[-] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

That quote has been changed a bit, but in it's original form I think it was Churchill.

And the general idea is that as you age your idealism is tempered by practicality, as well as having adapted to the situation and built something of a life of your own, so you've gradually moved from the camp of "very little to lose/give up in exchange for all these benefits" and toward the camp of, "you know what, I'm doing okay, I've figured out a way to make it work, and I'd rather 'the system' just leave me alone at this point, since I'll be footing the bill for things that aren't even going to benefit me that much".

Obviously it's a lot more complicated than that, but that's the gist.

It's also worth remembering that "liberal" and "conservative" meant something different mid century than they do now. Especially with the MAGA influence.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 6 days ago

Most jobs like that, or really any pay scheme other than piece work or an hourly wage usually has the process of:

  1. You can take as much PTO as you like.
  2. You can take as much PTO as you like...provided you get all your work done.
  3. You work like a dog, get all your work done, and take time off.
  4. Since you were able to get everything done and have time left over to not work, your boss increases your workload, so now you have to work like a dog, all the time, or else you'll never get everything done.

It's like playing chess, and while the other player can't change the rules as they go, but a condition for playing with them is that they get two moves every turn.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago


Unless it's a cause you'd donate to, and by extension donate your music to, get it back!

[-] [email protected] 9 points 6 days ago

The artist has perfectly captured the feline character when being scolded here: annoyed, defeated...but utterly incapable of shame or remorse.

[-] [email protected] 64 points 2 months ago


"Nobody wants to work anymore!"

Like no shit man.

News Flash: nobody has wanted to work ever. They work because the compensation lets them live the lives they want outside of work. If nobody wants to work for you, it's because you either aren't willing to compensate them enough to do that, or your job makes them so miserable that it's not worth it for them to trade away that much happiness for the compensation.

Or both. In lots of cases it's both.

Guild Wars 3 Confirmed (massivelyop.com)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just stumbled across this in my travels.

Obviously this isn't "confirmed" as in "it's definitely coming out and here's a release date", but rather, simply confirmation that time and effort are being spent on it.

We also got confirmation that expansions are planned for the next two years, so even at the earliest, GW3 would likely be a 2027 thing, possibly with the second expansion in the current pipeline serving as a sort of link/segue.

Shifting gears for a moment, though...while there's a lot of room to steer the current story over 2 more expansions, I'm not sure there's much room left in the current lore for much of any real significant game. Maybe GW3 sees a prequel game? Maybe we actually participate in...you know...the Guild Wars?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Went 4lb 1oz on the scale, for a best fish of 2024 to this point, and likely one of my top 5 overall for the year!

She ate a black and blue jig (I think it was a Dirty Jigs compact pitching in Pay Day) with a Reaction Innovations Kinky Beaver in Blank Check color...in about 2 feet of water, up on shore under a bush.

It was also the first fish on my new rod! (A NRX+ 894C JWR...not the Mojo in the background lol).

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been getting out when I can for the past several weeks...on my very first trip of the year I missed a nice one under a dock that just threw the hook. After that I fished for many many hours without a bite.

We had a local warming trend here the past few days and finally I managed to break the ice.

Went 2lb 2oz on the scale and is a very respectable fish from the small and heavily pressured lake I caught it on. Took a Vision 110 Jr. in Elegy Bone.

[-] [email protected] 79 points 6 months ago

My biggest resume gap was a 6 month gap. I was laid off (technically "my position was eliminated") and immediately started looking, but opportunities were slim.

I knew the gap may not look good, even if I was searching the whole time, so I enrolled in a few classes at the local community college when the new semester began.

As it happened, a few weeks after my layoff, my grandfather fell ill as well and it turned out to be a relief for the whole family that I was able to pull the overnight shifts caring for him at my grandparents' home in the last month and a half of his life.

Though my stretch of unemployment lasted long after he passed, the few times I've been asked about this gap in an interview, my response has usually been "I was caring for my dying grandfather" with no elaboration.

At that point, the majority of interviews who asked either let it go and move on or express sympathy and continue. The one interview I've been in where that wasn't enough and they tried to get into specifics, I wrote off that position mentally in that moment and it was just going through the motions until I could get out of there. I figured any place that would pry for details in that situation to see if they felt it was justified was the type of place that would feel justified prying into my private life if I were employed there.

Christmas (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So...what didja get?

[-] [email protected] 58 points 8 months ago

Everyone over the age of 20 thinks they're old now.

Everyone older than them responds with some variation of, "Just you wait!"

Always been this way.

[-] [email protected] 65 points 9 months ago

Because Trump, as weirdly as he may go about it, has made his way through life on his (inherited fortune from his from his crook of a father and) force of personality.

He gets people to do what he wants them to do by projecting an image, a brand, through the way he acts and speaks. Look at The Apprentice. He's playing this role that says (without saying out loud), "Look at me. I'm a straight shooting, no nonsense business leader and my personality and business sense have brought me success, money, fame, luxury, and power. You want that too? You want to be like me? Then do what I say."

Not saying it's authentic or that it should work, but Trump's entire existence is based on this tactic. He's constantly projecting an image, and it's that projection of that image that gets him his way. His force of personality is just as, if not more central to his power as his money (make no mistake, the money is necessary too).

This, in contrast with Musk, who's typically cultivated his following based on ideas and drive. He gets people to go along with him because he's seen as a modern day Edison (and to be fair, the comparison, in some ways, is apt... especially the less flattering ones), a groundbreaker, rules breaker...a visionary.

Simply put, among the people who follow these guys, people follow Musk for what he says (in terms of his big ideas), people follow Trump for the way he acts (in terms of the image he projects). It takes a strong set of blinders to ignore Musk's sharing of his worse ideas and Trump's less than impressive antics, but their respective cults have had plenty of practice in those mental gymnastics.

Thus you're left with the mind boggling (to the rest of us) situation where Musk's followers don't care how he acts, because they are laser focused on his ideas, while Trump supporters couldn't care less about the crazy or incoherent stuff he says, so long as he keeps projecting that macho, confident persona.

So that's how Musk gets away with being "Trump, but more childish": he's not depending on the personality like Trump, so he can act that way without turning his supporters off, because they don't care about that in the first place.

Musk's entire angle is "it's okay to be a humongous asshole if you achieve your goals.

Trump's is, "It's okay to be a humongous asshole, as long as you can sell it as arrogance bred from success."

[-] [email protected] 73 points 9 months ago

I mean...the moment any large corporation figures out a way to replace human workers that need things like bathroom breaks (and basic human rights, and paychecks) and do the same work with robots and AI... literally the next moment, they'll have the AI start generating layoff notices.

It's just less flashy when it happens that way because there's no need for that AI to look like a beautiful young person.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 10 months ago

Yeah, all Google accomplished with this bullshit was finally getting me to switch from Chrome to Firefox as my main browser on desktop.

[-] [email protected] 65 points 10 months ago

I mean...those are all valid questions.

Any or all of which could've been asked.

[-] [email protected] 57 points 11 months ago

Also 17 year old kids, the vast majority of which have never taken on significant debt and have no frame of reference for the scale of obligation they're taking on.

It blows my mind that we look at an 17 year old and, as a government, we say, "Alcohol? Too young and immature. Handguns? Too young and immature. Tobacco products? Too young and immature. Voting? Too young and immature. Enlisting in the military or want to take on 5 or 6 figures of debt that will drive your major life decisions for the next few decades? Sign here."

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

When the local discount store has their already cheap LC stock marked 25% off, you load up.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Basically the title.

I'm running some nice Japanese braid but I feel like it's a bit small/thin/light for the application.

Just looking to find out what others use!

Best of the Weekend (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

2lb 5oz on the scale, ate a Megabass SV-3 spinnerbait in Wakasagi colorway, pulled along the edges of weed mats.

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