light colored, so I can get away without shaving before it becomes ick
  • I seem to be able to communicate what I'm thinking / feeling better, both better verbal skills but also just more internal clarity in general, I am more likely to know what to say in a situation and I stand up for myself more and interact more like a real human rather than dissociating and having to "think" my way through social interactions
  • my skin is much, much softer than I thought it was going to be, all over
  • even though I can't sleep as much on E, I feel more rested with less sleep. Pre-HRT I could probably sleep 11 - 12 hours every night, 10 - 11 hours and I wouldn't necessarily feel fully rested even though I clearly should be. Now I can sleep 8 hours and I feel fully rested / normal.
  • how extremely "normal" I feel, basic tasks that were hard before become straightforward and simple, motivation comes more naturally, happiness comes to me more easily, etc.; I really did not expect how extremely it altered my mood and mental health.

Unexpected cons of E:

  • sometimes it feels like my brain is having to recreate pathways I used to have and rely on (for example when I was writing code when first starting E, it seemed like E made me a worse programmer, e.g. I was less meticulous and kept missing small, tricky syntax errors; over time I think this has gotten better, so I think I just had to sorta "relearn" some of those habits on E, which was weird)
  • with less anxiety and stress I am also less prepared and put together sometimes, I'm more likely to not think everything through or be late to something; I think anxiety made me more reliable as I couldn't help but obsessively think about all the ways I was going to miss something, etc. and now that I'm just happy and less neurotic I find myself having to be more intentional about thinking through everything (rather than relying on obsessive, anxious rumination).
  • breast growth can be really painful and can make it hard to sleep in certain positions sometimes
  • my fingers started to look different and I hadn't noticed, and while doing something for a brief moment I couldn't recognize my own hand, it suddenly looked like someone else's hand, which was not necessarily a happy moment despite the fact that my hands look more like I want them to look; just the sudden disconnect before identifying with the new was unsettling, lots of changes and it can be hard to know how to feel about them, esp. when obsessively watching them and asking yourself how you feel over every small change
[-] [email protected] 33 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

"Slave" like any word has contextual meaning. In this context I'm using it to refer to the workers who find themselves caught in a coercive political-economic system. Other similar words are wage slave, proletariat, or just working class. The point is that there is an involuntary aspect which likens it to slavery in the more narrow sense. (The narrow meaning of slave I have in mind being "someone forced into labor without pay".)

All that said, in the U.S. there are still slaves as defined narrowly as people who are forced to work without pay. Slavery is used in prison systems, for example, and is not uncommon among human trafficking victims and immigrants (e.g. read Tomatoland). If your children are women, indigenous, black, are born or become disabled, or belong to various other minority statuses they are at even greater risk of getting swallowed into those forms of "literal" slavery as well.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 5 months ago

no kids means no slaves means no slavery

caesar salad pizza (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

More photos of the pizza being made: https://imgur.com/a/npeE1e8

based on this recipe (not intended as an endorsement):



  • herbed compound butter (fresh parsley, minced garlic, oregano)
  • tomato slices
  • red onion slices
  • mozz.
  • breaded and fried tofu (as a kind of chkn)
  • caesar salad dressing (mayo, cashew cream, mustard, capers, parm, lemon juice)
  • lettuce
  • parm
  • bacon bits (used this recipe)
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I recently had an injection that seemed to go wrong (CW: blood, I inject EV subq and I hit something like a capillary, there was a lot of blood and it bruised badly afterwards). Within a couple days I felt unusually dysphoric as a result of what I assume was a failure for the oil to depot and slowly release over time.

I get these "dysphoric thoughts" that maybe the estrogen is causing the problems, that I don't have objective proof that I'm trans, etc. Lots of doubt, paranoia, and increasing amounts of anxiety and irrational fear (about transition, but also in general, e.g. thinking spiders are in my bed), and I start to experience depression and anhedonia (things aren't as pleasurable, everything feels pretty flat emotionally, I just feel "bad").

Of course when I inject again and it goes well, I feel much better and I forget about these problems.

I was just wondering if anyone has advice on how to deal with dysphoria when there are gaps in the HRT. Obviously in the long term, surgery will fix the hormone issue and I suspect that will fix this problem. Until then, though, I am stuck in a rather fragile place where I feel normal (even good, even amazing) when my estrogen levels are high and suppressing my testosterone. Any small slip in that and I barely function as a person.

Before HRT I would just do whatever I could to increase mental well-being:

  • physical exertion (aerobic exercise, weightlifting, etc.)
  • going outside and getting sunshine
  • keeping up with hydration
  • keeping good sleep hygiene (sleeping enough, going to sleep at the same times, etc.)
  • meditation every day

But now it feels harder for me to "bootstrap" when there are gaps in HRT and my hormones aren't right, it's like I'm no longer used to how hard it was before.

Anyway - any tips or thoughts, would like to hear other's experiences.

breakfast pizza (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


  • tofu scramble (pressed tofu blocks broken up and flavored with black salt, turmeric, onion & garlic powder, nooch, smoked paprika, black pepper; allowed to sit in the fridge for a long time to absorb the flavor; then pan-fried with onions)
  • spicy beyond breakfast sausage
  • some violife "feta" cheez (tasted like the mildest goat cheese, could sub with Miyokos cashew mozzarella, or go with a cheddar cheez)
  • bacon bits (I was going to use Horray foods bacon but ran out, so I made some roughly based on Pot Thickens's recipe)
  • extra nooch for cheezy flavor
  • slices were garnished with green onions

Sauce was a sausage gravy, basically I made a roux with flour and Melt vegan butter, soaked cashews and blended them with a high powered blender into a cream, added maybe 1 tsp of white miso paste and maybe a few TB of mushroom powder and a 1/2 tsp of Better Than Bouillon no-chkn bouillon. Slowly incorporated broth into the roux until it formed a paste, then I added the cream. I cooked up a single patty of Original Beyond Breakfast Sausage and broke it into pieces and then incorporated that into the gravy.

The crust was made out of freshly milled whole wheat (I used spelt, hard red winter wheat, and soft white wheat berries) and used a sourdough starter. I also subbed a Dos Equis beer for the water (just trying to use it up) and that added some flavor.

This pizza was much, much better than I expected. Far exceeded expectations. I had never heard of a breakfast pizza before, apparently it's something people get at gas stations? Either way, this pizza is a winner.

Next time I plan to use omelette toppings, like:

  • spinach
  • black olives
  • tomatoes
  • avocado
  • bell pepper
  • mushrooms
[-] [email protected] 38 points 6 months ago

FYI, the trick to making caramelized onions is boiling the onions. After you cut up your onions and add them to your pan, add a small amount of water, enough that the water will cook out after a few minutes. The water will steam the onions and cook them more quickly, which will them make them faster and easier to caramelize.

Here's a video to demonstrate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovqhzil3wJw

This trick works well to make mushrooms more flavorful and all sorts of other foods!

[-] [email protected] 19 points 6 months ago

I'm in a red state; so far my healthcare has been denied and the new censorship laws targeting education are making me realize I need to flee if at all possible. It will take a lot of time, money, and effort to move, but the writing is on the wall.

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