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@neatchee I only just recently got into SRPGs the past couple years. Started with FE:3H and Disgaea 5, then tried Ogre Tactics Reborn which I couldn't stick with. How would you rate Unicorn Overlord for noobs? The art is gorgeous.
@xavier_hm hmmm. Hard to say. I've been playing this type of game for so long that I'm afraid much of it I take for granted at this point.
The good news is that it has 4 difficulties that you can switch between at any time without penalty.
I don't feel there's anything mechanically complex to the point of being off-putting for less experienced players, but there is still plenty of room for min-maxing if you are inclined to optimize.
The most "difficult" thing is keeping track of all your units, and what they each do best at. Because each unit in combat is comprised of several individual characters you can customize, the possible combinations can be staggering, but the game is very generous about giving you opportunities to "check your math" before executing actions
Hope that helps :)