Obligatory fuck varxy. It's easier to switch to Sway than to get help on the Hypeland discord.
This is the most powerful man on Earth. His qualification is being able to the thing any individual capable of surviving without intense medical aid can also do.
Movies at 8PM EST!
Thanks, turns out I can't undo a Mercator projection mentally.
/home/* and /etc/*
How is that nearly straight? They go South but then turn North past Tierra del Fuego.
How do EVs with 1 motor per wheel regulate speed on each wheel? Do they try mimmic a differential or just let the wheels slip?
What were the design considerations for half tracks and using the driver as a crumple zone?
Those three methods are taken from the FBI suppressing Black revolutionary thought. I'm this model, prisons are absolutely places to torture, punish and convert people.
There was a bug for a while where it would randomly show the girl when fulldcreening windows. Totally a needed feature.