@PlutoniumAcid i’m 64, i’ve lived in over a hundred different places, including rural and suburbs with lawns. literally never ever had this problem. not even when i owned cat! so it seems you’re cursed. you need to find the witch or wizard you offended and make amends.
i’m really amazed this would even happen, as cat prefer to bury their waste so they like places they can dig miles more than lawns. i wonder: did your u maybe see one cat, once, poop and now you think all poop is cat poop? because dogs are a lot more likely to be doing this regularly than cats.
@BiNonBi. people saying supportive things. how refreshing. don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. and don’t expect any people, on any topic, to always say exactly what yu’d like them to. it won’t happen. i can guarantee it.