submitted 2 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15595380

Just over the 1hr mark but you can skip to different segments and not lose much.

A really interesting piece consisting of an independent journalist interviewing locals on the issues facing Appalachia.

A region tied to coal in a increasingly green world. My take-away was that their favor of coal is more so tied to their favor of their community (which historically has been defined by the industry).

[-] [email protected] 11 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

I mean, you're right, it kind of is provoking an "immune" response 🤷🏻‍♂️. Several UIs already add badges to new accounts since trolls spinning up new accounts to ban-evade is an ongoing problem.

I maintain a Lemmy UI, and I'm now adding a feature to let people hide new accounts; they can specify a minimum age and only accounts older than that will be shown in communities they're not a moderator of.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 18 hours ago

But they're not real accounts; just abandoned burner accounts. I would hardly call that growth.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 18 hours ago

I disagree you're helping smaller instances in any way and posit that you're making the fediverse worse with that practice.

You're creating and abandoning accounts on the regular. Those accounts federate out to every instance the home one is linked to and exist in perpetuity. We're talking several thousand instances or more. All filling up with abandoned accounts from the same person.

This post isn't the flex you think it is.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 19 hours ago

That's....literally the same process trolls use.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm not sure what triggered this random memory, but I was driving back from a day trip and this song just popped into my head in full clarity.

Over 30 years later, I"m just now realizing Hector is doing some ASL interpretation (which is about the closest to dancing I can do lol).

🎵You gotta believe, reach for the sky. You gotta believe, let your spirit soar high. You gotta believe, let no one stand in your way, and and your dreams will be reality. Some day 🎵

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I don't normally jump minor versions this fast, but since this release completely breaks backwards-compatibility with 0.18.x I figured the jump was warranted. Any bugfixes or feature backports that need to be done to 1.3.0 will be released in the 1.3.x series.

Lemmy 0.19.3 is now the minimum supported API version as of Tesseract 1.4.0

Note: If you are using the hosted instance (tesseract.dubvee.org) and are connecting to an 0.18.x instance, you will need to make arrangements to either self host 1.3.0 or ask your instance admin to offer it as an option. Once 1.4.0 enters beta testing, the hosted version will be upgraded and 0.18.x support will no longer be available there.

New Features Preview

I'm still tweaking some of these, so the release version may look slightly different from what's pictured here.

Image Upload Management

You can now delete post, post body, and comment images. Be kind to your instance admins and clean up after yourself :).

There's a new "delete" button next to the post image upload that activates once you upload an image. In addition, in the post body and comment text editors, your uploads will be shown as thumbnails along the bottom along with a "delete" button for each.

Post form with upload management

It also works on mobile:

Mobile view of post editor with image upload management

You can also specify the alt text in the image upload (not for post images, though; API limitation).

Screenshot of the new image upload modal with alt text field.

Deleting images also deletes them in the API, so again, be kind to your instance admins and delete mistaken uploads :)

User Profile Modals

User links throughout the application now load a modal with action items and basic user details.

User Profile Modal

Users Without Profile Avatars Now Use Dicebear "Adventurer" Avatars

I put a lot of work into making profiles look nice and got tired of half or more of the users that show up in them having blank profiles with just the initials placeholder. Blank profiles now automatically generate a pseudo-random avatar. They're based on the user's actor_id value, so the same user will always have the same random avatar until/unless they set one of their own.

An otherwise blank profile with a randomly-generated avatar

Upgraded /instances Instance Browser

After releasing 1.3.0, I realized that the /instances page used about 800-900 MB RAM because it's rendering several thousand instance objects each with action items, etc. I re-wrote it completely and wrote custom pagination to go along with the filters so only 100 are shown at once. This has cut memory usage significantly.

New instances page now with pagination and federation state

Additionally, I added federation status information, when available, to each. If the instance is Lemmy, you can pull it's outbound federation status for your instance. This is useful if you think your instance is lagging behind any other; it will show you an estimate of how many activities you're behind by.

Instance Object with Federation State Shown

You can quick-access the federation state from the "Instances" menu on posts:

Instance menu on post showing option to show instance stats

Hide Submissions from New Accounts

Annoyed by people spinning up burner accounts and bouncing, often deleting the account and content afterwards and taking any meaningful conversations with it?

Tired of seeing spam / troll posts from brand new accounts?

Me too. Now you can choose to hide submissions from accounts considered new. If they stick around, then the posts will become visible to you after the account has matured past the configurable cutoff age (1-30 days). If they don't, or they get banned, then you'll never see their garbage.

Filtering settings showing new options to hide submissions from new accounts and set the number of days an account is considered new

This setting behaves differently for mods and admins. If you are a moderator, you will still see submissions to any community you moderate. If you are a local admin, you will see submissions to any community that is local to your instance (whether you are an official mod of it or not).

Submissions in the user's profile will still be visible regardless of this setting.

Vote Viewer (Admins Only)

As with Lemmy-UI, admins can view the votes on any post/comment to check for manipulation by alts, sockpuppets, etc. You can access the vote view through the Moderation menu on posts/comments.

Vote Viewer

I did not redact that as I intentionally chose a new post with the single, default creator upvote. Clicking the username will open a profile modal.

Other Under-the-Hood Changes

  • The internal image upload proxy has been removed as it is no longer needed. Was required in 0.18.x since POST -> /pictrs/image was CORS-restricted to the API's origin.
  • Unprivileged users can no longer see the admin and community settings.
  • Moderator View listing type is now available
  • Scaled sort is now selectable as a default sort option
  • Various tweaks to look better on mobile
  • Added more polish to moderation modals (got rid of ugly checkboxes, moved action buttons to better places, etc)
  • Removed most of the backwards-compatibility hacks from 1.3.0 that were required to support both 0.18.x and 0.19.x


No scheduled release date. All of the listed features are completed and stable, but there's still a laundry list of "to do" items. 2FA setup is also planned for this release, and I still haven't gotten around to re-writing the custom feeds.

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/15657357

Digital collections put library patrons’ privacy at risk

[-] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago

The moment you think you understand it, that superposition collapses and you're back to "huh?"

Every damn time.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago

True. All just inefficient ways of harnessing fusion power.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

When they become climate change refugees, my worst impulses are telling me to treat them the way they treat other migrants.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Seems like solar power with extra steps lol.

(Sun -> Plants -> Food for people/other food)

[-] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago

s it because you expect other search engines to follow suit until there are no search engines anymore, only hallucination machines?

Basically, yeah.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 4 days ago

I fear that as well. I use Searx-NG at home, so am expecting that to start dying a death of a thousand cuts soon.

Was thinking about standing up (or contributing to) either YaCY or Stract, but you made a good point about the bot allowances for the Googlebot et al crawler UAs. Wonder how frowned upon it would be to spoof the crawler UA in a self-hosted one?

[-] [email protected] 17 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Same. I don't mind it as an option if that's what some people want, but stop "enhancing" the default experience with it and shoving it down my throat. No lo quiero.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 4 days ago

Sigh. AI has basically added a rocket booster to the enshittification train.

Hopefully this doesn't impact DDG.

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/9476352

This kind of debt likely means that he's for sale, which is not great when it comes to public officials

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Finally got around to upgrading to 0.19.3.

Upgrade did not go smoothly due to multiple DB migration step failures and less than helpful logging from Lemmy during the DB migrations. (surprised Pikachu).

After digging through to figure out what it was complaining about, the upgrade was finally able to be completed.

You will likely need to log in again (at least I did).

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm in the process of migrating the pict-rs database to Postgres. Pict-rs has to be offline during this process, so images here will appear to be broken for a bit. You also won't be able to upload any images for the duration of this migration.

Estimated time is about 20-30 minutes.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Image description: Homer Simpson runs a red light at a 4-way intersection, and multiple cars slam on their brakes to avoid an accident. He waves out the window and yells "It's alright, I'm running for president" and drives away.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TL;DR: If you've been using Tesseract and didn't realize it had admin capabilities: surprise! It totally does.

A user pointed out to me this morning that Tesseract wasn't detecting that they were an admin.

Basically, I completely forgot that the admin flag was moved from person to local_user in 0.19 and never updated the admin check function to account for that. So when it looked in the person object in 0.19, it wasn't there, the admin role was never assigned, and a big chunk of the application remained hidden away.

This meant the admin panel, instance-wide moderation menus, and admin-only options (ban from instance, registration applications, private message reports, etc) were not being shown to admins on 0.19.x instances. Only communities they were explicit moderators of would show the mod options or reports.

Mea culpa.

The only instance I can test admin role functions against is my own, which is still on 0.18.5 (for reasons, I swear). So, I was not aware that this has been a bug for months 🙃

I've pushed a fix to the 1.3.0 branch and merged it into main as well. The Docker images for 1.3.0 and latest were also updated with this fix. The change is backwards-compatible with 0.18.x so nothing will change there.

If you deployed a version of 1.3.0 prior to 2024-05-11 12:40:00 UTC (or are still running 1.2.9 on a 0.19.x instance), you may want to pull the updated image or rebuild from the main or 1.3.0 branches to grab this fix.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Offscreen is Amos hitting on Lwaxana who just kind of materialized on the Roci. Holden blamed the Protomolecule, and Amos named her "Pumpkins".

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I had this discussion with a friend, and we really couldn't reach a consensus.

My friend thinks Lemmy (and other Reddit-like platforms) is social media because you're interacting with other people, liking/disliking submissions, and all the content is user-generated.

I think it isn't because you're not following individual people, just communities/topics. Though I concede there are some aspects of social media present, I feel that overall it's not because my view of social media is that you're primarily following individuals.

In my view, these link aggregator + comment platforms are more like an evolution of forums which both my friend and I agreed don't meet the criteria to be considered social media (though they maintain that Reddit-like platforms are social media while I do not).

So I'm asking Lemmy now to weigh in to help settle this friendly debate.

Edit: Thanks everyone! From the comments, it sounds like my friend and I are both right and both wrong. lol. Feel free to keep chiming in, but I have to go do the 9-5 thing that pays my mortgage and cloud hosting bills.

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joined 11 months ago