[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Adobe uses an exe file of Node.js to do the verification. It is situated in the Adobe installation directory. Block all outbound connections from this exe.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Can you share where you saw "threatening to arrest and froze bank account"? Twitter made a post on their own page about something along the line. Other than that I couldn't find any.

The resignation of the legal representative has more nuance than what you said here. His ~~(not her)~~ name is Diego de Lima Gualda, an attorney in Brazil. After a series of non compliance from Twitter, the Twitter Brazil filed a request arguing that the Twitter international is responsible for compliance and Twitter Brazil does not have authority. The judge dismissed this request for obvious reasons, and the next day he resigned from the position.

The non compliance led to resignation. This is crucial because the actions of Twitter are the reason why the legal representative faced the consequences. Not that the judge ordered something out of the blue. I think you are missing the key point here.

Obviously censorship is bad. There is no contention in that. My point is this order is the last one in the long standing feud between Musk and Moraes. Musk has been so aggressive in personally attacking the judge. So portraying the judge as someone going on a power trip is not the accurate picture.

Edit: Adding more info here. The entire information on the freezing bank account and arrest of the legal representative of Twitter Brazil, is from the Twitter Global Affairs handle. They published a "secret order" from the judge. A few things I noticed are these looks like cherry picked pages of a bigger document due to lack of continuity between page 1 and 2. Usually court orders will include the full context of the petition. Second point is the obvious circumventing strategy the Global Affairs of Twitter also states. They reiterate that only "Twitter International" is responsible for compliance, and not "Twitter Brazil". This absurd argument introduces the problem of jurisdiction. This is just Twitter trying to fly above the law.

Earlier I said the legal representative was Diego de Lima Gualda, after his resignation they informed that Rachel de Oliveira Vila Nova Conceição will be the new representative. The order says:

indicates that the representative of the company X BRASIL INTERNET LTDA., RACHEL DE OLIVEIRA VILLA NOVA CONCEIÇÃO, acting in bad faith, is trying to avoid the regular notification of the decision handed down in the proceedings, including by electronic means, of which she has already demonstrated knowledge, with the aim of frustrating its compliance.

Therefore, given the negative ruling of the summons and the reported impossibility of contacting the legal representative of the aforementioned company, I DETERMINE THAT the lawyers legally appointed by X BRASIL INTERNET LTDA. be IMMEDIATELY INTIMATED, including electronic means, so that they adopt the necessary measures to comply with the order, within 24 (twenty-four) hours, under penalty of:

(1) DAILY FINE OF R$20,000.00 (twenty thousand reais) to company administrator, RACHEL DE OLIVEIRA VILLA NOVA CONCEIÇÃO (CPF 255.747.418-57), CUMULATIVE THAT IMPOSED ON THE COMPANY, as well as DECREE OF PRISON for disobeying a court order;

I think these words are self explanatory. Twitter tried to delay the compliance just by making the legal representative unreachable. This along with the argument that Twitter Brazil is not responsible shows a clearer picture of what Twitter was trying to do and what actually happened. Again I don't see where the "bank account freezing" is written.

Edit 2: I forgot to state the obvious. The representative who resigned is not the one who faced fines or "decree of prison". These are two different representatives. Again the representative is facing this because of the actions of Twitter. This is not a case of judicial activism.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

I have a doubt. KDE Neon is all KDE stuff on Ubuntu LTS right? So why did you have to do it manually? Is it because you get Ubuntu pre installed in your work laptop?

[-] [email protected] 10 points 6 days ago
[-] [email protected] 82 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think this meme is about the old story of calling 911 and pretending to order a pizza. This was a viral story almost a decade back and stayed in social media platforms as a real thing. However this widespread social media publicity actually helped a victim. Details are in the previous link. This worked only because the operator was aware about the internet lore and was able to connect it.

In summary don't do it. Operators will disregard your call.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I read through your comments and the reply from devs regarding OSM. I will add a few points that can be part of the feature request. I have some experience dealing with maps, and my understanding is you can set up an offline version of OSM, which will get updated only when required.

leaflet.offline is a library which provides a similar functionality. I think with some modifications this can be implemented to significantly reduce the load on OSM that using it directly.

Even with a very large zoom level say 11 to 15, a large area of maps takes like a few hundred MBs. We once cached the entire region of California with all the details and it was around 240 MB IIRC. But Immich does not need this much details and it is possible to restrict zoom levels to certain details.

For someone self hosting several hundreds of GBs of photos, this should be doable without using too much storage. I think the problem will be that this is a huge engineering effort. Depending on the priority of the feature it may not be easy to do this.

There is a site called Switch2OSM which details almost everything you need to know. The previous link is on how to serve map tiles on your own. Again it is a daunting task and not suitable for everyone.

If anyone needs a live update of OSM as things get added, look into the commercial offerings.

In conclusion, it is possible to include a highly optimised version of OSM, instead of putting their servers under heavy load. The catch is, it is not easy and will need a huge engineering effort. I think developers should take a call on this.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 2 months ago

This is something people always miss in these discussions. A graphic designer working for a medium marketing company is replaceable with a Stable Diffusion or Midjourney, because there, quality is not really that important. They work on quantity and "AI" is much more "efficient" in creating the quantity. That too even without paying for stock photos.

High end jobs will always be there in every profession. But the vast majority of the jobs in a sector do not belong to the "high end" category. That is where the job loss is going to happen. Not for Beeple Crap level artists.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago

I completely agree with this. I work as a User Experience researcher and I have been noticing this for some time. I'm not a traditional UX person, but work more at the intersection of UX and Programming. I think the core problem when it comes to discussion about any software product is the people talking about it, kind of assuming everyone else functions the same.

What you mentioned here as a techie, in simple terms is a person who uses or has to use the computer and file system everyday. They spend a huge amount of time with a computer and slowly they organise stuff. And most of the time they want more control over their stuff, and some of them end up in Linux based systems, and some find alternative ways.

There are two other kinds of people. One is a person who uses the computer everyday but is completely limited to their enterprise software. Even though they spend countless hours on the computer, they really don't end up using the OS most of the time. A huge part of the service industry belongs to this group. Most of the time they have a dedicated IT department who will take care of any issue.

The third category is people who rarely use computers. Means they use it once or twice in a few days. Almost all the people with non-white collar jobs belong to this category. This category mainly uses phones to get daily stuff done.

If you look at the customer base of Microsoft, it's never been the first. Microsoft tried really hard with .NET in the Balmer era, and even created a strong base at that time, but I am of the opinion that a huge shift happened with wide adoption of the Internet. In some forum I recently saw someone saying, TypeScript gave Microsoft some recognition and kept them relevant. They made some good contributions also.

So as I mentioned the customer base was always the second and third category. People in these categories focus only on getting stuff done. Bare minimum maintenance and get results by doing as little as possible. Most of them don't really care about organising their files or even finding them. Many people just redownload stuff from email, message apps, or drives, whenever they need a file. Microsoft tried to address this by indexed search inside the OS, but it didn't work out well because of the resource requirements and many bugs. For them a feature like Recall or Spotlight of Apple is really useful.

The way Apple and even Android are going forward is in this direction. Restricting the user to the surface of the product and making things easy to find and use through aggregating applications. The Gallery app is a good example. Microsoft knew this a long back. 'Pictures', 'Documents' and all other folders were just an example. They never 'enforced' it. In earlier days people used to have separate drives for their documents because, Windows did get corrupted easily and when reinstalling only the 'C:' drive needs to be formatted. Only after Microsoft started selling pre-installed Windows through OEMs, they were able to change this trend.

Windows is also pushing in this same direction. Limiting users to the surface, because the two categories I mentioned don't really 'maintain' their system. Just like in the case of a car, some people like to maintain their own car, and many others let paid services to take care of it. But when it comes to 'personal' computers, with 'personal' files, a 'paid' service is not an option. So this lands on the shoulders of the OS companies as an opportunity. Whoever gives a better solution people will adopt it more.

Microsoft is going to land in many contradictions soon, because of their early widespread adoption of AI. Their net zero global emission target is a straightforward example of this.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Am I too old to understand this? Or am I too young?

[-] [email protected] 21 points 5 months ago


I think this is very close to what you are looking for. Recently they have open sourced all their server side code also. Means currently they are completely open source.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm looking into ways to access my home network which is behind a CGNAT. Tailscale looks like the best solution so far. I would like to clarify a doubt on Tailscale

I have a domain name registered with one of the popular services out there. I saw that Tailscale uses MagicDNS. But I wanted to use my personal domain. My doubt is if I want to use my custom domain with Tailscale, the following will be the procedure,

  1. Setup Tailscale account and add machines.
  2. My device inside the home network will get a Tailscale IP assigned. From 100.xx.xx.xx pool
  3. Use this IP to configure an A record in my Domain registrar.

Now when I try to access this domain what will happen is,

  1. DNS server will resolve the Tailscale IP.
  2. The outside client will try to connect to my machine in the home network.
  3. Tailscale takes care of the CGNAT part and helps to establish a direct connection.
  4. Clients will use the public keys to establish trust and will communicate with each other.

If there is anything wrong in my understanding please correct me. I could not get a clear cut answer on this through searching.

"The Factory Must Grow" (www.youtube.com)
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Solstice - 5 is a CGI short created by Paul Chadeisson, which discusses a situation where factories which create warships, kept growing on its own

[-] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago

That sounds like "anti tree fascists".

[-] [email protected] 22 points 9 months ago

Oh fun fact, Govt also issued an order stating that VPN providers who won't log information of users, can't function in India.

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