[-] [email protected] 37 points 1 week ago

+100 points each for hitting them, Deathrace 2000 style.

[-] [email protected] 45 points 1 month ago

Not to deflect blame from Musk, but Jack was just as bad. He openly let Trump ignore the rules and TOS of the website because it got more ad revenue into the site. Trump said the most asinine, racist, sexist, queerphobic, ablest bullshit, but who gives a shit when he's the President?! He got suspended when he made Jan 6th happen. Everything before then was cool because it never got enough bad press.

Musk made it worse, but Jack is why it was possible in the first place. Jack banned leftists saying queer rights are more important than cishet feelings. Jack banned BIPOC from commenting on white people being openly racist and using slurs, but you called them a cracker once, you get perma-banned.

Fuck Twitter, Fuck Musk, Fuck Jack.

[-] [email protected] 42 points 2 months ago

Gotta love how people are instantly pulling a QAnon deal of “ITS A FALSE FLAG, FAKE NEWS, NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT A GRAND CABAL!”

Somehow Trump is a mastermind of this. The dude who can’t hide stolen files properly, can’t lie on his taxes properly, and loses money on a casino, somehow has the ability to rig a false flag assassination attempt.

Are NeoLibs that so far into the Kool-Aid that Dipshit Trump is also a grandmaster 5D chess player of this, while not being able to string words together? It’s not like he’s ever been a good actor.

"Now Trump's gonna say Biden tried to kill him."

He already said that.

"Now Trump's gonna call for repression of the left."

He already did that.

"Now they're gonna say Trump is a martyr."

They already say that.

"Now the right is gonna get violent with their political opponents."

They already do that.

"Now the fash are gonna push for an enabling act."

They already are doing that.

It's equally frustrating and vindicating that people are waking up to the alarms minorities have been sounding for... decades? Even during 9/11, people were saying this is the start of the end for any form of freedom. Then we had economic crash after crash. Then more rights removed. More drone strikes. More illegal wars.

Then we tried to warn about Trump. No one cared. He won. The people who said he would hurt did get hurt. People acted shocked.

Biden came in. Ignored the people in jail cells, ignored COVID for better polling, refusing the new powers given to him to do anything better for the country at large, and slowly turning into a walking skeleton.

And every single time people have said "Hey this is bad for any form of democracy" people said it was overblown, nothing bad would happen. Then it got worse and worse. Voting didn't solve most of the issues. Protesting did. And then both parties clamped harder on protestors and increased funding to the militarized police.

Welcome to Weimar Germany, America. People have only warned you for decades. If this doesn't wake anyone up, then you'll sleepwalk as you claim ignorance on why you're "just following orders".

[-] [email protected] 40 points 2 months ago

Gotta love how people are instantly pulling a QAnon deal of "ITS A FALSE FLAG, FAKE NEWS, NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT A GRAND CABAL!"

I'm more pissed at how they missed the big orange fucker. Aim better next time.

[-] [email protected] 39 points 2 months ago

This is legitimately scary. Trump does this every second, now Biden is doing it every other conference. 4 years ages anyone, let alone the man in charge of NATO, the biggest economy, and running for re-election.

I am genuinely starting to be at a loss. I understood the life long stutter, I understood people age differently, I understood that soundclips and sneaky edits can make things look bad, but Jesus Christ. Is this the same day as the "President Putin"?

[-] [email protected] 42 points 2 months ago

And then blamed for ruining the 2016 American election.

Snowden showed the government was spying, had to flee, deemed a terrorist. Assange showed the government disobeys the laws it enforces on everyone else, deemed a terrorist. Manning showed that war crimes are constant, deemed a terrorist, subjected to inhumane torture.

Every time a whistleblower exposes corruption and violations of laws in every country, they are punished. China, Russia, America, England, they're all guilty of it.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 3 months ago
  • Getting kicked off of a social media for saying the dumbest shit possible.


  • Slow removal of civil liberties with bipartisan support, scapegoating queers, making anti-fascists equal to Al-Queda as a threat to the federal government, police shooting innocent civilians and getting away with it, removal of immigration and enabling easier deportation, removal of public ownership to privatized control, less and less ownership of material goods...

"This is normal, anyone would want this, commie! Sorry you hate FREEDOM."

Fucking conservatives.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

My main reason is I'm an American, China (probably) can't do shit to me. But here I'm subject to so much shit America can do legally and illegally, with zero repercussions.

If China fucked me in particular over, odds are it would at least spark debate here. If America spied on my messages and stopped me from protesting something, that's just a Tuesday afternoon here.

The only reason why Congress wants to ban it, is due to pressure from news agencies and the government, because TikTok can't be controlled by the CIA. You can't manufacture consent of the people if the content comes from someone else you don't control.


They'll ban tiktok but won't punish overly aggressive police.

They'll ban tiktok but won't make food or rent affordable.

They'll ban tiktok but won't denounce Israel's bullshit.

They'll ban tiktok but won't cancel student loans.

They'll ban tiktok but won't take Covid seriously.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 8 months ago
[-] [email protected] 44 points 10 months ago

The only issues I have (currently, until proven wrong) with DIscovery with the Spore Drive and other technological things, is that it didn't seem to have an answer for why the Federation didn't use it later. I do know that in the timeskip season, a log does not mention the use of the s-drive.

But man I can only imagine how pissed Admiral Janeway would have been to find out it exists.

Plus I can't hate a show that has Doug Jones in it. I didn't get into Discovery, but I don't hate it.

[-] [email protected] 38 points 11 months ago

It's a neat idea, and the name is so good. I even saw on an .onion site that had it told in plain text, and the visuals were ASCII recreations.

There is a (conspiracy) theory that the writer was actually working for a government since a lot of the instructions don't work, or would potentially kill the person making it. Thus anyone who tried to follow it would not get results or die from making a project at home.

Seeing as it was published in 1971, and the FBI's COINTELPRO ended that year, it's not impossible. They hated anarchists and anyone too "un-american".

That said, zero proof. Hence the conspiracy in conspiracy theory.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 11 months ago

Man if DS9 came out today, people would call Sisko "woke mary/gary sue".

I think Sisko would punch them for that. Rightfully.

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