Well that's depressing. Everything is going to end, and I won't even be around for the cool stuff.
Strangely enough, there's also a 1 disk version:
Seems odd. Either homeless people trying to get warm, or tied into all the gang homicides we've been experiencing recently
So 1. This is newable. Green, almost waste free, and unlimited.
If we can refine fusion, we will stop global warming and energy insecurity, virtually overnight.
It's not a waste to invest in clean tech R&D. At one point, people said the same thing about solar, and look where we are now
Yeah that does suck. My neighbours did that this year, so I'll be dealing with it in the spring
Other than super dry skin, taking 3x the time to leave the house and white knuckle driving every day?
My honest favourite part of winter is 4 fold:
- Christmas season. There's an overwhelming positive energy in the air. Family, drinks, friends and good food.
- Every thing is quiet, fresh and sterile. It looks amazing after a fresh snow.
- It's hockey season.
- No yard work. Fuck leaves (and leafs)
I've learned that the collections are never complete. Looks good though
It was okay. Needed a specific species only tank, and unheated. Grew lots of Marco algae for hitching posts and pod hides. Had lots and lots of pods in there. The difficult thing is getting them to eat frozen mysis. Make sure you see them eat frozen before you buy.
They also are expensive and don't live long. Definitely worth it though
Honestly, I have 3
I loved my clowns. They hosted in some leather coral and were a blast.
Seahorses were amazing. I can't understand how they survive in the wild, but were great in my Living room.
Rope fish were amazing in my cichlid tank. Would highly recommend
Quantized inertia is currently widely regarded as pseudoscience, but if this proves true could be a gamechanger
Good. Fuck those sovereign citizens idiots