submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

YouTube: bbno$ - it boy (official music video)

Watching the bbno$ video released today, "it boy", I realized (later than I'd like to admit) that it's shot in Cowichan, Vancouver Island. A lot of locations are recognizable in and around Duncan.

When I saw bbno$ dancing on the boat, I finally clued in - that boat is beached at Cherry Point just down the road from my house! I took photos of the same beached boat.

"The Brazen Fork" is also shown in the video, a BBQ truck on Cowichan Bay Road (great food). The falcon landing was surely shot at The Raptors near Duncan.

There are a lot of recognizable locations from the Cowichan area. And a great song! bbno$ - it boy (official music video)

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
 Another Millennium BBS

 * * * * * * * * * * *   
 *   GRAND OPENING   *    (still open
 *   April 20, 2024  *     other days!)
 * * * * * * * * * * *   

Canada: +1.587.67.31337
   USA: +1.949.59.31337
telnet: another.tel

Running Maximus BBS software in MS-DOS for an authentic 90s BBS experience, with local and fsxNet message areas, file areas, and door games.

USRstats, "modem stats" option on the main menu, provides information about your dialup modem connection to the BBS including baud rate and protocol information, error count, etc.

Buccaneer door game - roam the sea, loot treasure ships, but beware the Spanish Armada! Players active daily.

Astronomy Picture of the Day SIXEL format graphics in supporting terminals. (SyncTerm recommended)

AP Class World HQ - hand-crafted artisinal cracks and keygens for special nearly-lost wares.

Fast new user signup, real names not required.

There's never been a better time to call a BBS! Check out a few of our own favourites in the "List of BBSes" at the main menu.

Another Millennium BBS
Canada: +1.587.67.31337
   USA: +1.949.59.31337
telnet: another.tel

Hope to see you online!

Chris / akacastor (SysOp, Another Millennium BBS)

[-] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

I'm using IDA for disassembly and DOSBox-X for debugging, still kinda learning the ropes in 16-bit DOS disassembly but am finding the right tools actually work pretty well, at least in a lot of cases.

I looked at the 386 version (32 bit) of the Blue Wave mail reader and IDA did a great job of decompiling the key check function - I was very impressed - I was even able to copy and paste parts of the code from the decompilation into a keygen. Too bad IDA doesn't decompile 16-bit code - I may have to look into Ghidra sometime for that.

The MS-DOS debugger (DEBUG) is also surprisingly useful and powerful, considering its humble stature as 'some old thing in the DOS directory'. ;) Using the DOSBox-X debugger has advantages, but the simple DOS DEBUG utility was enough to figure out a couple keygens too.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14144651

I've been getting into cracking DOS software, focusing on BBS software, doors, utilities, etc. My latest project is a keygen (registration # and key file generator) for SuperBBS 1.17-3. I understand that, like a lot of BBS software, the source code and registration tools for SuperBBS were lost to time. You can download SuperBBS 1.17-3 from Jason Scott's BBS Documentary website: http://software.bbsdocumentary.com/IBM/DOS/SUPERBBS/

The keygen 'SBBSKEY2.ZIP' is available for download in file area 4 (cracks) of Another Millennium BBS, another.tel port 23.

SuperBBS 1.17-3 KEYGENv2 by akacastor 2024-04-10

The SBBS-KEY keygen will generate a registration number to enter in CONFIG and
a .SCC file that must be placed in the SBBS directory.

You _MUST_ do _BOTH_ of:

1) Enter Sysop Name, BBS Name, and Reg # under Registration in CONFIG.


2) Place the generated .SCC file in your SBBS directory (where BBS.EXE lives).

The timestamp of the .SCC file cannot be altered!  SuperBBS includes the .SCC
file timestamp in its verification checks.


usage: SBBS-KEY "Sysop Name" "BBS Name"

NOTE - don't forget the quotes around each name!



C:\CRACKS>SBBS-KEY "Sysop Name" "BBS Name"

                                        T H E       @         ############     
                                                  @ @           ####     ###   
   SuperBBS 1.17-3                                @@@            ###      #### 
KEYGENv2 by akacastor 2024-04-10               @@ @@@@ @@        ###       ####
                                             @@@   @@   @@       ###        ###
                                           @@     @@@@    @@     ###       ####
                                          @@     @@  @     @@    ###       ### 
 Place .SCC file in SBBS directory.      @       @@  @@      @   ###     ####  
                                         @      @@    @@     @@@@##########    
 NOTE: the .SCC file timestamp must      @      @@    @@  @@@@@@ ###           
       not be changed!                   @      @@    @@@@@@ @   ###           
                                         @     @@  @@@@@@    @   #M#           
                                         @     @@@@@@  @@    @   #t#           
Sysop: Sysop Name                         @@  @@@@      @@ @@    #M#           
  BBS: BBS Name                            @@@@@        @@@@     ###           
Reg #: 37603203                          @@@ @@@         @@      ###           
                                       @@@   @@ @@@@@@@@ @@@    #####          
SCC File: 917C5F7C.SCC                       @@           @@  #########        
SCC Date: 2024-04-10 00:54                  @@             @@                  
                                            @               @       C L A S S  
                   guess what... 1994, 2024, your shit's still getting cracked.
         it's just now more of a philanthropic move instead of an anarchist one


submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been getting into cracking DOS software, focusing on BBS software, doors, utilities, etc. My latest project is a keygen (registration # and key file generator) for SuperBBS 1.17-3. I understand that, like a lot of BBS software, the source code and registration tools for SuperBBS were lost to time. You can download SuperBBS 1.17-3 from Jason Scott's BBS Documentary website: http://software.bbsdocumentary.com/IBM/DOS/SUPERBBS/

The keygen 'SBBSKEY2.ZIP' is available for download in file area 4 (cracks) of Another Millennium BBS, another.tel port 23.

SuperBBS 1.17-3 KEYGENv2 by akacastor 2024-04-10

The SBBS-KEY keygen will generate a registration number to enter in CONFIG and
a .SCC file that must be placed in the SBBS directory.

You _MUST_ do _BOTH_ of:

1) Enter Sysop Name, BBS Name, and Reg # under Registration in CONFIG.


2) Place the generated .SCC file in your SBBS directory (where BBS.EXE lives).

The timestamp of the .SCC file cannot be altered!  SuperBBS includes the .SCC
file timestamp in its verification checks.


usage: SBBS-KEY "Sysop Name" "BBS Name"

NOTE - don't forget the quotes around each name!



C:\CRACKS>SBBS-KEY "Sysop Name" "BBS Name"

                                        T H E       @         ############     
                                                  @ @           ####     ###   
   SuperBBS 1.17-3                                @@@            ###      #### 
KEYGENv2 by akacastor 2024-04-10               @@ @@@@ @@        ###       ####
                                             @@@   @@   @@       ###        ###
                                           @@     @@@@    @@     ###       ####
                                          @@     @@  @     @@    ###       ### 
 Place .SCC file in SBBS directory.      @       @@  @@      @   ###     ####  
                                         @      @@    @@     @@@@##########    
 NOTE: the .SCC file timestamp must      @      @@    @@  @@@@@@ ###           
       not be changed!                   @      @@    @@@@@@ @   ###           
                                         @     @@  @@@@@@    @   #M#           
                                         @     @@@@@@  @@    @   #t#           
Sysop: Sysop Name                         @@  @@@@      @@ @@    #M#           
  BBS: BBS Name                            @@@@@        @@@@     ###           
Reg #: 37603203                          @@@ @@@         @@      ###           
                                       @@@   @@ @@@@@@@@ @@@    #####          
SCC File: 917C5F7C.SCC                       @@           @@  #########        
SCC Date: 2024-04-10 00:54                  @@             @@                  
                                            @               @       C L A S S  
                   guess what... 1994, 2024, your shit's still getting cracked.
         it's just now more of a philanthropic move instead of an anarchist one


[-] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago

Adding solder mask is an optional step. If you use an etch resist like toner or dry film, you have a functional PCB even without solder mask. The solder mask is the unnecessary step that can be skipped.

Using solder mask as an etch resist, you would have to scrape away the remaining mask in areas where you want exposed pads - you would either need another mask for this, or to manually scrape each pad, adding an unnecessary step.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

Speaking of Contra - there is a new Contra out March 12, 2024 (today! or tomorrow depending on timezone), Contra: Operation Galuga. I haven't played the game yet, but the trailer looks amazing!

Baud Day 3/12/24 (www.southernamis.com)
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

IT'S BAUD DAY 3/12/24

From the linked site:

Something that SysOps did when they advertised their BBS. Rather than write a BBS’ supported baud rates as “300/1200/2400”, they would write “3/12/24”. The reason for this abbreviation is probably due to how BBSs were advertised back in the day. Most BBSs were advertised in text files. Depending on the host computer, a text file may have 40 or 80 characters per line. So, space was a premium and dropping 6 characters from “300/1200/2400” made a big difference.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

Some 'getting started' suggestions:

Telnet BBS Guide has over a thousand BBSes listed, most are accessible by telnet. Syncterm is a great terminal program for BBS use, with Linux/Mac/Windows versions available. Other telnet clients can be used, but many BBSes use ANSI and CP437 and not UTF8. (other BBSes use other standards like ATASCII or PETSCII, Syncterm supports many of these.)

There are a bunch of interesting BBSes, one I'd recommend is 20 For Beers, connect to it at 20forbeers.com:1337. Plenty of great ANSI art and active message areas and a huge file collection too. I also recommend checking out the fsxNet message areas, they are shared across many BBSes and have an active community.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 6 months ago

This is so cool to see posted here! I'm the guy that broke my usual don't-post-on-reddit rule to share a keygen for Buccaneer. It really is a fun game, too, even if it can be a bit brutal (this is the third day in a row my ship got sunk!).

There continues to be a thriving community of BBS users and sysops, there is a mix of new software and mods along with the old (there are CBBS systems operating - that is the original BBS software created in the late 1970s!). The fsxNet echomail network is great, linking a lot of active BBSes together and with good conversation and lots of help for retro-tech issues and projects.

If you're interested in playing Buccaneer online, The Fool's Quarter BBS has the game online. Another interesting BBS to check out is 20 For Beers reachable via telnet at 20forbeers.com:1337.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago

Clever photo, great idea. The "flame" effect is brilliant. Thanks for sharing!

[-] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

Although to many of us who aren't engineers, some of the rules may not be obvious and it may look like an honest oversight - if you know any engineers, they have these rules absolutely drilled into them by the time they've earned a degree.

For someone with no engineering background to make a mistake like this is easy to explain. When someone with an engineering degree does it - they absolutely did know what they were doing is against professional regulations.

David Hilderman is a liar.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago

I like this, the tilted camera adds a "fun" aspect, the low perspective captures the bird well, pretty colours in the background, the softness of the background is great as well, nice separation of foreground and background without destroying the background. Also, the bird is not smoking, so it is nice to see it following the rules. Good balance of chaos and rules. Thanks for sharing.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

The animation with the C:\ prompt is great! I hadn't seen this before, but that's one of the all-time greatest game openings!

[-] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago

Sam Zeloof (http://sam.zeloof.xyz/) has been working in the area of DIY semiconductor fabrication, and has successfully fabricated working ICs (from 6 - 100 transistors). He's done an incredible job at reaching ~1970's technology levels in a home lab.

Another example of DIY fabrication: https://hackaday.com/2010/03/10/jeri-makes-integrated-circuits/ Jeri Ellsworth made her own silicon inverter.

These examples are still very small-scale compared to even simple microprocessors, etc - but it's fascinating to see this level of technology becoming more accessible.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The window sill has plenty of space and is a cozy spot, directly above the baseboard heater in the space behind the couch. This is one of her favourite spots.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/6135073

Photo of a sea lion enjoying the sun on a dock in the marina at Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island.

Sea lions visit Cowichan Bay in the fall to feast on salmon on their way to migrate upstream. It is early in the season, many more sea lions will arrive this month. Read more here.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/6135073

Photo of a sea lion enjoying the sun on a dock in the marina at Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island.

Sea lions visit Cowichan Bay in the fall to feast on salmon on their way to migrate upstream. It is early in the season, many more sea lions will arrive this month. Read more here.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/6135073

Photo of a sea lion enjoying the sun on a dock in the marina at Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island.

Sea lions visit Cowichan Bay in the fall to feast on salmon on their way to migrate upstream. It is early in the season, many more sea lions will arrive this month. Read more here.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Photo of a sea lion enjoying the sun on a dock in the marina at Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island.

Sea lions visit Cowichan Bay in the fall to feast on salmon on their way to migrate upstream. It is early in the season, many more sea lions will arrive this month. Read more here.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/5560795

Aboard BC Ferries vessel Coastal Celebration travelling from Tsawassen (Vancouver) to Swartz Bay (Victoria), September 21 2023.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

One of the photographers mentioned is Simon d'Entremont from Nova Scotia.

Simon d'Entremont has an excellent YouTube channel where he shares photography tips and techniques. As I've started learning about photography, Simon's videos are the resource I have gained most from. I can't recommend them enough to anyone learning or growing photography skills.

view more: next ›


joined 1 year ago