His saucerful of secrets album and show it really great
Well, good for you. Now let's prove it
Since HA depends on a lot of python packages, on external softwares and libraries it could not feasible to ensure that the versions packaged with the distribution will always be in line with those needed by HA
You should ask this to your favourite distro packagers, not to the home assistant developers.
In any case, it is such a mess of dependencies due to load of optional packages, very active development, that continuously break dependencies on the package repo.
What advantage would bring have a most of the time obsolete distro specific repo? On a maintainer POV this is the typical use case for distro agnostic deployment, maybe flatpak, maybe docker.
Mi raccomando, alla scusante "eh, vabbè, stavo qua davanti!" si risponde "... con dietro tutti quanti!"
Not sure about the specific requirement but here you can find a list of "modern" terminal emulators to look at
Appreso dell' esistenza dell'italico orsetto lo ho immediatamente adottato, e posso testimoniare che porta fortuna. Proprio mentre facevo il login mi ha chiamato una gentile signorina per offrirmi ricchezze facili comprando azioni di un noto negozio online. Fate come me, usate Raccoon, diventeremo talmente ricchi da comprare X e chiuderlo!
Star Trek: Cocoon
Actually it has two GUIs, it has its own web GUI or you can use rclone browser
Sabaton - Winged Hussars?
I have the same amp and discovered that you can disable the effects holding the tap key while you power it on.
After that it provides a quite flat response, fine for usage with digital modelers