submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’ve got Lockdown enabled on my mac. Most things are fine. But MS Office for the web is not.

For most web pages, you can select whether lockdown applies. I have done this for Office:

When looking at office in the browser, a red message appears in the top right “Lockdown Off”. But when the office web page shows, all the icons are blank:

I looked at the web page source - and can see that some material is being loaded from here:


I have also set this to be excluded from lockdown. But that didn’t help.

Has anyone got MS Office for the web working under Lockdown Mode? Thx

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

My smaller battery MX Tesla, after 7 years, has gone from 330km to 308km. The degradation is a lot slower than you indicate.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago

He’s talking about the USA, so the guard could shoot your neighbour and be suspended with pay. If he wants to be extra cautious, he could yell stop resisting after shooting him.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago

Keep in mind that this is for « typical IEEE members », which I am pretty sure is not a great representative sample of programmers in general.

How many of you programmers out there are IEEE members?

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Is this the cancel culture that we keep hearing is coming for the MAGA crowd??

[-] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago

I’m usually a little suspicious of a new fancy language - because the language is only a part of the equation. Does it have good tooling and does it have awesome libraries?

I had a preconception that Rust is strong as a language (formally well structured, low shoot-yourself-in-the-foot potential, consistent, predictable) and that the tooling seemed strong (debuggers, editors, code completion, help, test frameworks), but I’ve always thought that it would lag with libraries. I mean compared to something like Python (« Batteries included ») or java, surely it is not yet compatible, right?.

So I chose a few of the less main-stream libraries that I use regularly… and Lo and behold! They exist for Rust, including Couchbase, SQLite, ECDH, DiffMatch. I can’t vouch for the completeness of those libs, but the fact that everything I looked for existed… that’s impressive.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 1 year ago

Well… this is pretty crappy.

I built a Xamarin app (mac/iOS) because I wanted portability to windows. Then I was forced to upgrade to .net 6/7 because of a library I needed, and that meant upgrading to .Net for Mac/.Net for iOS (which is part of MAUI, but not using MAUI UI controls). MAUI is definitely undercooked at the moment.

What an awful and painful process, but I’m finally there… and they drop the main IDE for development. Damn.

VSCode doesn’t have a visual UI designer (well… neither does VSMac, but it does prepare a copy of your project and opens XCode for editing the storyboard/images, and copies changes back). So does this mean they will add that to VSCode? Or will we all have to switch to raw edits of XML to create UIs like you have to do with MAUI? Ick.

Developing GUIs for windows using MS tools is a lesson in frustration, especially when you want to have cross platform capabilities… WPF -> WinForms -> Xamarin -> Xamarin.Forms -> MAUI/.Net for {Mac,iOS}… Not to mention UWP… Each transition is a rewrite. Damn.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Some well off people work way more than 40 hours per week to be wealthy. Not all of them are living the dream (so to speak) - they also can be stuck.

What the super rich people get is time. They have people to take care of all the crap the rest of us deal with - shopping, fixing the car, booking holidays, cooking, cleaning…

Yeah… I’d rather be wealthy than not.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 1 year ago

I have a lot of apple kit - I appreciate their over-engineered approach to a lot of hardware, and I like their approach to privacy.

But they do make mistakes in design - the puck, the aerials, butterfly keyboards, unrepairability of design…

And one thing I really hate is their response to those errors. Its almost always to blame the user. I just wish they would be honest.

Stability just dived (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Dunno what is triggering it, but in the last 2 days I’m getting a log of crashes when touching on a post. It was far less frequent before that.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

I gotta take my hat off to the GOP here. While both parties have gerrymandered, the GOP have taken it to the extreme. They will lock in their ruling majority (despite losing at the polls) in every state where they control the Supreme Court and legislature. They will become unassailable in those states.

They know they have to do this - they are (or will be) in the minority.

The Supreme Court did the USA a disservice because they could have tempered the worst excesses of the various states. But they have declared themselves hands off - let the states decide.


[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Its getting there, and there is some entertaining content on here (comments and posts). But I think we are still missing the super high end responses. No matter what the topic, one or two people would jump on and have deep specialised knowledge of the field - be it naming an insect from a blurry image or commenting on a geopolitical situation. I still see lots of posts that generate nothing more than “huh” or “wow” type comments.

When that starts appearing more broadly, I think the quality here is going to take another leap.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 1 year ago

Yeah. I didn’t realise initially, and wrote a response to a post on there, with multiple links to research (real research, by real scientists). Response was banning for misinformation. Kinda proud to be banned from that cesspool.

Privacy for Bean (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Can you please clarify the privacy position of the app? As usual, TestFlight says you can get everything. What information are you scraping?

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

Being enraged is also being engaged (see Fox News).

So this was a great tactic because all the people that could have left reddit are still there yelling into the void.

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