"10ft away from the screen". I.e. sitting in a sofa playing on a TV, compared to sitting at a desk close to a monitor
FlowLauncher looks neat, like KRunner for Windows. Thanks for sharing
Yeah the nodered flow on the target device is for handling shutdown(sleep) and status reporting back to HomeAssistant, so in HA the computer is a simple switch with on/off states
Oh neat!
I made a custom solution for WOL and remote shutdown using nodered and MQTT, but this is so cleaner than maintaining a custom solution
No they're not, in fact Cosmic is almost ready for Alpha release (Sorry, couldn't help myself)
You make a valid point.
One counterpoint does come to mind: Cost. The hardware to run it on ain't cheap
(Im not up to date on the used market and the cut off point where old macs become unsupported and stop receiving software updates)
Had great success on Kubuntu. Set up the desktop to have two giant icons only: Firefox, and shutdown.
On Windows the constant popups for updating various components were causing much confusion Java, flash (back in the day), printer "drivers", and of course windows itself would throw popups about updates requiring clicking buttons every time they used the computer, which was very infrequently, and cause them much confusion ("what does update mean" ?")
Meanwhile on Kubuntu all updates go "shhhh" in the background, and no more confusing "To shutdown, press Start"
This happens when a small project has 12 developers each scratching their own itch in their own time, not a team of 120 developers getting paid to work on the same itch 8 hours a day.
In the case of FreeCAD they're actually starting to reign in and focus more now, and there are more contributors.
I hope a previously suggested goal of improving KDE for organizations makes a comeback. It was basically all about all the things a business/organisation would need to roll out a fleet of KDE computers, mainly tools for remote / centralised management by an IT department.
In the wake of Windows's recent and continued trend, more and more public institutions, universities, government etc should be looking at switching away from Windows. There's also EUs recent Digital Sovereignty Initiative.
German state Schleswig-Holstein is already swapping 30k computers to Linux
*Happy noises* :)
And I see there's a plugin for cross-linking between documents! More happy noises :)
And a nightly flatpak build :) Thanks for making it so easy to try out!
directly reflected on your system in the hierarchy of your KleverNotes storage folders.
This is a big deal. Joplin is great, but its database structure is horrible for interoperability.
Hopefully Klevernotes will also be more snappy and "native feeling". Joplin being Electron can be a bit sluggish sometimes ( which is mildly infuriating given that the database structure was chosen over plain files due to "performance").
That said, it be nice if Klevernotes was a WYSIWIG editor. There really are a lot of dual-view markdown editors with a preview. For generel notes / productivity I find the dual view distracting, but need the preview for images etc
Sudden culture shock from a Norwegian:
Almost all electricity used by Norwegian homes goes towards heating (including cooking and hot water), and charging cars. So counting heating separate from electricity suddenly makes the electric transition sound less impressive. (And the transition away from nuclear more baffling). It's still impressive to see Germany really follow through on renewables though. 60% renewable electricity is still a lot
Is there a plan to transition away from burning fossil fuels for heating?