[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

The pirates innovated and made content available long before the corporations did.

Before streaming services took off, it was the only way to get movies and music (besides some IRC rooms). There were even a few golden years where movies would get leaked to torrents in full quality, before the theatrical release.

Music too was easier to find on napster, limewire, and torrents, than your local music store.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here is our regular update that explains what we have been working on for the past two weeks. This should allow average users to keep up with development, without reading Github comments or knowing how to program.

We're readying the release of Lemmy v0.19.4 in the upcoming weeks, but still have a few performance and front-end issues to address. If you'd like to help us test betas to help find issues, you can go to https://voyager.lemmy.ml for the newest beta, or run your own test ones locally from our beta docker tags.

Please do not run unreleased builds in production, as these could cause issues which require some manual intervention to fix.

@snan fixed parent comment context links.

@matc-pub added mixins to simplify tippy popups and scroll-restoration, and conditional rendering to lemmy-ui. Also fixed deselecting community / creator filter for the search form. Added blur server-side-rendering by default for content-warning sites.

@sleepless added an adult consent popup to lemmy-ui, to account for the new site.content_warning field. Fixed an issue with fallback images. Prevent video embeds from displaying, for content-warning sites. Added a way to view historical mod actions done on a single post or comment.

@dullbananas moved the SQL triggers out of migrations, and into a reusable SQL file. This will really help with fixing / tweaking database triggers.

@dessalines fixed extra modlog entries when filtering by post or comment id, removed the scheme from URL blocks to prevent duplicate http / https regex matches, made all single-row database fetches return an Option so as to catch the missing case more explicitly, created a LocalImageView so that front ends can better handle listing media. Also added the image upload views for users and admins to lemmy-ui. Full federated usernames are also always shown now for non-local users. Added vote display mode preferences to lemmy-ui, with upvotes / downvotes as the default. Added a banned indicator to the view votes popup.

@nutomic and @kroese have been fixing / tweaking thumbnail generation.

Support development

@dessalines and @nutomic are working full-time on Lemmy to integrate community contributions, fix bugs, optimize performance and much more. This work is funded exclusively through donations.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. Recurring donations are ideal because they allow for long-term planning. But also one-time donations of any amount help us.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here is our regular update that explains what we have been working on for the past two weeks. This should allow average users to keep up with development, without reading Github comments or knowing how to program.

@snan fixed parent comment linking when not showing context in lemmy-ui in #2417.

@matc-pub fixed deselecting community/creator filter for search form in #2416.

@aeharding fixed incorrectly escaped user data export JSON in lemmy-ui.

@kroese added a fix for the pictrs image mode setting.

@richardj added a comment margin to lemmy-ui.

@tracyspace fixed unecessarily duped notifications.

@jim-taylor-business added ignoring lemmy config based on an ENV var. Has also been working on lemmy-ui-leptos.

@dullbananas optimized set featured posts, added more test coverage.

@SleeplessOne1917 added url blocking and post hiding to lemmy-ui and has, more generally, been preparing lemmy-ui to support the 0.19.4 features added to the backend. He has also been working on lemmy-ui-leptos.

@dessalines added alt text and custom thumbnail to lemmy-ui. Fixed private message sort order. Fixed the docker release.. Partially fixed custom thumbnail updates.. Fixed a bug where comment notifs wouldn't be sent to blocked instances.. Changed defaults on user vote display mode to upvotes + downvotes. Converted many Result<..., LemmyError> into LemmyResult. #4614.

@nutomic added metadata and thumbnail fetching in the background. Added caching of LocalSite::read. Added ignoring of old federated post edits.. Changed exponential backoff for federation sends.. Added a test for fetching from a local url. Fixed a wrongly merged breaking change related to public_key, and reduced api cache duration.

Support development

@dessalines and @nutomic are working full-time on Lemmy to integrate community contributions, fix bugs, optimize performance and much more. This work is funded exclusively through donations.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. Recurring donations are ideal because they allow for long-term planning. But also one-time donations of any amount help us.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/14068273

We're adding the ability to customize this in the upcoming release, but I'm wondering what people think would be a good default.

The 4 pieces of showable/hideable info are: Upvotes, Downvotes, Score, and Upvote %.

In Jerboa, I had a temporary default (until the next lemmy release), of Score + Upvote %, but people seem to dislike this a lot.

I'll check back on this in a week to see the result.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We're adding the ability to customize this in the upcoming release, but I'm wondering what people think would be a good default.

The 4 pieces of showable/hideable info are: Upvotes, Downvotes, Score, and Upvote %.

In Jerboa, I had a temporary default (until the next lemmy release), of Score + Upvote %, but people seem to dislike this a lot.

I'll check back on this in a few days to see the result.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 129 points 2 months ago

I've been tagged here, so to answer some of the questions I saw below:

We already have a way to permanently delete / overwrite your comments when you delete your account. That's been done for a long time., and is easily visible in lemmy-UI when you go to delete your account.

We do federate that removal, but there's nothing that stops a malicious server from ignoring that request. Activitypub is ultimately like email; there is no unsend email button.

That ticket is more about image removals, which gets tricky. We recently added a table that makes sure to attach image uploads to the local user, and now what's needed is to build out an interface for handling those also, in addition to handling the removals properly. Issue for that is here.

Data privacy will always be an ongoing issue, and we have to handle new problems as they arise. That's nothing new for us.

The main issue in that ticket is that there are 2-4 of us devs working on software that is now used by over 40k ppl daily, and we're spread extremely thin. So my personal patience for people making demands, while refusing to do anything to help out themselves, is very thin. We are not a multi-million dollar corporation with hundreds of developers. If someone wants a feature that we don't have time to work on atm, they can help out by adding it.

I think maltfield is well-intentioned, but they've also shown no interest in helping out with any of these GDPR-related requests. We have no legal expertise about the GDPR, and lemmy is not european software, it's international software.

[-] [email protected] 104 points 7 months ago

@[email protected] and I work full-time on lemmy, and there's a large number of additional contributors, helping out not just with code, but with translations, documentation, moderation, etc. As donations increase, we'd like to add more full-time/paid devs to our little co-op (we're in the process onboarding two more rn).

[-] [email protected] 140 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I'm personally a hard copyleft developer, so I'd prefer that people making apps and tools for the lemmy eco-system, open source them, to benefit the community as a whole. Nearly all lemmy projects have adopted that standard, and are using the GPL and other hard copy-left licenses, and sharing their code freely with the community.

One example: various devs of lemmy apps have asked me how we build comment trees. Because lemmy's source code is open, I was able to share the exact code from lemmy-ui (typescript) and jerboa (kotlin). This is not something closed source developers are able / willing to share.

So I continue to recommend that developers heed calls to open source their applications. I developed my ThumbKey android keyboard, specifically because my requests to the MessageEase developers to open-source their codebase, after development had stopped, went unheeded for years.

Side note, but I've seen a lot of the discourse around Sync confuse FOSS, with making money. Of course developers deserve to get paid for their labor time! The thing is, FOSS makes no demands on how you monetize your software: "free as in freedom, not free as in beer", is the saying. So its entirely possible to open source your app, and still charge for it if you like. And If someone wants your app for free (say via an unlocked APK), they'll get it, whether its closed source, or not.

And yes, if an instance decided to insert ads, or becomes full of blog/cryptospam, I'd def recommend other instances defederate from them. I'd rather not lemmy become the ad-machine that other social media has become.

[-] [email protected] 126 points 9 months ago

Lemmy-ui supports SEO, and also has opengraph tags. If there's anything else needs to be added, we're open to PRs.

Side note: For me personally, as @[email protected] suggested, SEO shouldn't be a focus. SEO is such a gamed system, catering to a few giant search companies, and results are increasingly becoming unusable, especially in the past few years. I can barely find the things I want to search for, and almost always have better luck using internal sites search engines. So I'd rather focus on improving lemmy's search capabalities and filtering, than catering to google.

[-] [email protected] 131 points 9 months ago

Its a problem, and at the same time a feature. For example, you can have two communities named !news, that pertain to completely different topics based on their instance:

This also isn't unique to lemmy, since reddit too had tons of duplicate communities for the same topics.

Just like on reddit, the network effect will run its course here: unavoidably there will be a lot of cross-posting on duplicated communities, until people center around their favorites, based on quality of content.

There are a few tools out there too, like https://lemmyverse.net/communities , that can help people find communities to subscribe to.

Overall tho, I'm against the concept of "combining / merging communities" that are run on different sites by different people. These should be curated and controlled by the people who created them.

[-] [email protected] 189 points 9 months ago

One I didn't see mentioned yet: a rice cooker.

Put in rice, add water, push start button, and you get perfect rice every time. I'm usually against single-purpose kitchen tools but a rice cooker is soo worth it.

[-] [email protected] 103 points 9 months ago

Removable battery is the big one. I had a phone where they only cost like $15, so I could take 2 of them on a trip and last a week w/o charging.

[-] [email protected] 191 points 10 months ago

Oddly enough, people are pretty adamant about demanding that we add a lot of addictive features into lemmy, just because they exist on reddit and on other big tech platforms. I usually push back, but I'm always downvoted to oblivion. I conciously wanted to avoid putting these addictive, psychologically harmful things into lemmy-ui.

So its great to see posts like this one. Social media doesn't have to be a negative experience, or addictive. The time we spend here should be short, and positive.

[-] [email protected] 97 points 10 months ago

Ya, realized people kept making flutter and javascript / react native apps for lemmy, so I decided to teach myself jetpack compose and build a native android app for lemmy... I love the reddit app boost, so jerboa is essentially an open source reverse engineering of it's UI.

I haven't been able to contribute much to it lately tho, because I've been overwhelmed with a lot of other priorities, but its been getting a ton of great contributers.

[-] [email protected] 105 points 10 months ago

o7. We're out here for yall, and we're gonna make sure the fediverse stays inoculated from threats.

[-] [email protected] 109 points 11 months ago

I apologize for the stability issues everyone.

People found an exploit and are using it to DDOS several lemmy instances.

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