[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

There's a problem there, though. The propaganda was basically various versions of "The government (when run by Democrats) is bad, don't trust the government."

If they put up a notice saying, "This domain was seized, here's the real facts!" the target of the propaganda isn't going to buy it for a hot minute.

If they put up replacement content that doesn't mention the government seizure, tha target of the propaganda is already primed to shout, "Fake news!" at anything that disputes their existing worldview.

It's best to just let those domains return like a 504 Internal Server Error and die a quiet death.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

A "Library of Congress" for published web content maybe. Some sort of standard that allows / requires websites that publish content on oublic-facing sites to also share a permanent copy with an archive, without having the archive have to scrape it.

Sort of like how book publishers send a copy to the LoC.

[-] [email protected] 78 points 7 months ago

That used to be Google, when they were interested in providing quality results and showing ads alongside those results, instead of just.. being an ad company.

Before that, it was Yahoo, when they were interested in providing quality results, and showing ads, instead of just being an ad company.

Before that, it was AltaVista, when they were...

...Ask Jeeves...

We'll see who's next.

[-] [email protected] 126 points 7 months ago

The loss of credibility is not because it's discord,. specifically.

It's because the project thinks a chat platform is an appropriate way to document a project. I would feel the same way if someone told me to get on IRC for docs, or Slack.

[-] [email protected] 99 points 9 months ago

Paid mods is almost never a good thing for the game itself.

Almost every mod out there is addressing some (real or perceived) deficiency in the base game. Good game studios look at what's popular and either pull those features into the base game, or work with the modder to do the same.

Adding a paid mod system changes that cooperative relationship into an adversarial one, where modders see their revenue stream attacked by the game maker.

(Except maybe the make everyone nude mods)

[-] [email protected] 95 points 11 months ago

The story I'm hearing elsewhere is he pulled the alarm to delay the vote, as Republicans are violating their "72 hours to read the bill" rule they agreed to at the start of this Congressional term.

While I don't condone the actions, the result was a delay, long enough for representatives to read a bill they are voting on, which is something that should always be allowed.

[-] [email protected] 90 points 11 months ago

Remember: When dealing with any IOT device, the "S" is for "Security".

[-] [email protected] 235 points 11 months ago

This becomes suddenly far more understandable when you open the article and notice the band director isn't white.

[-] [email protected] 103 points 1 year ago

It's only stupid if you think Microsoft wants to retain employees.

The tech industry is contracting after over expanding during the pandemic and, instead of layoffs, MS is hoping to get to their budget cuts by attrition.

[-] [email protected] 75 points 1 year ago

Is it really a boycott if you simply can't make the payments?

Not that I mind.

[-] [email protected] 91 points 1 year ago

This is the same demographic that overwhelmingly votes for Republicans. I am finding it very hard to empathize.

That said, perhaps this train wreck will serve as an object lesson for the next generation about creating and maintaining social safety nets.

[-] [email protected] 103 points 1 year ago

Young people have jobs

Old people are retired.

Voting is on a Tuesday.

One of the underlying reasons for turnout is pretty simple.

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