I have met Steve at Ms several times, and he always seemed like a nice and genuinely motivated person. He seemed to like product challenges and even took on hard tasks like leading the core team of Windows 8.1 App enablement ( think of getting Facebook to create a Windows native app). I'd believe him that Mozilla treated him wrongly or asked unfair things of him, otherwise he wouldn't need to take these steps.
Edit: nevermind my reading comprehension is stuck at kindergarten level
I like his enthusiasm and energy, but he also gives me weird vibes. Might be normal for redneck Americans, but I find it strange that his kids address him with "Sir".
What? So if a sports federation changes the rules all independently organized events are disadvantaged? By that logic the Olympics are just an advertisement for the sports not a competition, as the federation usually don't change rules 6 months prior.
Still it was on the list for many years, like alcohol. They can reduce competitive stress.
MrBeast uses a lot of illegal gambling techniques to hook children. The chocolate bar is advertised as healthy but the recipe was changed after launch, making it even unhealthier than Hershey. A lot of episodes and winners are scripted and somehow favor friends and families of staff. Even the signature on shirts are fake, as someone not Jimmy was seen on stream signing as MB.
Doesn't mean you can be put in a position that finances you and sets up for a life after sports. Here most of the athletes are police or military who complete basic training and are on paid leave for as long as they are in the national team.
Bambulab store
VW has a ton of models and cupra on top. Volvo has polestar. And that's just 2 I know personally. I wonder how the error margin with you other exclusions is.
And on Windows you booted in safe mode and removed one file. What's the point of your post?
Well you don't have 1000 vms running in azure, do you? It's not about your Xbox..
I mean it's labeled on the screwdriver in the picture..