[-] [email protected] 2 points 47 minutes ago

Maybe some early pranks. Most of what they do seems legit, fighting oppression and calling out bigots and disgusting people.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago

Does anyone happen to know if there is a N100 model that supports HDMI-CEC so I can make my old TV set smart with a recent Kodi and maybe some retro-games? But I'd rather not let it consume 9W or whatever such a machine needs all day long. So it'd need to start and shut down on its own. Preferably without manual additional steps involved, hence the CEC...

submitted 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just found https://www.arliai.com/ who offer LLM inference for quite cheap. Without rate-limits and unlimited token generation. No-logging policy and they have an OpenAI compatible API.

I've been using runpod.io previously but that's a whole different service as they sell compute and the customers have to build their own Docker images and run them in their cloud, by the hour/second.

Should I switch to ArliAI? Does anyone have some experience with them? Or can recommend another nice inference service? I still refuse to pay $1.000 for a GPU and then also pay for electricity when I can use some $5/month cloud service and it'd last me 16 years before I reach the price of buying a decent GPU...

[-] [email protected] 13 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

Sure. I'm not against people buying it. Including for novelty or be an early adopter. I've had a look at all the foldable phones in the store and I didn't really like them. I mean it's a nice idea, and I can see how I'd get some good use out of that large screen. But at least the Samsung one had a pretty noticable fold in the middle. And I can get a rusty used car for that kind of money. Or a mid-range gaming PC new. Maybe I'm just not the target audience. I never got why people buy expensive phones. My $350 one can do pretty much the same tasks in everyday life and also the camera and everything is decent enough. And I spent the extra money that'd get me to $2.000 on a laptop and other things. Yeah, but I know different people make different decisions and that's fine. I'd be in for something like a Nokia N950 if we want to change the form factor (and operating system for more diversity). But that's not happening. Or just a regular uninspiring Pixel with the price point of the 4a, just with the current (extended) update timeframe. That's something they don't do very often. Probably because of the smaller profit margin. But I also consider it an achievement and challenge to design and sell a device close to high-end specs, just for a fraction of the price.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Stimmt. Ich bezweifle aber erstmal die Zahlen. Außerdem ist hier eh alles kaputt und man müsste das erstmal reparieren bevor man sich überhaupt um langfristig kostendeckend unterhält...

Ich bin sowieso nicht dafür alle (Dorf und Stadt) über einen Kamm zu scheren. Also es ist schon nett, dass das Deutschlandticket jede:n gleich viel kostet. Aber abgesehen davon sehen die Lebensrealitäten im dicht besiedelten Ruhrgebiet und aufm Dorf schon anders aus.

Und ich würde auch 20€ mehr bezahlen, dann soll die Bahn aber bitte auch pünktlich kommen. Man kann schlecht einmal pro Woche zu spät zur Arbeit kommen, weil irgendwie die Bahn nicht kommt, das interessiert den Chef/Kunden recht wenig. Und immer 'ne halbe Stunde früher losfahren ist auch verschwendete Lebenszeit.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 8 hours ago

It's too darn expensive for what it does. I'll stick with my $350 phone and a laptop or tablet for now.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

I like than everyone seems to think we're days or weeks away from a ChatGPT 5 release. I've read that claim for months now.

But I agree with the premise of the article. Whistleblowing should be legal and appreciated. I wouldn't rely on the government however. They've done far worse things than just fire someone who calls them out, in the past.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Oh man, die hessische CDU will es abschaffen, die Bayern teurer machen... Aber wenn die doch jetzt ausgerechnet haben, dann man für 64€ kostendeckend arbeiten kann... Hört sich doch 29€ gar nicht so schlecht an? Für mit dem Auto zur Arbeit fahren gibt es ja auch Steuererleichterungen. Oder den Umweltbonus für eine E-Auto gab es zumindest mal.

Außerdem wieso kostendeckend? Wieso hat das Ticket2000 dann vorher die Pendler 150€ im Monat gekostet?

[-] [email protected] -1 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

I think that's why I wrote about stalking, doxing and and the job of journalists. I think it's generally not well aligned to the job of a private investigator. I think you could do it as a journalist. Have some idea that someone feels fishy and see if you can dig something up and write an article about it. There might be some overlap with the two jobs in the methods. And OP's question came from a story idea. Maybe there are unprofessional investigators without morale? I think some professional with an interest to keep their job will certainly not cross the lines, do illegal methods and then also document it... They'll probably just refuse to do that job.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 14 hours ago

I think we have some more pressing issues with email. We need a new protocol that effectively fights spam, phishing and adds encryption and signatures. And that protocol needs close to 100% adoption around the world. I don't mind if we also go ahead and make it more efficient and add features like automatic deletion etc. But that's just the cherry on top.

[-] [email protected] -3 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Then I misunderstood what the question is about. With your definition and the original question in mind, it'd boil down to doing journalism. Of course that isn't illegal. But it also has some severe restrictions when it comes to individual people and their private life. You can't just doxx someone and publish everything invading their privacy. And here also different rules apply to the person investigating and the person publishing the information. But the rules for private investigators still apply.

And I still think a good part of what a private investigator does is things like finding out if someone cheated on their spouse. And that includes following people. And they better not tell how much they exactly followed someone, but instead only take a picture when they actually caught their suspect doing something wrong. Which they can't do with the premise of this story... Without a clear goal, they'd have to become more like a paparazzi. Which might be closer to illegal and the movie PI than their usual job.

And sure, other parts of their job is probably digging through social media, paper trails when it comes to money, investigating if someone embezzles money or is in breach of a contract. But I don't think it applies fully in this situation.

However, if you find a politician embezzles money, or poses for the working class and secretly owns 5 mansions in Miami, and you call them out... That's regular journalism. You just need to make sure to obtain that information legally. Or claim you got that from a mysterious source. And adhere to the standards of journalism. You can't publish when they fetch their kids from school and then someone goes ahead and uses that information to harass their 12yo daughter.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

It's the internet. Lots of people write silly stuff and blast their uninformed opinion around. That also happens on the Fediverse. They do it for various reasons. And it's easier to do it pseudonomysly than in real life. Also you'd expect some left-wing people to pop up on Mastodon, since they've left Twitter and Mastodon is the number one alternative.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 day ago
Just testing... (palaver.p3x.de)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm just testing if I broke something. But that doesn't seem to be the case, since it got federated and you can read this. You can stop reading now.

And since you didn't... How do you like Piefed? Do you also use Lemmy along with it because of some shortcomings? Do you miss a phone app? Do you operate your own instance (or plan to) or are you comfortable using piefed.social? What are your plans for it, just using it for yourself? Are you able to code in Python? And do you think Python and Flask are good choices?

[Edit: Edited to test editing.]

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