This is wonderful to use libzenroom low level APIs, for instance executing zencode without repeating initialization. systemd injects bpf program(s) when you filter traffic by IP address in a .service file. It rejects traffic by dropping it🚮past the ip[6]tables match, and well before it would generate a SYN/ACK. No counters, no logs. 🫥 Packets disappear. 🫧
lol mates ok its old news but this meme was missing from here so I thought it was worth archiving for future inspiration, I love it, it is so melancholic
"During the last electoral term, the EU Commission failed to take any meaningful action to strengthen its own transparency and ethics system." Open letter signed by Transparency International EU, The Good Lobby, Corporate Europe Observatory and LobbyControl.
lol pic or never happened
also the creator of systemd went to work at mikrosoft
Meanwhile Meloni despises VdL and Europe on prime time Italian news media. She is poisonous.
why depict RMS this way
I love it, systemd has provided a lot of fun in the past 10 years 😂
try 1.5GB live OS including many pre installed applications like kdenlive, audacity, ardour and OBS...
thanks dear ❤️