
joined 2 years ago

I think that these kind of intelligence breaches are normal/par for the course in the 21st Century, but what upsets me right now is the selective outrage here on the Fediverse.

If a company located in Israel sells any kind of product to a government, there's a huge uproar and calls for national boycotts, etc. but the Chinese government has spied on virtually every American, including tracking their movements, and even having the capacity to record their phone conversations, and I hear nary a peep.

#China #Israel


65536 is a significant number in Unix Gemara.

#ProgrammingHumor #Humor #Unix #Programming


Setting up Podman with PyInfra, I keep thinking "I should make this a PyInfra module", but if I do that now, I'll never get to my goal.

#Programming #Devops #Podman #PyInfra

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

@[email protected]

Lol I messed up and thought I was responding to a different video.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

@[email protected]

This is a great idea! Thank you for posting it!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

@[email protected]

This video was shot in Montreal I believe.

I've become good at spotting Canadian-ness and then to confirm, I looked up where the restaurant was.


What kind of Jews eat Chinese food on Christmas?

Chinese Jews!

#China #Chinese #Jews


The story of the Jewish and Chinese immigrants in NYC mixes in a beautiful way.

I have only one place where I disagree with the video, and one amendment.

Firstly, this idea of "Safe Treyf" is really more "Don't Ask Don' Tell" than really being safe, and it's not generally recognized as a thing. Jews were and are very accustomed to inspecting food for being Kosher. After all, we have to inspect rice and grains before cooking them!

Secondly, it wasn't just Jews wanting to eat Chinese food. Chinese restaurants in NYC sometimes courted their Jewish customers with menu items like "kreplach", instead of wontons, making Chinese food appear more familiar.

#ChineseFood #ChineseImmigrants #NYC #JewishImmigrants #Mazeldon