@FullyAutomatedRPG @8petros @Anaphory @fiction if we go into different meanings of communities and positive anarchy, maybe the Hard Wired Island ( https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/354684/Hard-Wired-Island ) would be an interesting direction?
It's a 90's retrofuture cyberpunk, but it goes back to the roots: it is about grassroots movements, social solidarity of the lower class, where the implants don't make you inhuman, they just make you _dependent on the evil corpos which can ruin your life_?
@FullyAutomatedRPG @8petros @Anaphory @fiction The Hard Wired Island, despite claiming to be #cyberpunk , is _almost_ a #solarpunk #ttrpg for me when it comes to presenting its world: it talks a lot about community (both on individual and societal role), infrastructure, non-trivial problems, complex identity, unions, grassroots...
Just read their mini-manifesto: