Bullshit, one side has members that have consistently fought for increasing the minimum wage, one side hasn't, in addition to attempting a fucking coup. Put that on your bumper sticker.
ha, pretty much!
The internet was not immune from the law of people ruining anything and everything good. If something is good, people will come, then more people, then enough people that it's either ruined by there simply being too many people, or someone trying to make money off the thing, and thereby sucking the goodness out of it. Nothing is safe, if it's good, eventually it will be ruined by people.
Holy shit, this is one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever read.
But muh both sides tho!! Keep up the cope.
Well. I now know what I’m doing with my next 4 days. Game is currently downloading on my PC.
Yeah, depending on your connection, will probably be done in 4 days :)
Stop telling me I'm wrong or you'll make me vote for a fascist!! Compelling argument.
get someone to take this shit seriously enough to do something meaningful
Something meaningful might affect them, which is unacceptable, cuz this is 'Merica, which means they do what they want, fuck everyone else around them and even the entire planet!
Has anyone said otherwise? He can do what he wants, but people can't react to it?
Cool, the next rethuglican president will probably work out way better for you.
Nothing you've said applies to anything I said, but nice try. Anyway, cool, go vote (R) then, they're much better for the working class.