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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/jabbleclok on 2023-09-08 05:33:56.

My worst symptoms are cognitive decline and was unlucky enough to get "the headache" months later. I'm scared I will never get better from the terrible brain function. I see people on here 2+ years in and havn't budged. I'm only 5 months in and I've had so many periods of slightly getting better and then having terrible declines.

Though there's no magic bullet we know of yet, how can we get our brains at least on the path to getting better over time? I can't imagine living the rest of my life like this. Feeling and being useless and a burden. It's insane.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/BadgerVibes on 2023-09-08 05:33:11.

Just curious. Feel free to comment if you were vaccinated before or after long covid, if you want to share.

View Poll

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/udenfox on 2023-09-08 05:21:19.

It just feels like it.

Loss of concentration, hard to sit still, constant thoughts in the head, earworms, forgetfulness sometimes restlessness and hyper concentration on something.

Is it actually possible to develop ADHD? I did not had this before COVID, but now every post or info about ADHD symptoms looks so relatable

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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/NumbNdDumb on 2023-09-08 04:35:43.

I've had long covid since around this time 2020. In 2021 it was so bad I thought I was going to die. I was literally suffocating all day every day. Would wake up every morning so out of it with the nastiest headache. I was working out heavy at the time and learned that when I did it would get way worse. I didn't know it was long covid til last year.

Tried going to doctors, nobody knew what to do. Lungs fine, heart fine, etc. Eventually came across this community. Tried natto serra sometime a while ago. It seemed to help but only went through one bottle and didn't buy another cus I wasn't sure if it was helping enough and money was nonexistent.

Bought some again recently. Been taking 2 doctors best natto serra pills with one 81mg aspirin on empty stomach before bed every day. It's been a little over 2 months of doing so and now I'm back to working out like I was before. This is the first time in the last 3 years I've been able to work out like this without shortness of breath kicking in after doing so. Heart doesn't race as bad. I feel almost like my old self again.

I will keep taking the natto serra cus I feel like there's more healing to do. But I'm feeling great now. No more suffocating and sitting around all day.

If you haven't tried natto serra/aspirin combo I would highly recommend it. I would take two at a time tho rather than one cus when I did one twice a day back when I first tried it, it didn't seem to work as well. Also keep it up even if it feels like it's not doing as much because the cramping doesnt come as much to me now and it feels like it's doing nothing but what I'm capable of accomplishing now says otherwise

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/coastalsagebrush on 2023-09-08 04:01:48.

Just found out about this community and I just wanna vent to people who might understand me

I got covid in 2021 - a wonderful Christmas present from my sister. But it wasn't so bad. I wasn't bedridden and just felt like a cold. Except for the brain fog and the fatigue. It hasn't stopped.

I've been dealing with depression and adhd for a long time but at that point in 2021 I had gotten it sorted. My medication was great and wow, did I feel like living. Then I got covid. Reading is a chore now. I can't understand things. They're just words. I can't concentrate on anything. I lose my train of thought constantly. My memory is horrible. I can't even remember things that happened a month ago. I don't have the energy to do things. Even at my most depressed stage I wasn't like this. I was able to keep going. I've been trying to finish my MA thesis and I just can't. I stare at the word document for hours not knowing what to type. I used to be able to churn out a 10 page essay in a day but I can't make the connections anymore. I've tried to reread stuff I wrote and I don't understand it. It feels like my brain stopped working and I hate it.

And it's noticeable. My partner of ten years has brought some of these things up with me. It's been a pretty drastic difference. I'm not even sure what do about it. I'm just so tired all the time that I don't wanna do anything.

Then there's the shakiness. I tremble a lot now. I can see it in my hands. My coordination seems off. I have a hard time doing things with my hands. It feels like I'm fumbling all the time. It kinda feels like I'm wearing a pair of gloves when I try to do things.

But honestly, I can put up with the trembling. My brain is my biggest concern. It's blank all the time. I never know what to say to anyone even my partner. I've gotten really quiet in our conversations. I can't think and I can't concentrate. I can't remember things. I don't even know if I should bring it up with my doctor because they'll probably blame it on my depression but this is worse than my depression.

Thank you to anyone who actually reads this.

I just remembered that I've been having issues with my blood pressure. I was fine before covid. It's so high all the time now and medication isn't working. I've also been doing tests on my heart cuz my heartbeat is fast. I'm on a beta blocker now so my heartbeat is good now but the blood pressure is still really high and concerns all the nurses. I eat healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies, not a lot of fast food or prepackaged foods. I don't like salt so I don't really use it. My doctor can't figure out why my BP is so high.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Patient2234 on 2023-09-08 00:22:54.

Savvy Cooperative is looking for people who are interested in healthcare user testing


60-minute virtual interview


Diagnosed with chronic disease

US resident


About Savvy Cooperative

Savvy Cooperative is the first and only patient-owned co-op that empowers people to use their health experiences to inform new products and services through surveys, interviews, product testing and more.

It was founded by two patients who wanted to make sure people who shared their health experiences were fairly compensated.

$85 USD Total Compensation

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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/chmpgne on 2023-09-07 23:00:02.

Just interested to know what your recovery from dpdr was like? How long did you have it? Was your recovery gradual or immediate?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Cautious_Ad6850 on 2023-09-08 01:24:39.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/JivingMango on 2023-09-07 23:39:24.

After getting Covid 2x, can confirm that long Covid is basically post viral brain inflammation similar to the symptoms I experienced when I had ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. Despite what medical professionals have to say, your symptoms are physiological and not psychosomatic. Mostly recovered, just need a nap during the day. Please ask me any questions about what helped/recovery.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/AwareSwan3591 on 2023-09-07 22:41:00.

I was doing pretty well and had a few days straight where I was at maybe 80% of my normal self. A few days ago, I was feeling pretty tired in the afternoon, so I decided to take a nap for about an hour and a half. As soon as I woke up I started feeling bad, like all of my symptoms started coming back at once. I was dizzy, my chest felt tight, my neck felt tight, I felt like I couldn't breathe, etc. This is not the first time this has happened to me, and really I should've learned my lesson and avoided taking a nap. Why do naps make me feel awful? I don't have this problem when I sleep at night during my normal sleeping hours.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Fine-Comfortable-692 on 2023-09-07 22:37:12.

It’s on PBS and actually mentions OCD as a symptom!!! For those suffering we’re on the right track!!!!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/redditryan13 on 2023-09-07 22:30:43.

Hi all -

First my question - does anyone else feel like they experience time differently than normal? Like second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour? I never just look at my watch and go "wow, 2 hours have gone by." Maybe this is just PTSD from dealing with LC for 2+ years. But wondering if it's somehow part of the cognitive issues, and I can no longer just "relax" and let time pass as it normally would. My kids just went back to school, and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. feels like an ETERNITY. Even if I'm working or doing something, it doesn't matter. I can't get rid of that sense of impending DOOM and waiting for a bomb to go off or something. Maybe it's PTSD?

A little about me and a current update. I have both Long Vax (10/21 after Pfizer booster) and Long Covid (5/22), have posted several times, been unemployed since 2/22. But I am happy to report I'm doing MUCH better. I've read people say the 12-18 mos mark is a key point where you know if you're going to get better (or not) and I can attest that it was right around 14 mos post my Covid infection that I really felt "ok" for the first time. I do think both Natto-Serra and B3 (Thorne Nicotinamide Riboside - high dose) have played a part in my recovery, but I've also read MANY recovery stories where people say it was ultimately just TIME that they believe was the key. I think that might be true. I've gone through dozens of supplements, but would say Natto and B3 are the two that made a noticeable difference. A gluten/dairy free diet and taking antihistamines helped me a ton as well (especially early on with the antihistamines). It's still too soon for me to post any sort of "recovery" story. I still don't feel like my "old" self, but I would say the majority of my horrible symptoms have largely gone away (heart palpitations, skipped beats, dizziness, low energy, concentration/memory issues, etc). Still dealing with HPB, tinnitus, and executive functioning issues. But I can do Wordl again. :-), can read, can do some limited work, and can exercise without relapsing. So for those of you who are losing hope, I hope my good news gives you hope.

One interesting thing just happened that's worth noting. My wife, who somehow avoided getting Covid for 3 years despite myself and my two kids all having it in April 2022 - finally got Covid last week (there's clearly a major surge going on). And she got it pretty BAD. 103.7 fever for a night, fever for 5+ days, pretty bad cough, congestion, and fatigue/digestive issues. I was 100% exposed (slept in same bed the night she had the high fever because she hadn't tested positive). She's on day 10 and just about over it (still testing positive but very faint). I didn't get it, my son (17) didn't get it, but my daughter (10) DID (fever for 48 hours), though never tested positive. Guessing she didn't mount as big of an antibody response given she's younger.

What I find most fascinating is -- about 7-10 days before my daughter got the fever (2 days before my wife) -- my tinnitus, which I've had for 2 years now but has been tolerable, started RAGING. And I mean RAGING!!! Both ears, 24/7, LOUD. This was BEFORE anyone got sick. So my theory is I was exposed to it (either from them or i gave it TO them), but somehow fought it off before getting sick. Tinnitus was my FIRST Long Vax symptom, so it's almost become my "canary in the covid coal mine". It lets me know if I've been exposed. I'm wondering if having LC gives you even MORE antibodies than most, if you believe the viral reservoir theory.

I look forward to the day I can post a full recovery story, but I can attest to the fact that this DOES improve, just brutally slowly, and supplements DO seem to help.

Thanks to anyone who might have thoughts on my TIME question. I wish I could just enjoy a day again, and stop counting the seconds ;-)

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Fearless_Fig_6568 on 2023-09-07 22:57:34.

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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/cccalliope on 2023-09-07 22:36:02.

Pfizer gave me severe memory problems that do not recede or go away. I don't want more of that. I may be able to get an older novavax booster where I live. Is there a possibility that whatever was in the pfizer that got to my neuro system is not in the novavax? How did people with novavax do with their long covid? I don't need anything other than not to die, so I don't care about strain matched boosting.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/imalwayztired on 2023-09-07 22:00:44.

I got offered 250,000 dollars life insurance for 35 dollars a month , they asked me a bunch of questions and said they will need to run blood test to make sure im healthy which all of us on here know will come up fine because on paper im healthy as can be so hopefully this goes through so i can not worry so much i guess

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/kaspersaif on 2023-09-07 20:47:16.

I was long hauler since March 2020 and I have never had PEM, muscle joint pain and fatigue.

I had all other symptoms like pots palpitations low grade fever tinnitus visual snow brain fog etc. What's weird is that only 2 months ago I started having a crashing fatigue and pain in my muscles that I never experienced in my life and whilt my mind-set was hoping to recover from symptoms I had left I'm now afraid that I'll just have cfs for the rest of my life.

I was able to work from home. But now I took 15 days sick leave to understand what's going on with me. (I said it might be a rienfection but I did 2 pcr tests were negative)

Anyone relates ? I really don't understand this disease patterns it has become so random.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/AnxiousTargaryen on 2023-09-07 18:58:18.

Whenever I eat a meal I get this burning sensation and pain throughout the body, tremors/shivering in the muscles, tachycardia, coughing, severe fatigue where I can't even open my eyes open for long to scroll phone. Severity of the Symptoms depends on the size of the meal. This happens for 3-4h, after that it slowly fades away.

Is this leaky gut? because when I take probiotics empty stomach then also I have bouts of coughing 2h after it. It feels like everything is leaking into blood and immune system is attacking it. I do 16-18h fasting now and I don't feel these kind of symptoms in the fasted state in the morning for several hours. Everything goes to shit after I eat, thinking about giving up eating lol.

Recently had a severe bacterial infection in the gut, it went into blood and damaged the liver also. I had to take multiple rounds of antibiotics to get over it because immune system is shit now. All this is happening after it, but before this I also faced this burning sensation when I tried kefir. Have I had leaky gut since forever because I've always felt bad after eating since Feb 22 (also because I have dysautonomia) but it wasn't this severe this year. Did antibiotics destroyed the gut lining? How to test for it? They say take glutamine for it but that also caused burning sensation yesterday. Taking probiotics also makes me feel worse because everything is leaking to the blood, it's scary to get sepsis from probiotics lol.

What vitamins to take to fix gut? I know my microbiome is also fucked up because of multiple rounds of antibiotics every year since my first COVID, I was taking a specific strains of probiotics in July which was making me feel better now I can't take that also now. My symptoms are moderate mecfs & Dysautonomia/POTS.

Kindly help how to figure out if it's really leaky gut? How did you fix your gut? Is keto or a specific diet helpful?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Classic-Chair940 on 2023-09-07 15:49:34.

I don’t seem to sweat anymore even 30+ heat I just heat up and body shuts down

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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Dream_Imagination_58 on 2023-09-07 21:51:25.

It says they’re 1/3 of the way through enrollment meaning they have about 66 spots left.

Anyone who is interested I urge you to sign up!

FYI, the study authors have stated before that they are trying to be very deliberate with their admission criteria.

So it’s not guaranteed that, if you sign up, you’ll get in.

However, I think this is for the best. A lot of researchers will be looking at this study when it comes out, so it will benefit everyone if the results are airtight.

Soo if you think you might be interested, sign up using the link below and see if you can help!

Info here:

Reinfection Protocols? (lemmit.online)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Ill_Pangolin7384 on 2023-09-07 21:41:28.

I want to know what everyone’s reinfection protocol is. Here’s mine (potentially reinfected right now):


Nasal Cleanse (every 3-4 hours)

  • Nasal saline rinse
  • Hydrogen Peroxide wipe down of nostrils, nasal passages, gargle
  • Betadine/Carregeenan nostril spray
  • CPC mouthwash gargle x1 minute


  • 1280mg Omega 3
  • 1000mg Apolactoferrin
  • PEA400 (Palmitoylethanolamide) 400 mg—1200 mg for pain and discomfort, as needed
  • 10-20g L-Glutamine
  • 1-2 scoops Key Nutrients Electrolyte Powder, which contains per scoop:
  • 169mg Vitamin C
  • 3mg Thiaminn
  • 20mg Niacin
  • 300mcg Biotin
  • 5mg Pantothenic Acid
  • 110mg Calcium
  • 100mg Phosphorus
  • 100mg Magnesium
  • 2.9mg Zinc
  • 15mcg Selenium
  • 0.5mg Copper
  • 0.5mg Manganese
  • 35 mcg Chromium
  • 7.9mcg Molybdenum
  • 160mg Chloride
  • 110mg Sodium
  • 250mg Potassium


  • Trying to eat healthier but I’m exhausted. I’m eating a lot of rice dishes (curry rice stir fry with pineapple and cranberries, stuff like that)
  • Drinking a ton of water. Trying to drink 32 ounces x3 times a day
  • Chamomile tea with eucalyptus and lemon infused honey


  • Go back to sleep until noon if possible


  • Walk around apartment a few times to help mucus move/avoid pneumonia


Nasal Rinses

  • Same as Morning


  • 30-60mg CBD capsule
  • 1000 mg Vitamin C
  • 50 mcg Vitamin D
  • Another scoop of electrolytes if tired
  • 1-2 more scoops of L-Glutamine


  • Same as morning


  • Sleep until evening or as long as possible


  • Walk around every 2-3 hours to get mucous moving and avoid pneumonia


Nasal Rinses

  • Same as morning


  • Sometimes 1 last scoop Key Nutrients Electrolytes
  • A cup of salt water (I don’t know why this helps but it does)
  • 1.25mg Low Dose Naltrexone/LDN


  • Same as morning
  • 1 tablespoon/21g Manuka Honey 829 MGO


  • Same as morning


  • Same as afternoon

THINGS I HAVE ON HAND BUT HAVEN’T TAKEN YET I’m not sure these would help with acute infection, so let me know if you think they will. I have:

  • NAC 500mg supplement
  • Nattokinase 2000 FU supplement
  • Bromelain 500mg supplement
  • D-Ribose Powder
  • Creatine
  • Iron supplement 325mg elemental iron: I used to take this, but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that viruses use free floating iron to assist in replication, so I stopped taking it for now and started the apolactoferrin instead

What does your infection protocol look like?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/jadedaslife on 2023-09-07 21:34:30.

Depression, anxiety, panic, sense of loss & needing to hide....I am on antidepressants and some other things, but the uselessness feeling continues, like I am worthless/irrelevant. Small wonder, as I am home the vast majority of the time, not working, feeling disconnected from others, like I am not a part of society, and like my problems are insurmountable. So many things that I had, so many things that I expected to have, all on hold at best because my brain is hijacked.

Brain is telling me I will never have what I want. I both try to do things to change my brain, and get rest to help myself. But the sense of being blocked from having a good life, or even feeling good things, does not go away.

Hopefully this month I will be starting ECT treatment for this depression. My psychiatrist says it should help the whole problem. I hope so. I feel dead. Doing most things does not provide joy, either. I am just flying a holding pattern every day no matter what I do.

Can anyone relate? When does the joy come back? How do you feel a sense of hope?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/kingofwesteros47 on 2023-09-07 17:19:36.

I did not exercise for 2 months, then slowly worked my way back to it. When I exercise now, my symptoms reduce dramatically for several hours afterwards. I do not experience any crash.

If you experience flu-like symptoms after exercising (PEM), you should stop. But if you don't, I believe it is a vital part of recovery.

I believe this needs to be said because too many people here assume that long covid is all CFS and thus exercise is bad. It can be... but for many of us, it helps.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/court_milpool on 2023-09-07 12:45:00.

Thought this may interest some people, I have used this doctor protocol for my sons autistic behaviours due to his rare genetic syndrome and it has helped a lot

Soul crushing fatigue (lemmit.online)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/tnnt7612 on 2023-09-07 13:29:06.

In Nov 2019, I had a blind punch biopsy on the second toe of my left foot because of a dark nail line/band. I don't know really exactly when I caught Covid but I think probably Feb 8th, 2020 because I told a friend of mine I was feeling very exhausted/disoriented after a trip to Walmart. That toe started hurting by May 2020. By July 2020, I started having chest pains, dizziness, tingling in right foot, enlarged lymph nodes in right groin, and extreme fatigue

That toe is so painful right now as I'm typing this. It has been more than three years. Why is it still hurting so bad? Is it because the toe wasn't fully healed when I caught Covid?

But my worse symptom is the extreme debilitating fatigue. I'm bedridden because of it. I don't have the energy to breathe sometimes. Has anyone found anything for the crippling fatigue? Please help

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Albax94 on 2023-09-07 14:40:43.

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A community for individuals suffering from the effects of COVID-19 longer than the estimated 4 weeks, also known as PACS, PASC, and Long Covid.

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