As I said before, different concepts are possible. Nowadays e.g. the trend in Germany goes towards central parking (Quartiersgarage) and an otherwise completly car free neighbourhood (the central parking then gets financed over the plots), combined with public transport and bikeways. Even less car-friendly concepts are possible. But you defintly need a concept. Just "let the plot owners decide themselves" will almost always lead to desaster.
The problem with this line of thought is that oftentimes cars then will just be parked wildly (or on adjacent areas) and that can lead to large problems. A traffic concept is almost always a basic neccesity. I agree that this must not necessarily be a car optimized one (and in these times probably shouldn't be).
But leaving it to the business owners is a road to utter chaos and will in most cases lead to very unpleasant and potentially dangerous situations. Also keep in mind that if the public hand takes care of the resulting problems this will come out of tax money and thus will cofinance the business owners profits, taking it from the general public. This is also oftentimes not desirable (unless you are a business owner).
It is naturally very complicated in Germany, it is Germany after all. Some Bundesländer have globale Vorgaben, others leave it to the Kommunen. But it is normally part of a Bebauungsplan, also in cities. It is oftentimes a flexible concept though. Here a little start into the toppic.
From Germany: huh? Quite common around here and I am sure in other european countries as well, despite having different city building concepts than the US. Lately it is slowly being replaced by bike infrastructure demands (and there was always the public transport demands), but it still exists.
And whoever likes Valheim should have a look at 7 Days to Die and The Forest (and probably The Forest 2, but I haven't played that one yet).
They are defintly becoming more in Germany thanks to the fucking Amarok.
And I understand that there might be valid reasons to buy an Amarok, but I've never seen them used by anyone, but suburbanites who use them as a personal ca4.
Man, took me too long to figure out who Toni is.
Might be contraproductive if google earns more with longer ads.
"In class sitting on his lap". Do people really do this? Seems disrespectful towards the teacher/lecturer (might be just cultural differences, I am not from the US).
Difficult to assess this info without knowing how the data was created.
TSA, but I guess you know that this is not normal?
Also the constant humming of ACs in New York drove me crazy.
Liberal extreme right and authoritarian extrem right.