[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

In high school one of my classmates was named Benjamin Dover.

Also had a classmate named Ma Deek.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

I read in a firefighter’s thread that the trick is to use a low pressure spray directly on the battery compartment. (It was a thread about Tesla cars not semis though so that might not apply)

The reason was you can’t actually put the fire out, it’s self oxidizing (it can literally burn underwater) so you basically need to wait till it burns itself out. Fortunately batteries only hold something like 1/10th the energy of gasoline and can’t release that energy as quickly so a fine light spray is enough to keep it from getting hot enough to catch anything else on fire including batteries in the surrounding battery modules.

Takes a long time, like hours to get it to a point they can move the vehicle and literally a couple weeks before the reaction completely fizzles out. They have special lots they tow them to where the car can fizzle itself out without damaging anything surrounding it.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

I can understand debating whether an intersex or transgender athlete should be allowed to compete in the women’s division at the Olympic / world championship level.

But ffs do we really need to make a federal case about it in high school sports?

This isn’t about athletic performance.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 2 months ago

Sandford Fleming (the guy who invented time zones) actually made it easier.

Before timezones, every town had their own clock that defined the time for their town and was loosely set such that “noon is when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.” Which couldn’t be measured all that accurately.

If it wasn’t for Fleming, we’d be dealing with every city or town having a separate time zone.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 4 months ago

So for this attack to work, the attacker needs to be able to run a malicious DHCP server on the target machine’s network.

Meaning they need to have already compromised your local network either physically in person or by compromising a device on that network. If you’ve gotten that far you can already do a lot of damage without this attack.

For the average person this is yet another non-issue. But if you regularly use a VPN over untrusted networks like a hotel or coffee shop wifi then, in theory, an attacker could get your traffic to route outside the VPN tunnel.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You’re trying to take a prescriptivist position on the meaning of the word “homophobia”, defining it as meaning “fear of homosexuality or homosexuals”.

But English doesn’t work that way. English words are defined descriptively not prescriptively. The definition of a word is changed to match how people use the word. When a word is commonly used with a new meaning the people who make dictionaries will change the definition to match how the word is used.

Homophobia can describe a fear or homosexuality, but it’s more commonly used to describe hostility or discrimination against homosexuals.

And as a result the Oxford English Dictionary now defines homophobia as “Hostility towards, prejudice against, or (less commonly) fear of homosexual people or homosexuality.”

Most words that end in -phobia do generally just describe a fear. But when we’re talking about a class of people, words ending in -phobia (e.g transphobia, Islamophobia, etc) we tend to use the hate, prejudice, and hostility meaning instead.

It doesn’t matter that “phobias” were at one time exclusively just irrational fears. If the majority of English speakers use the word to describe hate, that’s its meaning.

If anything, we now need a new word to describe “fear of homosexuality without prejudice towards homosexuals”. Because homophobia already means, to use your words, “a hatred of gay people”.

[-] [email protected] 93 points 8 months ago

For the record, yes you need a pilot’s license to fly a hot air balloon.

And yes the “balloon police” (aka the FAA in the United States) or their equivalent governing body in other countries will stop you, and fine you.

[-] [email protected] 118 points 9 months ago

The exhaust from a typical ICE wouldn’t have enough pressure to inflate a tire, so you’d need a compressor. Of course if you had a compressor you’d just use clean air.

If for some reason you used a compressor to compress exhaust gases to fill a tire, it would mostly be the same as filling with air at first.

Exhaust gas is mostly a mix of carbon dioxide and and water vapour, with small amounts of oil residue, and other organic compounds. The water vapour will condense as it cools likely leaving some liquid water in the tire, which won’t cause immediate issues but will cause vibrations which will accelerate wear not just on the tire but possibly the entire suspension.

The organic compounds will cause the rubber to break down over time and the tire will wear out sooner.

[-] [email protected] 442 points 10 months ago

Total monthly posts exploded after Spez enshitified Reddit, and is still growing steadily month over month.

That suggests that the current decline in monthly active users is primarily because lurkers who only came to lemmy after initially hearing about it on Reddit, went back to lurking Reddit.

The number of users that are contributors is still growing, and that’s what’s important.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 10 months ago

It’s ridiculously unusual for a board to actually fire a CEO. Usually if the board thinks a new CEO is needed, even if the CEO doesn’t agree with the decision, there’s a transition plan announced the CEO “stepping down”, or “steps aside”, of the “next phase of growth” or whatever. It has a massive positive spin on it and the departing CEO is paid a ridiculous severance to go along with the plan publicly.

It’s very negative press to have to outright fire a CEO. Especially in a case like this when the CEO saw the company through the kind of growth that every startup has wet dreams about.

Something huge happened, and the world is speculating rampantly about what that was.

[-] [email protected] 109 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Owen didn’t pay for C3PO twice.

Anakin built 3PO for his mom Shmi, who was a slave to Watto. Cliegg (not Owen) bought Shmi out of slavery. C3PO was already Shmi’s.

[-] [email protected] 75 points 10 months ago

One IT security team insisted we have separate source code repositories for production and development environments.

I’m honestly not sure how they thought that would work.

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