Wicca (English: /ˈwɪkə/), also known as "The Craft",[1] is a modern pagan, syncretic, earth-centered religion.
Isn't the firey interpretation popularized by Dante's Inferno?
Fear of the unforknowable.
Stress. ADHD. Low iron levels. Whatever. Multitude of reasons for this. Sillier things have happened.
Funny as long as no harm is done.
One of them is an asshole.
Okay, got it. Print the PDF, then scan it and save as PDF.
Or get some monks to get a handwritten copy, like the good old times.
The petition doesn't seem to be active, i.e. signable, right now.
If that's fine for them, why not? But I'd rather like to have a taste of myself. Always wondered what I would taste like.
I assume they meant meat in general. Supposed lab-grown meat aims to be a similar experience, the given answer is self-explanatory.
Btw, you can get lab-grown meat in a reastaurant in Singapore iirc.
Ecosia did something similar.
Here is a nice visualisation of the logical paradox: