submitted 21 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

An announcement from our UK Order:

"Whilst we never usually share details of our membership, we will make an exception in this case. Please welcome our two newest members, Fleur (left) and Flo (right)."

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Our UK Order's next market is a month today! Saturday 8th June, 12 - 6pm at The Dirty Black Summer Market at The Black Heart in Camden, London (The Black Heart, 2 - 3 Greenland Place, Camden Town, London, NW1 0AP). Nearest tube station is Camden Town, less than 1 min away. Entry is free, under-18's welcome, dogs welcome.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

CJ Sansom, the popular crime author who created the character Matthew Shardlake, has died aged 71.

The historical novelist, whose full name was Christopher John Sansom, died on Saturday, according to his publisher Pan Macmillan.

His Tudor murder-mystery novels have recently been adapted to the screen by Disney+, with the first season to be released on Wednesday.

­Sansom’s first novel, Dissolution, featuring the lawyer-turned-­detective Shardlake, dub­bed the “Tudor Morse”, was published 21 years ago.

He wrote six further novels featuring Shardlake and two standalone historical novels, Winter in Madrid, and Dominion.

Sansom recently won the Crime Writers’ Association Cartier Diamond Dagger Award for his outstanding contribution to the genre.

There are more than three million copies of his books in print, according to his publisher.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Our UK Order have published episode one "Origins" of GOSPod, their podcast.

In this first episode of GOSPod, they talk about the origins of the Global Order of Satan and what it's become today and offer some personal insights into how each of the hosts discovered Satanism and GOS itself.

You subscribe in the usual ways at gospod.chat or either our YouTube GOSPod playlist (remember Invidious is a thing) or if you prefer, it's on our PeerTube GOSPod playlist too.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It seems possible that Brave are building Brave Pro, which looks like its a subscription based service of some kind. A note on the Android implementation of the project reads (GitHub link):

"Implement the required runtime changes (profile settings, chrome flags, group policies, etc.) with the appropriate values that enable the Brave Pro experience. Using Brave in this mode with its default settings and making changes to the Brave Pro defaults require an active paid subscription.

When the browser has no active credentials for Brave Pro, the panel UI will promote the service and include the initial payment CTA. When credentials are present the panel UI will include the appropriate toggles for making changes to the default settings."

It also links to a private Google Doc.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, we had a very successful day in London yesterday, Talked to lots of interesting people, sold some merch but the star of the show was undoubtably Rollo, the Hellhound (our Chaplain's doggo), chief dispenser of good vibes.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The article is paywalled, here is a working archive version.

In an article in the Financial Times, the increasing rise in christian extremism amongst Tory MP's is noted. They quote MP Nick Fletcher:

"Fletcher is a proud evangelical Christian, and cites trans rights, conversion therapies, abortion, assisted dying and freedom of speech as topics where religious MPs “need to be able to talk about our faith”."

They also note the rising prominence of Miriam Cates and Danny Kruger, co-chairs of the New Conservatives right-wing faction who we at GOS have talked about before and who have links to the influence and money that sibling organisations in the USA provide, a fact the Times also notes:

Tim Bale, a politics professor at Queen Mary University of London, said the growing strain of evangelicalism in the Tory party, which he described as “an American import”, was particularly notable.

Cates and Kruger were part of a christian/right-wing conference last year (the National Conservatism Conference) where these evangelical ideas were expounded upon by the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Suella Braverman, Micheal Gove, David Starkey (who said that left-wing activists are “jealous” of the Holocaust and that groups like Black Lives Matter were attempting to destroy “white culture”), anti-vaxx mouthpiece Melanie Phillips and Lee Anderson as well as speakers from the US arm of the movement such as Senator JD Vance. (Guardian article for more on this Conference)

All this against the backdrop in the UK of continual and notable decline in christianity in both people who identify as christians no longer being a majority of the population and the active decline in church attendance.

It's amazing to us therefore that these MP's have the hubris to believe they have a right to speak 'for the people' when they very clearly don't and that they think they have the right to impose their superstitions on the rest of us. Especially since 'the rest of us' is now the majority of the country.

"...MPs also cited the role of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational Christian network founded in 1990 that “inspires and equips believers to go into public life”, as a key force in ushering in more Christians into the party’s elected ranks."

Looking at the rise of the very extreme right wing based christianity in the US, this is not something we want here. We stand against it as Adversaries.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We're delighted to introduce our latest Order: Iglesia Satanista - orden local de la Orden Global de Satanás.

Based in Chile, South America, they have spent several years now laying the groundwork for the formation of a local Satanic religious organisation. We've been keeping track of their progress over the last two years and are all really impressed with the dedication and determination on show. Philosophically they fit in perfectly with our Pillars and we are really excited to join forces with them.

[-] [email protected] 103 points 1 month ago

Maybe pay teachers enough that they don't have to do this if they don't want to?

And if they do want to, how does it affect their efficacy as a teacher?

[-] [email protected] 84 points 1 month ago

Maybe not right now, but when shareholders start demanding action over NSFW subs or subs that discuss illegal activities or subs that discuss the evils of capitalism or subs that just aren't profitable and those subs start getting shuttered, then they will.

[-] [email protected] 96 points 4 months ago

Clearly incorrect as no one would be sad.

[-] [email protected] 251 points 4 months ago

It's amazing how many snowflake comedians start crying about being cancelled and then go on to have numerous netflix specials about it. Almost like they were never actually cancelled in the first place but they learnt that if they said they were enough times, the terminally dim people who enjoy their material will pay money to see their bully fantasies played out on stage by an old rich guy.

[-] [email protected] 98 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It is different. I had cause to go back a week or two ago to look for an old post of mine and I did have a bit of a poke about in my old subs too. It was like a war zone. Blatant no fucks given racism, incel level women hating, transphobia and ableism of the most vitriolic kind. And these weren't just the massive general subs, some of them were niche interest subs where I felt I belonged at the time. Has it changed to become like that since June or was I just so used to it before that that I'd never noticed how toxic it was? Did I just used to shrug and say to myself 'well, that's just reddit'. Literally everyone seemed angry and hateful.

I'm not claiming the fediverse is perfect or free from that sort of shit but either through the practicalities of federation, or better moderation or a smaller userbase or a more mature userbase or a mix of one or more of those things it doesn't feel exclusionary to me. I often see on posts like this some people calling Lemmy a left-wing echo chamber and whilst I do agree there's more people of a left-wing bent on here I think echo chamber is a bit much and is a phrase maybe used by those who live in a country without a functioning left-wing political party. I've not encountered a communist or tankie since Hexbear fucked off back to their kindergarten.

As for the Guardian article, they've fallen into the same trap as I'm concerned the fediverse might fall into by federating with Meta - assuming high numbers equal success or victory. If you have corporate/economics based mindset I can see how that works, but to me success equals a popular, useful community site entirely free from algorithms and other forms of manipulative control. One that isn't gathering data via ads and tracking on its userbase to sell on (lets remember that reddit weren't upset that AI were scraping reddit, they were upset that the company weren't seeing any money from that). A community that grows organically, with all that that implies - sometimes growth might be very slow, it might stop entirely for awhile, maybe even reverse - but the emphasis should be on the people making the community better.

Reddit forgot somewhere along the way that it was the users who made reddit what it was. Look at the stats for r/askreddit - in particular the posts per day and comments per day - look at the trend since 2020. There may well be the same amount of users on reddit, but we all know a certain percentage of them are bots and even if they weren't, just looking at those two graphs tells you everything about people's level of interest in participating on reddit.

The only thing high user numbers guarantee sites like reddit is ad revenue. Nothing else.

[-] [email protected] 88 points 5 months ago
  1. If you get kicked from an instance, upon joining a new instance, make your first post a furious comment on the admins/mods/hivemind of the instance that kicked you, completely forgetting we can all see the modlog.
[-] [email protected] 164 points 6 months ago

Elon: "100% free speech, always!"

MediaMatters: "Here's evidence Musk is an antisemite."

Elon: "I'm suing you for speaking freely!"

[-] [email protected] 120 points 6 months ago

Elon is slowly but surely tearing down everything he has ~~created~~


[-] [email protected] 188 points 7 months ago

Just a reminder to my American friends that everyone was absolutely positive there was no way Trump would get elected in 2016. You sleptwalked into a near dictatorship because everyone agreed the idea that he could win was a big joke. There's very real possibility that a refusal to believe he can do it again will mean he does do it again. And if he does, I don't think it'll be a near dictatorship you have to live in.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 8 months ago

Didn't really have a choice:

...Regrettably individuals have frequently used this feature to host undesirable content and malicious services from ports that are forwarded from our VPN servers. This has led to law enforcement contacting us, our IPs getting blacklisted, and hosting providers cancelling us.

Blog post

Big issue there is hosting providers cancelling them. Can't operate a business without that.

[-] [email protected] 99 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Read the headline: yes mate, she is.

Read the post: Perfectly understandable, carry on.

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joined 9 months ago