I know the Commanders aren’t good but damn that’s embarrassing
There’s a lot of good advice in here. If shit hits the fan and nothing else works, you can install the repack in a Windows VM, copy the install directory to the host, and add the exe to Bottles. Easy money
It’s a good game but if you play it like it’s Dark Souls or Elden Ring trying to dodge, you will get chewed up, spit out and shit on. It’s basically a rhythm game with samurai swords
Check the price for Dark Souls III, I wouldn’t hold my breath
Late night talk shows have really gone down the shitter. When guys like Johnny Carson and Jay Leno were on TV they could have intelligent conversations with interesting people. Nowadays the hosts treat the viewer like Pavlov’s dog. It’s always some unfunny little quip about $CURRENT_THING followed by a laugh track to train you on what the approved opinion is. Rinse and repeat for an entire episode
Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but I laughed
8 year-old me was stuck on that mission for ages, among many others. Nowadays I can reliably jump the bike up on top of the train and get it done before the end of the first tunnel
Easily San Andreas on the PS2. I still go back and play this game at least once a year
Just kill any innocent person then go to sleep
I’ve been playing this port and it’s great. I’ve seen a couple of frame drops during cutscenes but aside from that no issues