[-] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

I dual boot Linux on my gaming PC and remember having issues with games installed onto an NTFS partition. I don't remember if it was an issue with some specific software, such as Wine/Proton or Steam, just a general Linux issue (maybe symlinks?), or if I was trying to do something weird... Either way, I ended up needing to create a separate partition with a Linux filesystem for the games.

Last I checked, there isn't any easy way to get Linux filesystem drivers on Windows, and even then, I don't know if it would run games from there. So, if nothing else, you might end up needing storage space dedicated to installing games only for Linux.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

This just reminds me of the days of Instant Messengers on PC when you had to use a third-party one to connect to all your accounts in one app. I don't really know how I feel about it right now...

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I'll probably try to replace our current DLNA server with Jellyfin, but I'm still unsure if we want or need Sonarr and Radarr.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Hahaha! That would definitely be me if I worked as a sysadmin or something.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Think of the NGINX proxy in Lemmy's docker-compose.yml file as the entry point to Lemmy from outside the Docker network. For instance, I don't have any ports mapped for the individual services except for the NGINX service. The NGINX proxy in this docker-compose file will access the other services through the internal docker network, so it isn't a problem if you set up your nginx.conf file with the service's names. With that done, you could map any port you want for the NGINX service from the host, then point your internet-facing reverse proxy to that.

I also plan on setting up a Mastodon server, but I haven't gotten to it yet. So I don't have anything specific to add other than it will work similarly by using docker's port mapping or service names depending on whether each service needs to be internet-facing or only communicate internally.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

No, no you should not. I haven't used homepage but you probably just need to attach the services to the same network or just map the ports on the host and just use the host IP.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

You're right, but as you said, the reason I reacted this way is because of the way you posted it. I'm also taking out some frustration about everyone and their mother having some "great feature" or idea they want to suggest even if they haven't thought it through. For that, I apologize.

Maybe it could be done, but I'm quite sure that doing it correctly wouldn't be as simple as you think. I won't pretend to know how all of the software works, but I think it's safe to assume there are a lot of technical things to consider, especially when federating (and other fediverse software) comes into play. Realistically, I would see this as a waste of effort and a very low priority.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 1 year ago

That is exactly what I thought of when I read this. Why would Lemmy implement such a seemingly obvious bad feature and become 4chan?

Also, the claim that this would prevent bot accounts is way off. Bot accounts still need an instance to register on anyways. The thing is, anyone can spin up an instance at any time All this "feature" would do is let them hide...

Great post to demonstrate how some ideas might sound good to you, but are actually just bad, lol.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/1845074

A new ‘app store’ is expected to ship as part of Ubuntu 23.10 when it’s released in October — and it’ll debut with a notable change to DEB support.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Nice! I updated my instance already. Thank you to all contributors! 🥳

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Sleep through the fireworks (lemmy.piperservers.net)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Getting an extra dose of medicine, as allowed by her regular prescription, to help keep her calm through the 4th of July.

Sleep through the fireworks (lemmy.piperservers.net)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Getting an extra dose of medicine, as allowed by her regular prescription, to help keep her calm on the 4th of July.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Since nobody bothers to check previous posts (even from just a day or two ago), I won't bother with the details. All I will say is to learn the purposes of an MX record and how sending email works (and the differences). Hint: MX records have nothing to do with sending emails from your server. Just use a third party SMTP service in your config.hjson file.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/825173

To my knowledge no one was injured. The semi didn't have a trailer attached so the crash didn't feel too intense, surprisingly. I did have to wait 20 minutes for another bus tho which was mildly infuriating

me irl (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/822143

#notlikeotherhumans #soquirky

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/351462

I like to cook, and for that I need a place where I can keep all my recipes. I'm currently using the app My Recipe Box. But it's closed source and full of ads. While the pro version is pretty cheap, I wanted to see if there were any open source apps for this.

Selfhosted apps will be nice. I'm fine with web access and no native app as well. If not selfhosted, I can also manage with open source apps with automatic backup of some sort.

The only feature that I really need is recipe scraping. Thanks for all your suggestions.

YSK: How Lemmy Works (lemmy.piperservers.net)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/583669

Why YSK: Because intuitive explanations are few and far between, and the technical explanations often present too many "trees" and not enough "forest", which is just how technically-minded people are trained to approach things. Forests are, after all, made of trees, and it's not their fault we don't care about individual "trees". This then, is my unprofessional attempt to consolidate everything I've read over the past three days into one, easy-to-understand explanation of how all this shit works in lay-person's terms. Due to my amateur background, I may have details incorrect, and I would request that anyone who catches anywhere where I have made a mistake, even a small detail, to please correct me. I will also include a few links to my best sources at the bottom. tl;dr style explanations will be included after every paragraph in parenthesis. So, let's begin:

Imagine you have reddit. Fantastic, it's a giant forum composed of a whole bunch of smaller, sub-forums. But let's take this one step further. Why have just one reddit? Why can't we have lots of reddits, each capable of having its own complete set of subs, where each reddit is independent of every other one and has its own web address? Okay, let's do this, and push it to the extreme. Let's make it so everyone can make their own reddit, even individuals. So you, if you wanted, could set up your own complete reddit, with just you in it. You could have all the subs, r/TIL, r/TIHI, r/pics, etc etc, all with just you in them. You have total control! But you have no content and are probably pretty lonely, right? We'll get to that. Let's call this Self-Hosting though.

(So, we now have a situation where many whole reddits can individually exist, each in the vacuum of space.)

Now let's fix that content and loneliness problem. What if we allowed each reddit to communicate and share content with every other reddit, similar to how subs can communicate with each other? Boom. We just created a spider-webbed network, of countless individual reddits, each composed of subs, that can now all share content back and forth. Let's call this big spiderweb an over-reddit, to contrast it with subreddits.

(Now instead of a two-tier system of isolated reddits and their subs, we have a three-tier system, of over-reddit [the "Lemmy-verse"], reddits [Lemmys or Instances or Servers], and subs [communities or sub-lemmies].)

But, we actually have a technical problem. How do these individual reddits find each other? How do they know the other ones even exist? They could be on servers on opposite sides of the planet, with random web addresses. Obviously we can't just guess. So, okay, let's let users solve this for us via crowd-sourced labor. We don't have to find all the reddits for them. Let's just design the system so that the reddits only find out about each other after any random-ass user introduces them to each other. We'll call this batching, they can do it with the reddit search bar. Then, we'll wait for that random-ass user to actually subscribe to any new sub/community over there, which they'll only do if it's any good. Once this is done, now the two reddits and that one sub become connected, not just for that user, but their whole reddit userbase too. The rando doing the search and subscribing simply introduced two good reddits to each other. Now that they know about each other though, they'll share content back and forth freely, with comments, votes and posts all being visible to both reddits. Let's call this "federating with each other". It's not too different from neurons in the brain reaching out to each other, really.

(To find and connect the disparate, scattered reddits into our over-reddit, we use crowd-sourced labor.)

Well, that's it. That's the Lemmy-verse. But what about this Fediverse? Well, okay, remember what we did with reddit, and giving it a third tier of over-reddit? Let's do the same exact thing with twitter, facebook, youtube and every other thing we can pull out of our asses. Let's let all of them share and access each other's content with the exact same structure and system, so now you, hanging out in your reddit, can get all the tweets too. We've made a fourth tier now. The Fediverse, which is most comparable to the internet itself, and includes the Mastadon-verse, the PeerTube-verse, etc etc.

(Why stop there...? reddit is chump change, let's just do this to everything.)

So, that's it in a nutshell. That's how this shit works. And the next time someone says it's like email, I'm going to climb through their computer screen and smack them. It's only like email at that technical, "trees" level, and when you go up to the more intuitive "forest" level, this just serves to confuse the ever-living hell out of everyone.

(I'm a bit of a dick.)

One last detail: Admins can whitelist (allow-list) or blacklist (shadowban) other Instances/servers. As an example, one of the other largest Instances has blacklisted (shadowbanned) us here at lemmy.world, because we were producing too much spam. As a result, until they undo this, all of us here are shadowbanned from their Instance/server. We can see their content, they can't see ours. This enables them to control how much connection they have to the rest of the Fediverse.

(Let's not forget to give admins the power to stop people from other places bothering them, if they do not approve of the content. Very important feature.)

Sources: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/users/01-getting-started.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemmy_(software) https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36387939

Again, if I've made any errors, regardless of how small, please let me know below. This is intended to be another reference material for lay-people, so accuracy is important. However, outside of major errors, I will not be editing this post to correct it, as I would prefer any corrections to be delivered from the full perspective of someone's individual expertise, instead of being translated into my own words.

(I don't actually know what I'm talking about. Scroll down for people who do.)

Hope this helps.

edit for grammar/cleanup

Lemmy v0.18.0 Release (join-lemmy.org)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I have had an issue with updates to Nginx Proxy Manager breaking itself in the past so I switched to Traefik.

NPM is much more user-friendly when it works. However, as mentioned, Traefik integrates directly with docker through labels, making it very convenient if not a bit more of a learning curve.

So far, the only annoyance I have with Traefik is that I haven't found a very easy way to host itself on a separate server from where the containers are running because it uses the docker.sock file to pick up the labels on running containers automatically. Instead, I manually create files for the files provider. I don't think this is an issue if you are using Kubernetes, but I haven't gotten all the way down that road quite yet, as it is a bit overkill for me.

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