Never? Well, or in 10 years. Military conscription has been held in Russia annually for 30 years. And every year there are not much fewer people.
News about how soldiers are called up for military service every year. I remind you that in the Russian Federation, every man, unless he is disabled, is obliged to undergo military training. literally every man has a military ID and a postscript to the military enlistment office. Well, like all 30 years before, people were called up at the autumn draft this year...
and continuing my thought, overwatch was literally what you wanted in them first years. But it turned out that the main game group was not interested in playing for healers or tanks without damage, and as a result, the bias in choosing these roles was more than 3 times. This increased the waiting time in the queue quite a lot. As a result, everything returned to the option where each role can cause damage.
Mercy so easy only in low ranks.
If you have good move you can do teamkill by mercy under ultimate skill... Especially if your DPS no have damage. In overwatch you should kill by any role, but in healer mode you should don't die at first, heal you team at second and do damage in third. That's true less for mercy, because she has damage increase bean and you should change to it for support ultimates for example, but more on Birgit or for new healers.
And with tank too. You should protect your team, know all mechanics and do damage for enemies. For example sigma, you can eat Moira orb and Zarya ultimate skill by bullet protection skill. that is literally black hole. And if tank don't do that you team in pain. And if you don't damage targets you team lose.
But Overwatch bad example because that more arcade shooter. Many moves depend by skills, not for headshots. You literally have melee characters without any targeting.
А кто его знает. Тут как ветер подует так и заблокируют. По телеграмму / ватсапу и т.д. хотя бы предупреждали телеком операторов ещё месяц назад.
an interesting assumption. how can private encrypted chats be hacked? On custom self compiled clients if you think that client have hole. I learned telegram protocol and don't find any case. XD
On the other hand, Durov was arrested in Europe, but the developers of the signal somehow does not.
Well, for some unknown reason, drug dealers still choose telegram. And they don't just have an unfounded choice, but the profit depends on the messenger. Or say you that Durov was arrested for no reason?
P.S. in Russia now testing system for ban all messengers don't hosted in Russia. They next after youtube. Telegram too. Information from first hands. =)
Why not? Unlike whatsapp and signal, telegram private chats are not synchronized. So if you lost your phone and started a new one, the chats will not magically recover as in whatsapp. Because recover is unsecure. So the telegram is quite private.
or do you mean that encryption is not enabled by default in every chat? This is not an indicator of the messenger's privacy.
Although Tox takes them all by the head, of course.
I see this channel time by time. Mini apartments in tokio. it looks like an advertising channel, but it's actually interesting.
Russian, English and some Japanese.
Insert logs in and attach links and you can open ticket on git.
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