[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 day ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Just reiterating what others have said but... if you have an IP you like and want more of it in the future (regardless of medium!) then its success in any other medium will likely impact whether or not you get more.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where:

  • Money matters more to most IP holders than the IP itself

  • New IP is seen as risky

  • Those in charge don't have to take responsibility for their failures

If there is a commercial failure of an IP, there is a good chance that its failure will be seen as the IP generally failing or falling out of poluarity instead of the failure to best utilize the IP that likely occurred. As a result, priorities will often shift away from the IP to something else in all mediums (ex. ASOIAF/GOT). Unless the IP is absolutely gangbusters in all other mediums, it will suffer. Similarly, success will likely lead to more utilization of the IP in any medium.

It's unlikely that the IP owner will sell or license the IP in the near future because at one point it was popular and new IP is hard to make. It would be better to hoard IP and maybe try again in a decade when they need a trick up their sleeve. Plus, another failure might damage the IP even more.

Admittedly, I'm not attached to any brands or IP in particular and so I'm not invested really. I just makes me a little sad when some IP I thought well of has this happen... or when the person who benefits from the IP turns out to be a person I'd rather not give money to. Occasionally I'll ponder what might have been if things had gone differently and feel a little bad.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

the same process

It doesn't necessarily involve the middle man, who is ultimately the bigger fish that enshittifiers are looking to land. I think that's relevant. Enshittification's process involves capturing both a "retail" user base and a business user base and then squeezing both.

Edit. Enshittification is layered and more specific to industries and markets that are not inherently profitable. It starts with seed money being burned for that initial user base and fucks over everyone up and down the chain because the business is not really profitable otherwise. Skimp/shrinkflation is more about squeezing more profit than you are already making.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I've see it used a lot recently to describe the general degradation of quality in service of increasing profits. I think technically, it is not enshittification. Below is my general definition of the process enshittification describes. Repost from another comment.

  1. Attract users/customers with high quality services/products to create a captive/dependent user base.
  2. Attract business customers (ex. advertisers or businesses that can benefit from access to the user base in some way) by offering them high value services by fucking over your captive user base create a captive/dependent busiess customer base.
  3. Fuck over your captive business customers to increase your own profit.

A word that includes the word "shit" in it has a very nice ring to it when describing things getting generally shittier in favor of profit. I suppose language can evolve rapidly and things mean what people believe them to mean.

Edit: As per Wikipedia's Shrinkflation Entry:

Skimpflation involves a reformulation or other reduction in quality.

I see skimpflation as a form of shrinkflation. The idea is still that the price stays the same but to try and hide the cost increase from the customer they give you less. I guess fewer strawberries per "smoothie" is even more subtle than fewer ounces of the original "smoothie" formula per bottle.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

To be a pedantic asshole, technically enshittification is meant to refer to online services that follow an inevitable process of...

  1. Attract users/customers with high quality services/products to create a captive/dependent user base.
  2. Attract business customers (ex. advertisers or businesses that can benefit from access to the user base in some way) by offering them high value services by fucking over your captive user base create a captive/dependent busiess customer base.
  3. Fuck over your captive business customers to increase your own profit.

Admittedly, I see enshittification used colloquially meaning basically "business found a way to fuck over its customers more than usual to increase their profit". Perhaps that is what you mean by "General enshittification".

[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago

Most big game corps just shutter studios, usually letting them know via the grapevine after a board meeting or twitter post...

[-] [email protected] 33 points 1 week ago

With the power of generative AI and MAGA chucklefucks, now some bastard will just claim its a deepfake or a deepstate.

[-] [email protected] 69 points 4 weeks ago

As a nerdy kid with longish hair and few male role models, I really, really looked up to this guy. Hercules, Xena, Kull, and then Andromeda.

He fell off my radar for a while but I was pleasantly entertained when I found him in the Mythica series. I'd always thought well of him.

Eventually I heard about God Is Not Dead and looked into the rest of his more right wing work... Its really heartbreaking when people you respected or even idolized as a kid turn out to be so... gross and just... weird.

Now he again pops up on my radar with stupid shit like this. So sad.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 2 months ago

I am just destroyed by this. I genuinely had a little faith in humanity that people wouldn't fall for this bullshit but I guess I sorely was mistaken.

Laitmer is a conservative, racist piece of shit who is going to take over Manchin's job of fucking things up for progressives. Fucking hell this sucks.

To top it off, Israel just successfully dropped a political nuke on a critic and will likely have everyone running scared in the future.

[-] [email protected] 53 points 4 months ago

USA here. They'd likely consider this to be extremely patronizing, but I consider most conservative voters to be unaware of what it is they are actually preaching. It's crazy but the more extreme their views get, the more I'm convinced they're misinformed and misled. Some folks at the top of their pyramid I legitimately hate - I have no doubt they know exactly what they are doing.

So many of conservative beliefs just fly in the face of reality. I hate that they're perpetuating the harm that the beliefs and resulting policies cause, but seeing as how they are mostly based on clear and obvious lies, I have to assume that most of the supporters just don't realize they are being lied to and have invested emotionally in an identity that actively harms their own interests.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 4 months ago

City officials said 29% of the 112 people arrested at a protest at Columbia on Tuesday were not affiliated with the school. At the City College protest, 60% of the 170 arrested were not affiliated with the school, according to the city's press release.

"Not students" isn't as informative as "not affiliated with the school".

In that light, the numbers reported are much different between the two colleges and the headline should reflect that.

[-] [email protected] 98 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

"Many of us built, whether it's bought homes or whatever, based on this promise of stability," Jesuthasan said. "There was this expectation that the tail was bigger. And we took on liabilities and obligations early on because of that tail. I think this generation has seen that tail dissipate."

In other words, when millennials did what their parents did and assumed if they worked hard they'd get to live a decent life. Then they got fucked by companies whose priorities became getting as much out of their employees as possible while investing in those employees as little as possible.

As a millennial, I hated the idea of debt. As a result, I've had no debt beyond college loans despite being able to afford a lower middle class lifestyle. It took me never living alone (roommates, SOs) but I did it. The education was bullshit and the loans were obscene but I got a piece of paper that helped me keep my job. After working in the public sector for 20+ years I actually had my loans forgiven... and now rent is going through the roof to compensate. Still, I might actually own a home before I'm 50, assuming current and future landlords don't decide to take me for all I'm worth.

When I finally own a home, I'm sure it'll get washed away by the thirteenth "century flood" that year or some other bullshit thanks to climate change. So fucking glad I decided not to have kids. Fuck this world.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 11 months ago

Or people could just be upset that cops of any color feel justified in using tasers when civilians don't comply with unusual, unnecessary requests. I don't care what color the band director is or what color the cops are. I'm continually disgusted at how many videos there are of cops losing their shit when a civilian doesn't immediately respond "how high?".

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