I only recognize 2 (maybe 3) of these
What is each image referring to?
I only recognize 2 (maybe 3) of these
What is each image referring to?
In addition to what people have said here, try local content. I've seen some of that crossposted back
Also content tagged with "OC"
I've noticed this with news communities on here.
The discussion is often more nuanced and level-headed. Something that used to be the case on Reddit years ago, but now if I find the same news article linked there the comment section isn't as helpful
In general, advice on tech related things is much better
Reasons may include
your question is more likely to be seen and answered
lots of older, experienced, and helpful people on the site who want to help
Thanks! I added it under Toronto in the Cities / Local Communities section
#WhenTaken #286 (09.12.2024)
I scored 843/1000🏅
1️⃣📍121 m - 🗓️2 yrs - 🥇198/200
2️⃣📍710 km - 🗓️57 yrs - 🥉79/200
3️⃣📍36.2 km - 🗓️6 yrs - 🥇191/200
4️⃣📍262 km - 🗓️1 yrs - 🥇190/200
5️⃣📍489 km - 🗓️0 yrs - 🥇185/200
not bad this time
Puzzle #547
Thanks for updating the logo, that was going to be my first suggestion :)
Sounds great :)
You might be mixing up OpenOffice and OnlyOffice
OpenOffice is dead
OnlyOffice & LibreOffice are the two FOSS programs that people recommend.
Personally I like OnlyOffice a bit better, but I keep them both installed and updated
Watching it now, but this is an update to the previous well known video from 2014