AI-Powered Ammo Vending Machine Selling Bullets at Tuscaloosa Grocery Store
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This is fucking hilarious.
The "I don't want a gun registry" guys are perfectly ok with a face tracking system every time you buy ammo??? Lol.
They don't think the company will immediately turn around and sell this info to the cops / government???
You can't fix stupid.
Honestly, I doubt it will see much in sales. I figure most of the sales will be “soccer moms” and “lil old Grandmas” with the occasional hunter. It won’t take long at all for the gang bangers to figure out that these things are a bad idea to buy from, and they don’t contain enough ammunition to be of interest to the gun nuts or sport shooters. They both tend to buy ammo by the pallet if they don’t reload their own ammunition.
Also let’s keep in mind, this is the State that elected Sen. Tuberville on a platform of him having once beat the Crimson Tide in the National Championships and Libs are bad. My fellow Alabamians are often not the brightest bulbs in the box. Although that statement may be a disservice to dim bulbs everywhere.
12 billion rounds sold annually and you think the cops or government gives a shit about this?!