do you want republicans to put gay people into the camps? instead of democrats? I heard from biden that he might spare 2 gays and you know how much he is a man of his word. just look at the border bill and how he never gave an inch to the republicans
I try to cope but somehow it started to working recently. I felt very miserable knowing I would not be someone's love but it started to feel much more bearable.
Well it looks like you have no option but to quit
Hot take: revenge is not an entirely useless thing. It shows everyone you have the capability to retaliate when you are wronged. If you don't do revenge some will think they can wrong you as much as they want which might create future situations of you being wronged again. And on the wrongdoer side, you cripple their ability to do same again or punish them so they don't it again. Send nukes so that remaining people can live
Like that will ever happen lmao. Some propaganda slop about how they deserved it or how it is lesser evil and everyone will eat up
buying time for what? libs have demonstrated once again they are thirsty for blood no less than fascists. they are not any more gentle than fascists
I started to recently play ra3 uprising again. This time I will complete all the challenges. Biggest problem ra3 has is air meta. Aircraft are easiest to manage, they don't have to worry about hills and ramps and other places ground units can not go so ground units need more skill thus are more entitled to power. Anti communist propaganda would make nazis blush but Yea all the nuance will be lost on children, apocalypse tank, kirov and tesla troopers are way too cool. I heard online that ra3 is actually very well balanced rts game that was designed to rival starcraft2 competitively. Sucks that they made this decision with a game that has rather casual fan base. Ironicly ra3 uprising was the only game ended with unresolved conflicts. Would make more sense to continue more games after that compared to previous games which usually resolved everything at the end.
Welcome comrade " this space was too “white”" I mean he has every right to complain and he is probably right but leaving this place as non white people will not make this place less white.
"Absolutely nothing being sold can't be acquired in game for a pittance." so was the case in battlefront. no p2w shit should be allowed
if Usa bans tiktok, I will download tiktok. imagine how good they will be after americans leave
Also libs and chuds love to cry about "intention" because it can never be truly known and you can speculate that monsters you love have a noble intention when they are doing monstrosity. How is anyone gonna measure intention. You can completely use this "intention" to paint your enemies as more evil for doing same shit your monster did.
I think biden knows he would not have won even if he did not allow any genocide so he is doing whatever he wants to do. I remember his polling sucked even before all of this