[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago

Funny story the other way around: the year is 2002 and I live in Laos. Bootlegs Everything Galore, all movies games music cost $1 or about. I discover a game, and then begins a quest to buy The Real Version because it's a small studio and I really like it all, the storytelling, the modding tools, the community... A quest that would end up in Bangkok looking like the proverbial insane foreigner looking for the most stupid way to spend his money.

I found it eventually, in a shop that didn't look any different among all its brothers in Pantip Plaza. Took me a while lol.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

You can also ask it when is the cutoff date of their database - there is a gentleman's agreement between providers not to have ai involved in news / current politics in it's public chats.

I tried them on a topic I'm pretty proficient on, (a spaghetti recipe lol) and the answer was the most bland imaginable.

The way it is setup by DDG, the restrictions and blandness, shallowness of the replies give me peace of.mind when a 'natural language' query is the easiest one. And Claude wouldn't give me the DOB of that queen because it is Personal Info!

[-] [email protected] 17 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

DDG has it's non-track version online since a bit now. Use the !ai bang to get to it

Also you have the choice of Claude insted of ChatGPT, and your queries aren't harvested for further ai training

In any case, it's a completely different tab, it's not mingled in general search results

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 coming in hot!

On top of the great work that @AsahiLinux and the Fedora Asahi SIG do, they've also worked to line up releases with the rest of Fedora, so thank you for that!

This release brings:

  • OpenGL 4.6
  • High quality audio out of the box
  • Plasma, Gnome, Server, and Minimal variants available
  • The latest that comes with Fedora Linux 40!
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

On top of the great work that @AsahiLinux and the Fedora Asahi SIG do, they've also worked to line up releases with the rest of Fedora, so thank you for that!

This release brings:

  • OpenGL 4.6
  • High quality audio out of the box
  • Plasma, Gnome, Server, and Minimal variants available
  • The latest that comes with Fedora Linux 40!

Learn more: https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-asahi-remix-40-is-now-available/

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on asahilinux.org! 🎉

This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment.

Existing users may upgrade by following the standard upgrade guide.


submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 images are now available on asahilinux.org! 🎉

This release brings lots of new updates, including the Plasma 6 desktop environment.

Existing users may upgrade by following the standard upgrade guide.


submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A "natural language query" search engine is what I need sometimes.

Edit: directly reachable with the !ai bang

[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 month ago

"Merde". As in, the french word for "shit" - or, should we say, "horseshit". Why? Well because at the time of horse-drawn carriages, a successful play at the theatre would leave a lot of horseshit in front if the theatre from the many, many coaches awaiting their fares.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 month ago

DRM-free ebooks. I make a point of buying them, of thanking the publisher... And not sharing it on the usual piracy channels.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi, and thanks for the hard work.

Sometimes I discover an instance a bit specific, like the jlai.lu one who's centered around French speaking communities. Rather than going to the info page of the instance and then either check and click communities listed, or selecting "browse as guest", I would love to have a " browse instance" button like we can for a single community.

It would improve discovery and engagement I think, allow for a wider reach across servers.

What do you think, [email protected] ?

[-] [email protected] 24 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You're right, tho maybe not why you'd think: in France, the FNSEA is the arm of the richest, biggest of industrial farming enterprises. When you see a "farmer" blocking your city with its brightly colored giant piece of machinery, wearing their customary blue overalls, you see someone owning thousands of hectares, plowing the ground dry through monoculture, and "protesting" (with the absolute support of the political system) regulations against the use of harmful chemicals, or against fellow "farmers" from cheaper labor countries having unfair competitive advantage through the EU free market. Or against legislation protecting the soil long-term.

And these "protests" tells the layman that next week, the price of bread will increase, again, without our elected elite being in the line of fire for it.

Because poor farmers, you know.

Source: friend is Organic farmer, owns 40ha, does everything by himself. Nothing the FNSEA does isn't harming the consumer, the fellow small farms, or the planet.

[-] [email protected] 43 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

PSA: it stands for Read The FINE Manual

Now canonically switched to "read the friendly manual" which I find more patronizing

[-] [email protected] 33 points 2 months ago

You don't need that: Proton will only surrender accounts/information to local authorities with the appropriate paperwork - and that's their selling point on privacy, swiss law being pretty protective of privacy ; in this case, a corpus of evidence has been submitted by a recognized foreign entity & considered valid for action in regard to swiss law.

That's what makes proton secure for journalists, political opponents and such: no swiss judge will enable any random dictator to get a dissident's info, it won't fly with swiss law. And if that escalates to bogus criminal charges, it is still up to a swiss judge to decide how and if to proceed.

You put your trust in Switzerland here, not in a nerdy business with an atom-smashing background.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Comme dit le titre ; je me suis assis sur ma Clara HD et, bon, j'en profite pour voir si je peux faire un peu plus local, un peu moins globalo-hégémonique.

Par rapport à la kindle paperwhite, la Clara HD est lente, peu réactive. Sa gestion de la luminosité par glisser-le-long-du-bord marche particulièrement mal, presque jamais du premier coup. Mais elle comprend un dictionnaire intégré, est compatible avec Calibre et la définition d'écran n'est pas mauvaise (300pp). Le format 6po me convient parfaitement, il rentre dans une poche de pantalon (ce qui permet de s'assoir dessus, argh c'est la deuxième fois)

Je lis surtout de la s-f, pas de BD/Comics etc et donc utilise Calibre pour gérer ma bibliothèque.

D'avance merci si vous avez des retours ou recommandations ; pour l'instant seul le modèle de base, vivlio light, est dispo à 130€.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Duh, we have high-speed rail in Morocco. It's called Al Boraq and is the best way to blast from Casablanca to Tangier.

And it is not overpriced like in France, where the tgv is more expensive than a taxi to the airport, your plane ticket, and then another taxi.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey Enthusiasts.

I'm being having my arm more or less twisted to force me to buy a macbook. Granted, with brands like lenovo shutting down on urp and arch Linux these days having a list of show-stopping issues longer than your phone's scrolling ability, uh, why not. Meh tho.

Local corner shop still has 'pro in M1pro/16GB ram or M2"basic"/8GB ram for not unaffordable prices. Single Core benchmarks puts the M2 at maybe 10% better than M1pro, but Multicore and "Metal" (???) says M1pro is better than M2 basic, sometimes by a lot (geekbench).

I don't understand benchmarking, especially with such variation in results.

I need a machine able to play 12 tracks of 16bits .wav files + some effects (Ardour) and / or output video in 1080p on 2 outputs + some gimmickery (Isadora). Or you know, run qlab like everybody else, with fades and envelopes and stuff.

Which one should I buy?

[-] [email protected] 17 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

There are different ways, and the personal preference of the bassist / of their sound person matters. If they like their current amp (for their sound qualities), a lot of sound engineers will just put a microphone in front of it to pickup "their" acoustic sound ; if the amp itself is decent, it's going to feature a line output on the amp itself, that they can use to plug into the sound system and get the amp feed up to it. And, lastly, inserting a DI box between the instrument and the amp allows for a split output of one line towards the sound system and another towards the amp, so they can still hear "their" sound while the sound engineer has full control of how it will sound on the system (DI's are usually provided by the stage, rarely by the musician, and using them is a lot of time the choice of the engineer).

In a cool setup, sound engineers like to have both a microphone in front of the cabinet and from the amp output or a DI, allowing them to mix between both.

In a modern (bigger) system, the amp is entirely removed, replaced by a DI, or the cabinet is out backstage to avoid noise pollution on stage, and the musicians only hear themselves through the monitors.

Am I answering your question? No I'm not!

Talk to your friend. They may like their current amp to the death, they may very well know what they would like to buy next, or not.

Why not finding a pretext to go to a music shop and try several "just to have fun / just to have a look"? If an obvious preference arises, you just pop your credit card and Bob's their uncle!

[-] [email protected] 20 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Wrong. Drive a Miata and you get to fuck girls and boys, clearly a far superior car here.

According to their metrics anyway.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I thought that the will to act, the steps taken to face the issue, would somehow support the combat against my addiction.

It does not.

Since I took that appointment at the addiction clinic, since I had my first meeting with a very sweet nurse who was 1000% more receptive and convincing than the former "mental health professionals" I've consulted with, I had hoped confronting my issues & deciding to address them would be a first step into helping myself. A first step into reducing, even if minimally, my daily intake. Or make me at ease with the concept of living without a bottle hidden in my rucksack.

It does not.

I'm more stressed out. I'm in constant panic attacks. I'm physically sick if I don't have access to the stuff. And I'm feeling like I drink twice as much. Which I'm probably doing.

I know it's a process, a life-changing one. I know there'll be a grief period; she told me. She told me I'm the only one able to do it. No magic, no technology. Just me.

Just me and that liquid shit.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 10 months ago

Finding stuff on Mastodon is more about hashtags. Eventually, by subscribing to #stuff you're interested in, you will discover accounts worth following. The Tusky app allows you to subscribe to hashtags like to an account. I don't follow people anymore, I follow topics!

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Transitioning to PM (and generally speaking, to Proton For Everything) from Gmail, I was following the manual when I realised that PM wanted to replace my privately-owned, with mailbox service included, mail address.

What I've been doing for 15 years was hide a gmail adress behind my own domain name (quality of apps, quantity of storage, general user friendliness...); people would still see me as [email protected], but I had the convenience of that google service while writing"as" me@me.

It also offered me a layer of safety, since downtime does happen, and hopping to the poor roundcube webmail interface of my hosting company allowed me to keep business as usual. Believe it or not, google has failed more often than that regional service provider. lol.

Now to the question: Am I right to understand PM will dutifully catch all emails to [email protected], the DNS settings will kill my old-school IMAP mailbox to push them towards [email protected], and I will have to commit to trust Proton 99.95% (their current SLA for customers like me)?

Will I loose that last line of defense, Roundcube Webmail straight from my private provider?

Thanks is advance. For obvious reasons, I'm not on twitter, reddit & all that.

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joined 10 months ago