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[–] [email protected] 47 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

More importantly, Anderson has eight vehicles. GEICO is only choosing to terminate the insurance coverage from Cybertruck and is actively pursuing renewal of his vehicle coverage for the rest.

Oh won’t somebody please help the guy with EIGHT FUCKING CARS one of which is a big dumb refrigerator on wheels.

Seriously fuck this guy anyways just for the sheer overconsumption

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

We had a bunch of stalls in the 90s without doors, but the janitors told us it was just because asshole kids would break the doors for fun and the school would run out of money to repair them.

Even just partially damaging a door can make it a dangerous enough that the school would rather take it down than risk a lawsuit.

Made more sense to me than some sort of anti masturbation strategy. High school kids are fucking dumb as shit and I can definitely imagine them breaking stall doors for fun

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I suppose you might get to kill people but that doesn’t mean that the law is going to be ok with that. Proportionality of force is a thing. Stand your ground states are doing their best to change that, but that’s a very mixed bag.

If you shoot and kill someone for blocking your waymo and being a creep, in most places you are going to have to convince a district attorney and a jury that you were justified in ending their life. Even if you do that and escape criminal liability, you’ll then have to convince more people not to hold you liable in civil court.

Sounds pretty cool to go “I got a shooty bang bang so if I feel threatened in any way I can come out blasting.” It is true in the moment, but if you place any value on your future liberty, money, and time you might want to consider the ramifications of killing another human being.

Finally, even if society decides you shouldn’t face any criminal or civil penalty for killing someone, you will have to face yourself. Sitting behind a keyboard it sounds badass to shoot someone that’s pissing you off. In the moment you will probably feel justified. Many a young man sent to war or employed as a police officer didn’t think that taking a life would change them, only to find the reality of taking a life is not what the action movies promised. Self doubt, self loathing, ptsd, depression, these are all common reactions to reckoning with the fact that you are the cause of another persons death.

It is hard to feel like a righteous badass as you watch a grieving widow mourn someone that may have even done something stupid or wrong, knowing that their child has no father now and their wife no partner. Are these people jerks and creeps, sure, is the punishment for being a jerk or creep death, rarely. It is a heavy burden to carry to end another.

[–] [email protected] 93 points 2 weeks ago (21 children)

I bought a $20 cast iron pan at target, I season it like once a year. I just wash it and make sure to dry it, I’m sure this is against the rules. Seems to work fine for me though. I wouldn’t say it’s nonstick but it’s mostly fine.

A $20 Teflon pan would be flaking and unusable, so for $20 it’s a good deal.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Yea that’s fair. I agree, it’s shitty to work someone until they are about to get overtime and then swap them out to avoid paying overtime.

I would agree that to “stiff” someone of something is to deprive them of something they’ve earned, like not paying out overtime once someone has worked it.

I wonder why they bother, it’s not like the thing he said isn’t already shitty.

Thanks for the example, have a cool day

[–] [email protected] 50 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I remember when I first heard the “we will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it”. I thought, “oh they must be taking him out of context that makes no sense”. Nope

He is pretty consistently advancing absolutely batshit insane things. I don’t think he actually gets taken out of context that often, not because the media is fair, but because the shit he says is so goddamn insane there’s no need.

Is there something in recent memory where you think there was a headline that misconstrued what he said?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

Yea it’s a shame that so many of our fellow countrymen say this seriously.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Exactly right. Honestly at this point I think the Dems should just drop gun control entirely as an issue.

Let me preface this next section with the fact that I’ve been largely supportive of common sense gun control laws and think they would be a net positive. But give me a minute because this is a slightly more nuance point (the danger of bringing nuance to gun issues in America is apparent to me)

Why? Let’s say they were successful and made it harder to purchase guns that we categorize as especially dangerous.

  1. This country is already awash in guns. Unlike other nations that have disarmed, there is no appetite for any kind of gun but back or gun seizure program, those dangerous guns will get into the hands of people that want to do dangerous things with them.
  2. The less dangerous guns are still quite dangerous. Humans are creative, bump stocks, self modification of less dangerous guns, having a couple loaded guns, all ways to make less dangerous guns equally dangerous.
  3. There are enough pro gun Americans and money in the gun industry that every change will have loopholes you could drive a semi truck through

So the cost benefit just makes no sense. As a political issue the cost is enormous and the realistic potential benefit is basically nothing. I wish we had a population that cared more about this, but from a pragmatic point of view we simply don’t.

I think it was sandy hook that really cemented this for me. If a grade school full of children gets shot up and the reaction from a significant portion of the population is apathy or to double down on gun rights, that’s not an issue you are winning.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Oh for sure, I remember anecdotes like that too, but unless the person is still a friend I’m not going to remember who exactly did it.

But that could be a me thing, my wife always tells me I’m bad at remembering details

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Honestly the teacher laughing was enough, literally no one is going to give a fuck after that.

People need to realize that they are not the main character, if you want something embarrassing you did to go away just don’t bring it up. People aren’t jotting down notes to bring up later, they have full lives of their own, no one in college has time to commit this to memory any more than a funny anecdote and they won’t bother to remember who did it.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The guy that privately owns twitter claimed to be some sort of free speech absolutist.

For once this is not someone getting confused about the first amendment but simply calling out musk’s hypocrisy.

Here’s an article from a year ago that covers the same idea and includes a bunch of direct quotes from musk about his free speech views that his fans love to idolize while his actions bear no resemblance

I’ll save you a click with one pull quote

This time, it's after he clashed with a BBC reporter over the prevelance of "hate speech" on Twitter. "Free speech is meaningless unless you allow people you don't like to say things you don't like," Musk said in a clip since shared across the internet, including by mega-stars like Joe Rogan.

So musk using “free speech” to defend hate speech and then censoring this because it doesn’t align with his politics is of course legal, but hypocritical, and logically implies that hate speech does align with his political views or at least isn’t as offensive to him as this dossier.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 3 weeks ago

Board of Directors shocked, absolutely shocked, that they were supposed to be directing the company. When reached for comment several wealthy looking people were seen with dictionaries in hand looking up the word “director” looking absolutely aghast

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