The private for profit health insurance industry - because what could make number go up better than a (LEGALLY MANDATED) do nothing middle man who's only purpose is to take your money and ensure as little as possible is spent on healthcare sitting between you and not dying?
Just think of all the great things you're going to learn about emergency boot recovery!
Competition is good! Unless it makes shareholders sad.
From reading the penny arcade blog about it and watching the trailer, it seems to be an arthouse movie that just happens to be made by the most famous people on earth. You might love it or hate it but most people just won't get it either way
These sound right to me, especially Dying Earth - a podcast I listen to covered Gene Wolf's Book of the New Sun trilogy and they described it as such. Wikipedia calls it Science Fantasy. Great books by the way
lot of that going around I guess
Sort of like pheromones.
Getting mysteriously horny during the test drive
Better yet getting mysteriously aggressive smelling a rival and wanting to fight the car.
That average has to have some really grotesque edge cases. What really SHOULD happen for a variety of reasons is city centers shouldn't be a place you commute to but that you also live in and all the changes that come with that, including having far less or no cars at all. Suburbia and cities designed for cars are the problems, self driving cars are a venture capital magnet looking for a problem to fix.
Reading more of these comments it's clear we need to invest heavily in biking and transit infrastructure so taking away some idiots drivers license doesn't damn them to poverty
9.0, would have been a 9.5 if Shadow had a gun