@pineapplelover I must subscribe to [email protected] or something. Wherever u posted to
@Salvo @Seagoon_ i have no plans on ever buying anything Tesla, but if I ever had any potential to, its bullshit like this which smacks me out of it (drunken stupor likely)
@lowqualityfacts Its been 5 yrs since my last smoke and I've needed seven spleen transplants to date. And still noone will tell me what the fucking things does. Makes dubstep tracks for all I know.
@nathris @Ondergetekende Until it closed a few months ago we had a Zero-Waste bulk food store in town and it was where I got a majority of my non produce items: pasta, dried beans, lentils, nooch, bulk spices. (and they were the only place in town with vean meat alts in bulk like Byond and Impossible).
As a fall-back we go to the regular Bulk Barn type place it has a wider selection and thankfully have started allowing tared u-bring containers again.
Its bit of an art being zero-waste.
@aral I really wish UN peacekeeping mandates had a little bit more teeth to them. Peacekeepers are so restrained by crazy ROE - which, usually is a good thing - but if one of the belligerents _deliberately_ takes on the peacekeepers than it should be gloves off. Or like immediate UN membership suspension, total embargo, international travel blockade etc. etc. "Don't want to play by rules the rest of world agrees on? You don't get to play, period."