Joku oli jossain esittänyt kysymyksen, että oliko tämä poliisin toiminta salakatselua?
I'm not advocating for breaking any rules, but many people dont know that you can hide your wifi routers SSID. even fewer people know how to track these networks.
Hey! I noticed this anime was being made in recent Paolo from Tokyo's video of daily life of anime director!
OMEGATRON is that you?
Yes, correct.
I apologize if someone misunderstood my reply, Plex was the bad actor here.
Still with Hetzner yeah. Haven't had to deal with Hetzner customer support in the recent years at all, but they have been great in the past.
Plex is a great example here. I've been Hetzner customer for many many years, and bought a lifetime license to Plex. Only to receive few months later a notification from Plex that I am no longer allowed to self-host Plex for myself(and only myself) at Hetzner and that they will block all access to my self-hosted Plex instance. I tried to ask for leniency or a refund, but that was wasted effort as well.
In short, I was caught on a crossfire when for-profit company tried to please hollywood by attempting to reduce piracy, so they could get new VC funding.
I am now a happy Jellyfin user and warmly recommend all Plex users to try it, the Jellyfin community is awesome!
(Use your favourite search engine to look up "Hetzner Plex ban" for more details)
I wish I knew not to trust closed source self-hosted applications, such as Plex. Would have saved a lot of time and money.
Kagi is a metasearch-engine (apart from their homebrew small-web index, known as Teclis), so the reddit lenses will continue to function long as one of the search engines it's querying is paying reddit.
Ihmettelin myös kun Pöllölaakso purettiin, missään ei ole edes uutisoitu tästä. Rakennuskompleksi on kuitenkin sen verran tunnettu että kaikki on nähnyt videoita/sarjoja/elokuvia/uutislähetyksiä yms tästä rakennuksesta tai sen lähiympäristöstä..
Tuleepahan varmasti kauniita kerrostaloja tilalle ":)".
"See you next year at the same time?" -Hacker.
Tässä tapauksessa joo.
Mutta mitäs sitten kun joku antaa avaimet valtakuntaan poliisille, joka sisältää backdoorit johonkin IP-kameramalliin esimerkiksi? Ja toteavat että kotikadun Markku on varmasti kriminaali, minäpä katson tästä kamerasta todistusaineistoa täältä Pasilan konttorilta muutaman kollegan kanssa.
Missä kohtaa menee raja että tämä muuttuu ongelmalliseksi?