See my comment below, we're moving to gsuite. Basically, we have a problem with people not using the SharePoint but instead sending poorly version numbered documents per mail.
My argument was that if you're forced to work online you're more likely to do so in the shared folder. We'll see if that's true but at least we can get rid of office. Most of the organisation is on macOS anyway. And we use zulip for communication.
Ding ding ding
From one evil to another...
The discussion went like nobody is properly using the SharePoint, but instead people send emails with poorly version numbered documents. After a couple of attempts to educate the users my argument was to drop the hammer: if you're forced to work online you're more likely to work in the shared folders. If that's true, we'll see. But in the meantime I can get rid of windows. Most of the organisation is on macOS anyway.
Können wir uns nicht vielleicht auf wirklich wichtig Themen konzentrieren? Klimakleber, Tempolimit, Migranten, Arbeitstotalverweigerer???! Was interessiert es denn wie China oder Russland Einfluss nehmen wenn die Ampel eh schon alles verbietet, inklusive unser christlich jüdischen Kultur?!?!
Warte auf Rückmeldung von einer zweiten Runde Bewerbungsgespräch. Die haben nach Referenzen gefragt und ich darf morgen ganz eng mit meinem Chef arbeiten den ich letzte Woche auf dem Anruf des potentiellen neuen Arbeitgebers vorbereitet habe. Eigentlich OK, er versteht es. Was mir den Schlaf raubt ist, bekomme ich dir Stelle????
For real! Whoever is school photographer has it figured out.
Wait, what?? I might have to replay it!
Bullshit, by 2030 everything will be doomscrollable thanks to generative text AI. Our marketing department has done some research and concluded that our customers will stop using their device if they hit the bottom.
Slaughter them for one last time and spare their future generations by removing their lineage from existence. Nbd
Or maybe it's because nuclear power is ridiculously expensive and new designs are still a black hole in the budget. Wind and solar exist, right now, and are also carbon free, while being cheaper and not leaving the next 100 generations with radioactive waste. For which, by the way, we have but one final storage solution. Or is the facility in Finnland even up and running yet?
True, but people generally understand hammers. Llms? Not so much
Nah bro we'll fix it software. Like virtual backgrounds but for sound bro!
I just don't get the non voter. Granted I'm not a US citizen, but not voting in your election is effectively voting for fascist theocracy. Your electoral system sucks but if I could choose between having an arm or my heart removed I know what I'd choose.