If it's a case of needing ad-hoc WiFi from Windows, an Android phone tethered over USB will act as a WiFi adapter of sorts.
Having survived grad school and then some without a dishwasher, I will never look at loading/unloading the dishwasher as a chore; it is a privilege to do so (and is always followed by a heartfelt Thank You to that most selfless of appliances).
Maybe a dumb take, but I think milking customers for all they're worth is much better option than what HP is seemingly doing
which is milking them for all they're worth this quarter.
Like, there are companies with a cult like following (Valve comes to mind) and while they could probably increase profit for a quarter or two, they seem to be playing the long game fairly well. Which is ultimately better for everyone
they get more money over your lifetime, and you get a product that you're happy with.
In an undergrad electronics lab class, the TA suggested I put the function generator leads on my tongue, and play with the parameters. Obviously I know what an applied DC voltage "tastes" like, but he suggested AC, sweeping the frequency. Sure enough, above a certain frequency (want to say 10s to 100s of Hz?), I couldn't feel it at all.
Fun stuff.
I've used, and continue to use, Linux for a long time, and am very happy with it. Great for my desktop/laptop (Debian, i3).
That said...it seems like it was a bad choice for these devices. It has no stable ABI, and not even a stable API (famously
you can read the good reasons why this is the case). If a stable API/ABI was used, then I would think it would be trivial to keep up with security updates
just run a mainline kernel with a few custom drivers for cell/touch/GPU/whatever. Those will need to be kept up with security updates, but any core kernel security would be automatically handled just by running recent kernels.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious
probably just that everyone decided on Linux, so various vendors already have good Linux support (if only for a 5.10 or some other ancient kernel...).
He did shill for Coca-Cola, which isn't a great look.
Coca-Cola paid him to talk plastic.
Easy if you have money. If a new phone is a financial stretch, then in the short term it can be cheaper to get a nice phone for "free" with carrier lock in (which of course means it wasn't free at all). It probably ends up being more expensive in the long term, but your paycheck can cover it.
Wrong. I breathed in some helium once and it made my voice all high pitched which threatened my fragile masculinity. Very toxic.
Never worked much with cryogenics, but the one thing I learned was to never get in an elevator with (large quantities of) liquid nitrogen
if the elevator stops it can displace the oxygen and that's...kinda bad.
Wait til anon realizes you can look at the cross traffic lights...
You will be assimilated, please. Resistance is futile, eh?