
joined 8 months ago

Netbird - це інструмент, який дозволяє безпечно з'єднувати кілька пристроїв у єдину приватну мережу за допомогою технології WireGuard®. Він спрощує керування доступом за допомогою функцій, таких як єдиний вхід (SSO) і багатофакторна аутентифікація (MFA). Це створює безпечну, легку у використанні мережу, де ви можете контролювати доступ і забезпечувати безпеку ваших пристроїв. Більше інформації можна знайти на їх GitHub сторінці.

christianwol-ff/netbird: Connect your devices into a single secure private WireGuard®-based mesh network with SSO/MFA and simple access controls. https://github.com/christianwol-ff/netbird

Він спрощує керування доступом за допомогою функцій, таких як єдиний вхід (SSO) і багатофакторна аутентифікація (MFA). Це створює безпечну, легку у використанні мережу, де ви можете контролювати доступ і забезпечувати безпеку ваших пристроїв. Більше інформації можна знайти на їх GitHub сторінці.

Netbird допомагає об'єднати ваші пристрої у захищену мережу, як ніби вони всі підключені до одного Wi-Fi, навіть якщо вони знаходяться в різних місцях.

Приклади та аналогії:

  1. VPN для вашої особистої мережі: Як особистий VPN, але для всіх ваших пристроїв, щоб вони могли "спілкуватися" між собою безпечно.
  2. Сім'я на відстані: Уявіть, що у вас є комп'ютери вдома, на роботі та у друга. Netbird дозволяє їм бути у одній безпечній мережі, як ніби всі вони вдома.

Прості слова:

  • З'єднує пристрої: Всі ваші пристрої можуть "бачити" один одного, як якщо б вони були підключені до одного Wi-Fi.
  • Безпечно: Захищає вашу мережу від сторонніх.
  • Легке керування: Просте налаштування і контроль доступу до вашої мережі.

Приклад використання:

  • Віддалена робота: Ви можете отримати доступ до домашнього комп'ютера з роботи.
  • Спільні ігри: Друзі можуть грати разом в одній мережі, навіть якщо вони знаходяться в різних місцях.


Title: Netbird: Simplifying Secure Device Connections


Netbird allows users to securely connect multiple devices into a single private network using WireGuard® technology. It simplifies access control through Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), creating an efficient and easy-to-manage mesh network.


Netbird, secure network, WireGuard, SSO, MFA, private network, device connectivity, mesh network, network security, access control, decentralized networking, IT infrastructure, remote access.

Analytical Report and Forecast:

Netbird is positioned to transform the way devices connect and communicate securely. By utilizing WireGuard® technology, it provides a robust solution for creating private mesh networks that are both secure and easy to manage. Key features like Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enhance security and streamline access control, making it an attractive option for both individuals and businesses. As the demand for secure, decentralized networking solutions grows, Netbird is likely to see increased adoption across various sectors, particularly those requiring secure remote access and efficient IT infrastructure management.


#Netbird #SecureNetwork #WireGuard #SSO #MFA #PrivateNetwork #DeviceConnectivity #MeshNetwork #NetworkSecurity #AccessControl #DecentralizedNetworking #RemoteAccess #ITInfrastructure #TechInnovation #CyberSecurity #DigitalTransformation #NetworkManagement #SecureCommunication #TechSolutions #ITSecurity #NetworkingTechnology #DigitalNetworking #ITSupport

Editorial Comment:

Netbird's innovative use of WireGuard® technology to create secure, manageable private networks addresses a critical need in today's increasingly digital and decentralized world. By offering seamless access control and robust security features, Netbird is set to become a go-to solution for both personal and professional networking needs. Its user-friendly approach to complex networking challenges makes it an invaluable tool for enhancing security and connectivity in a variety of settings.

Conclusion, Keywords, Links:

Netbird, secure network, WireGuard, SSO, MFA, private network, device connectivity, mesh network, network security, access control, decentralized networking, IT infrastructure, remote access.

Description for Google search robots (150 characters):

Netbird securely connects devices in a private network using WireGuard, with easy access control via SSO and MFA, enhancing security and manageability.


Peer2Pool - це децентралізована платформа для майнінгу криптовалют, яка об'єднує ресурси від індивідуальних користувачів, дозволяючи їм спільно майнити та розподіляти нагороди. Платформа забезпечує прозорість і справедливий розподіл винагороди завдяки використанню блокчейн-технологій, усуваючи необхідність довіряти центральному органу. Peer2Pool дозволяє майнерам ефективно використовувати свої ресурси та отримувати більші доходи в порівнянні з індивідуальним майнінгом.

Більше інформації можна знайти на офіційній сторінці Peer2Pool або відповідних криптовалютних форумах.

Title: Peer2Pool: Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency Mining


Peer2Pool is a decentralized platform that revolutionizes cryptocurrency mining by pooling resources from individual users, ensuring transparency and fair distribution of rewards using blockchain technology. This method enhances efficiency and increases revenue compared to traditional individual mining approaches.


Peer2Pool, decentralized mining, cryptocurrency, blockchain, mining pool, transparency, fair distribution, resource efficiency, increased revenue, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency mining, mining rewards, individual miners.

Analytical Report and Forecast:

Peer2Pool represents a significant advancement in cryptocurrency mining by leveraging blockchain technology to pool resources from multiple users. This decentralized approach not only ensures transparency but also promotes fair distribution of mining rewards. By eliminating the need for a central authority, Peer2Pool enhances trust and security among its users. The platform's ability to efficiently utilize resources results in higher revenue for miners compared to individual efforts. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, Peer2Pool is poised to become a key player in the cryptocurrency mining landscape, attracting more miners seeking efficient and transparent mining solutions.


#Peer2Pool #DecentralizedMining #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #MiningPool #Transparency #FairDistribution #ResourceEfficiency #IncreasedRevenue #BlockchainTechnology #CryptoMining #MiningRewards #IndividualMiners #CryptoRevolution #DigitalCurrency #BlockchainInnovation #MiningCommunity #CryptoFuture #DecentralizedFinance #BlockchainEcosystem

Editorial Comment:

Peer2Pool's innovative approach to cryptocurrency mining is a game-changer, addressing many of the inefficiencies and trust issues associated with traditional mining methods. By pooling resources and ensuring transparent reward distribution, Peer2Pool not only enhances profitability for miners but also strengthens the overall integrity of the mining process. As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow, platforms like Peer2Pool are essential in fostering a more efficient and secure mining ecosystem.

Conclusion, Keywords, Links:

Peer2Pool, decentralized mining, cryptocurrency, blockchain, mining pool, transparency, fair distribution, resource efficiency, increased revenue, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency mining, mining rewards, individual miners.

Description for Google search robots (150 characters):

Peer2Pool is a decentralized platform that pools resources for efficient, transparent cryptocurrency mining, ensuring fair reward distribution via blockchain technology.

(33) ### Title: Peer2Pool: Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency Mining https://ecency.com/hive-181335/@murchandiser/title-peer2pool-revolutionizing-cryptocurrency-mining


кросс-пост из: https://sopuli.xyz/post/5048225


Source: https://t.me/pravdaGerashchenko_en/28697

In Russian Belgorod, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the local security department. She wrote that "measures need to be taken".

Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and a report that the blanket was taken down, accompanied by a photo.

Russian paranoia is blooming.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Ан-124, 225... Спасибо США за это... https://ecency.com/hive-196037/@murchandiser/klohtaq4yfm

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

"Бляха, їхні квартири зовсім не маленькі, вони такі просторі. Думаю, я візьму собі ліжечко, воно охріненне. І телевізор цілий, але до нього не доберешся..."

Російські солдати мародерствують у пошкоджених обстрілами і покинутих українськими цивільними квартирах в околицях Сєвєродонецька, Україна.

Справжнє обличчя "русского мира".

Гидкі потвори... знову і знову і знову. 800 років поспіль все одне і теж саме!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

"Scheiße, ihre Wohnungen sind gar nicht klein, sie sind so geräumig. Ich glaube, ich nehme das Kinderbett für mich, das ist verdammt geil. Und es gibt einen intakten Fernseher, aber da kommt man nicht ran..."

Russische Soldaten plündern durch Beschuss beschädigte und von ukrainischen Zivilisten verlassene Wohnungen in der Nähe von Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine.

Das wahre Gesicht der "russischen Welt".

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Sehr gut. Aber das Proton ist ein Vermögen wert.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Unfortunately, your picture is barely visible even on a desktop. I will read the documentation to understand this feature of the platform and clients. Thank you again and sorry for the inconvenience. I will try to transfer the text to matrix so that you can read it. The information is really interesting.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

IV Concluding part

  • Some have suggested as a compromise with those who do not want to provide any assistance to Ukraine. However, this proposal is a half-measure and will lead to disappointing results.
  • The Ukrainian military is not the only player defending itself against Russia. As Russia's indiscriminate firing of ballistic missiles and Iranian drones at civilians has shown, the entire Ukrainian society is at war.
  • The first year of Russia's invasion destroyed nearly 30 per cent of Ukraine's economy. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian government and essential public services (law enforcement and first responders, diplomats, utility workers, etc.) must function properly if the country is to remain in a state of total war.
  • U.S. support must be wide-ranging. Those who call for U.S. military support only fail to see the bigger picture in Ukraine. Fact: Claims that U.S. aid to Ukraine cost "$900 per American family" and that the recently proposed aid package would add "more than $1,000" to the tax burden of "every family of four in America" are misleading.
  • These figures are often used to mislead Americans into thinking they are placing an unnecessary financial burden on their shoulders to help Ukraine amid economic hardship and high inflation at home.
  • The numbers are misleading because federal income taxes are not levied evenly among households.
  • In 2020, the most recent year for which data are available, the top 1 per cent of earners paid 42.3 per cent of all federal income tax. The bottom 50 percent of taxpayers (those earning $42,184 or less) paid only 2.3 percent of all federal income tax.
  • Approximately 60 million tax returns reported income of $30,000 or less. The effective average tax rate for this group was 1.5 per cent before any tax credits were applied.
[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Chapter III

  • The guided multiple launch rocket systems (GMLRS), the older AGM-88 and AGM-88E air-to-surface anti-radar missiles, and the AIM-7 and AIM-9M interceptors that the US is sending to Ukraine are either irrelevant to the Indo-Pacific fight or expiring anyway.
  • The most effective way to use these weapons is to send them to Ukraine. The 10,000 Javelins or 2,000 Stingers that the US has given to Ukraine will not be the determining factor in whether the US can deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. But they were the determining factor in allowing Ukraine to defend Kiev in the first weeks of the war.
  • America's preferred weapons in a conflict with China would be torpedoes, AGM-158 JASSM and AGM-158C LRASM strike missiles, sea mines and Tomahawk cruise missiles. None of these were provided to Ukraine. Fact: Because of the lessons the U.S. learned from arming Ukraine, Taiwan is getting weapons earlier.
  • This is the first time the Presidential Withdrawal Authority (PDA), which has been used so effectively for Ukraine, is being used to arm Taiwan. Had the U.S. not supported Ukraine, it is unlikely that Washington would have used the PDA to arm Taiwan.
  • Congress has authorised up to $1 billion in arms transfers for Taiwan using the CCP.
  • In July 2023, the U.S. announced a $345 million military aid package to Taiwan as part of a $1 billion PDA approved by Congress.
  • Although the lethal High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) is in high demand by U.S. allies and partners, Taiwan's order for additional HIMARS will now arrive a year earlier than planned because the U.S. has reprioritised the sale. Fact: Iran and North Korea are allowing Russia to attack Ukraine. Russia supports Hamas.
  • Some of America's main adversaries, as well as enemies of America's closest allies and partners, have allied themselves with Russia.
  • Iran has provided Russia with more than 1,700 drones for use in Ukraine by the end of 2022. Earlier this year, Moscow and Tehran agreed to begin manufacturing some 6,000 Iranian-designed drones in Russia. Meanwhile, Iran and its proxies are using the same drones to threaten Israel and attack U.S. troops in the Middle East.
  • North Korea has reportedly supplied Russia with over a million artillery shells for use in Ukraine. There have also been reports that North Korea has provided ballistic missiles to Russia.
  • Russia regularly votes in the UN Security Council and General Assembly to defend Hamas, despite Hamas committing atrocities against Israel. In October, just weeks after the group's terrorist attack against innocent Israeli civilians, Russia hosted a Hamas delegation in Moscow. Fact: Ukraine is not the new "perpetual war."
  • No U.S. military personnel are fighting against Russia in Ukraine.
  • The U.S. is not a belligerent in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
  • The Ukrainians are not asking for and do not want US troops to help them fight Russia. All they are asking for are resources, which the US is more than capable of providing. Fact: The US is not engaged in an indirect war against Russia.
  • A proxy war is a war that is "waged by states acting at the instigation of or on behalf of other states."
  • The U.S. has never incited Ukrainians to go to war. The US does not force Ukrainians to fight on their behalf. The US is simply complying with Ukrainians' requests for weapons and assistance as they fight a war of self-defence.
  • Ukrainians are fighting a war of national survival. Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way round. Russia is the aggressor and Ukraine is the victim.
  • If Russia stops fighting, the war will end. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine as we know it today will end. Fact: To achieve the greatest effect, the U.S. needs to provide both military and non-military assistance.
[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Chapter II

  • The groups have completed dozens of Reports and dozens more are in development. According to the Working Group, "Investigations related to the response to events in Ukraine have not yet confirmed significant waste, fraud, or abuse."
  • The White House's proposed supplemental option for Ukraine would add another $15 million to fund additional oversight activities. Among other things, this additional funding would allow the State Department's Office of Inspector General to "increase inspections and investigations beyond the 27 ongoing and planned projects that cover foreign assistance, management, and operations." Fact: Europe has spent more on aid to Ukraine than the US.
  • According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy's Ukraine aid tracker, Europe's total commitments are now more than double the US after adding up all aid (military, economic, humanitarian and refugee aid).
  • Twenty European countries have given more to Ukraine than the US as a percentage of GDP. Fact: A winning Ukraine means a safer Taiwan.
  • The choice between security in Europe and security in the Indo-Pacific is a false dichotomy. In terms of U.S. national interests, the two regions are closely linked.
  • Russia is China's junior partner. A weakened or defeated Russia means a weaker China. Beijing is watching Western powers support Ukraine, so a strong and victorious Ukraine makes Taiwan stronger and deters Chinese aggression.
  • It is no coincidence that earlier this year, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishidaposited Ukraine while Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russia. During that visit, Xi Jinping told Vladimir Putin, "Changes are taking place now that have not been seen in 100 years. When we are together, we drive these changes."
  • In Xi's own words, "Indo-Pacific security cannot be separated from European security". Fact: European stability, which Russia is trying to undermine, affects the American worker.
  • North America and Europe account for approximately48 per cent of the world economy.
  • Europe is America's largest source of foreign investment. In 2021, EuropeAccounted for $3.19 trillion of the $4.98 trillion in foreign investment in the U.S., or about 64 per cent.
  • The U.S. and Europe are each other's largest export markets. In 2022, 45 of the 50 states, including one state's largest economy, California, will export more goods to Europe than to China.
  • Europe is also important to the American heartland. Arkansas, Kentucky and Oklahoma export five times more to Europe than to China.
  • When Americans build something for export, it protects American jobs. European stability brings incalculable benefits to the U.S. economy and, by extension, to American workers. Aid to Ukraine helps maintain that stability. Fact: The lessons the U.S. learns from Ukraine will make America stronger in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Supporting Ukraine exposed serious flaws in the American defence industrial base that the US is now addressing. Fortunately, these flaws were discovered when America was not directly at war.
  • The deployment to Ukraine was a test of American-made military hardware in a way that is not possible in peacetime. The U.S. is learning what works, what doesn't work, and how to make improvements. This is preparing America for future warfare to a degree that is unattainable by exercises alone.
  • The US is replacing all the weapons it gives Ukraine with new, more effective systems.
  • As Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen stated, "Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a wake-up call for all of us." Because of its support for Ukraine, US allies and partners in East Asia are spending more on defence to better prepare for future threats. Fact: The weapons the U.S. sends to Ukraine do not affect America's ability to fight conflict in the Indo-Pacific.
[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (5 children)

Thank you for the corrections. The text looks great now.


Fourteen facts about U.S. aid to Ukraine

Luke Coffey

Since Russia invaded Ukraine for the second time in eight years, Russian troops have ravaged Ukrainian cities, raped women, and kidnapped children. Russian missiles and Iranian drones strike Ukrainian cities daily, often hitting civilian targets. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine is the victim. For Americans who believe in respect for national borders, the supremacy of national sovereignty and the right to self-defence, supporting Ukraine is natural. Ukrainians do not ask or want American troops to help them fight Russia. All they ask for are the resources necessary to give them a fighting chance. Meanwhile, Russia is one of America's main geopolitical adversaries. As former Secretary of State and Hudson University Distinguished Fellow Mike Pompeo said last week, a Russian victory "would be felt far beyond Ukraine's borders, including by strengthening the alliance of Russia, China and Iran, which is aimed at weakening the United States and our allies around the world." While Congress debates additional support for Ukraine, detractors will spread false and misleading information. It is important to understand the facts. Fact: The U.S. is not writing Ukraine "carte blanche" and most of the money allocated to help Ukraine never leaves the United States.

  • Every dollar spent to support Ukraine is authorised by Congress and used for a specific purpose. There has never been "carte blanche" on Ukraine.
  • Approximately $70 billion of aid earmarked for Ukraine will never leave the US. Instead, it supports our world-leading defence industry and creates well-paying jobs in 38 states.
  • After seeing the effectiveness of U.S. military equipment in Ukraine, European countries alone have placed $90 billion in orders for U.S. military equipment. This makes America safer and creates good-paying jobs for Americans. Fact: For a relatively modest amount of money, U.S. aid is helping Ukraine dismantle Russia's armed forces without firing a single shot or shelling.
  • Russia is a major geopolitical adversary of the United States and a close ally of China, Iran and North Korea.
  • Estimates vary, but as many as 300,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded in Ukraine. The original Russian invasion force has effectively ceased to exist since February 2022.
  • Open source journalists have gathered visual evidence that Russia has lost more than 12,900 pieces of equipment in Ukraine by the time of this writing. Since this number is limited to visually confirmed losses, the actual number is likely much higher.
  • These losses include: 2,439 main battle tanks, 1,026 armoured fighting vehicles, 2,977 infantry fighting vehicles, 368 armoured personnel carriers, 914 pieces of artillery, 201 multiple rocket launchers, 93 aircraft (including three strategic bombers), 132 helicopters and probably thousands of pieces of other military equipment.
  • Ukraine has destroyed or damaged 16 ships and submarines, including the missile cruiser Moskva (formerly the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet) and the submarine Rostov-on-Don. Their destruction supports broader U.S. security objectives beyond the Black Sea. For example, Russia used both ships to support Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Fact: There has never been greater accountability for U.S. military assistance than for aid to Ukraine.
  • Shortly after the Russian invasion, the U.S. government set up the Interagency Task Force to oversee Ukraine. More than 160 officials in 20 federal oversight agencies oversee U.S. assistance to Ukraine.
  • To date, Congress has appropriated $50 million to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defence, Department of State and USAID to strengthen oversight through the working group.

Насправді їх економіка підходить до межі мілітарного розігріву. Далі почнеться стагнація і спад у валовому постачанні у війська. Вже нічого й говорити про життя всередині. Звісно, милиці Китаю дещо притримають в торговому плані. Та це не вирішить загальної проблеми

Зрозуміло, нам не просто. Але перепочинку і легітимізації зробленого - русні давати не можна. Вона вже скиглить просить, як може. Хуйло раз 12 публічно бідкався про заборону перемовин з нашої сторони.

Світанок буде.

Що ми можемо робити? Триматися і колос впаде. Підтримуйте сили оборони:


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12163048

A Russian helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine last year in a secret operation has been found dead in Spain, according to the main military intelligence agency in Kyiv.

Reports in Russian and Spanish media on Monday said Maksim Kuzminov was found dead after allegedly moving to the town of Villajoyosa in Alicante on the Mediterranean coast, in an area popular with holidaymakers. His body was discovered last Tuesday, it was said, on the car park ramp underneath an apartment block.

The reports claimed he had been murdered by unknown gunmen who fired 12 shots. A burnt-out car was discovered nearby in the Costa Blanca town of El Campello. Spanish police had initially thought the shooting was gang-related before reportedly learning of the victim’s extraordinary backstory and his former role in Russia’s war and invasion.


"Ми живемо в час, який дедалі більше нагадує другу половину 1930-х років. Я не міг жити сам із собою, усвідомлюючи, що я нічого не зробив, щоб зупинити іншого Гітлера”, – цитата.


cross-posted from: https://sopuli.xyz/post/9384171


"Shit, their apartments aren't small at all; they're so spacious. I think I'll take the crib for myself, it's f*cking awesome. And there's a TV intact, but you can't get there..."

Russian soldiers loot apartments damaged by shelling and abandoned by Ukrainian civilians in the neighborhood of Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine.

The true face of the "Russian world".

view more: next ›