[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago

The issue is that most places can't do that because the police unions would never allow harsh punishment for anything and they have way too much power. At least in the US, that is

[-] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago

Sorry, there are so many Musk stans that would say that exact thing, I 100% missed the joke

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Fortunately the NACS has be standardized under the SAE as J3400, so companies should not have to rely on Tesla for development or implementation anymore.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

Fortunately the NACS has be standardized under the SAE as J3400, so companies should not have to rely on Tesla for development or implementation anymore. Tesla's network is going to suffer for sure though.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 4 days ago

Musk is also a guy who's gotten zero starships into orbit. The engineers at Space X have, and to a certain extent Gwynne Shotwell is a part of that, but that is despite Musk, not because of him.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

That funny because a lot of bullets are copper jacketed

[-] [email protected] 13 points 6 days ago

Here is my view/reaction as a Beehaw user. I am not an admin or mod, just a regular user. I don't want this to seem like an attack, but know ahead of time that I disagree with a lot of what you said.

Nearly a year later, it’s obvious that the decisions of beehaw admins during that critical period of time when redditors were first trying Lemmy were highly disruptive towards the development of the platform as a whole.

How so? It is not obvious to me, and some examples would be great.

The first level of disruption came from the direct fragmentation of communities caused by that defederation decision.

As a personal opinion, the communities Beehaw defederated from are communities I don't want to interact with. This is not a net negative for me.

The second and more devastating impact was the impact on the perceptions of new users, who were given a manifestation of their worst fears about Lemmy and it’s federated structure. Many potential users were turned off Lemmy because they didn’t like the fact that they could suddenly be blocked off from major communities on other servers due to arbitrary admin decisions, and beehaw essentially provided the perfect example of that at a critical growth phase.

Do you have evidence of this? It is a pretty bold claim and if it is so impactful, there should be evidence. As side note, Beehaw's goals (from a user perspective mind you, I am not speaking for the admins or mods) are not exponential user growth, but quality community. If users are turned off by the fact Beehaw is pro defederation with communities that are a large source of trolls or hate (not saying SJW is one of those), then Beehaw isn't the right community anyhow.

With regard to lemmy.ml, I think the main issue is that beehaw has disabled downvotes. The tankies are significantly outnumbered on Lemmy as a whole and a combination of downvoting and active moderation from other admins effectively minimizes the problem for most other major servers.

I like the removal of the downvote. It makes for a more positive community, and because Beehaw has an active mod/admin team we don't tend to have issues that are not taken care of fairly quickly.

The tankies are significantly outnumbered on Lemmy as a whole and a combination of downvoting and active moderation from other admins effectively minimizes the problem for most other major servers.

To me, the issue is that this relies on a lot of other large communities to moderate users, and more often than not that is more difficult than it sounds for the good ones, or non-existent in the crappy ones. Especially with the Lemmy devs resistant to adding good moderation tools.

But because beehaw doesn’t allow downvotes, has dwindled to a small userbase, and has isolated itself from other non-extremist servers (SJW),

Again, Beehaw's focus is quality over quantity. Honestly this felt like it was meant to be an insult, but in the grand scheme of things doesn't have much relevance to me

you have been left much more exposed to the tankie propaganda, with your only recourse being the nuclear option of defederation.

Defederation is the most extreme, but if so much bad stuff is coming from a single source that is not properly moderated, it seems like the most logical to me. I think this goes back to a lack of moderation tools and poor moderation in other instances, not to Beehaw's relatively smaller user base or defederation from other instances.

Obviously, my point is that beehaw admins should accept that they made a mistake and refederate with sh.itjust.works.

Does sh.itjust.works still have open sign ups? Then I don't think a mistake was made nor should the admins refederate.

I would also recommend upgrading to the latest version of Lemmy, because it at least gives users the option of instance blocking. I understand that you intend to move to Sublinks or another platform in the future, but in the meantime you are neglecting your users by allowing the current implementation on Lemmy to languish.

I am not privy to the inner workings of Beehaw, but I know they are focusing on moving to a new platform, so this seems like it would be a lot of wasted effort for the small team that is Beehaw.

I think that beehaw admins, not dissimilarly to hexbear admins, tend to disregard how their actions impact the fediverse as a whole and focus solely on the proximate impact on their own userbase.

This is a difference of philosophy (at least for Beehaw, hexbear is a different story/issue). Beehaw's focus on it's userbase is why I am here in the first place. The greater fediverse isn't my concern, and it is not the admins responsibility.

This is a faulty mindset, because the fediverse is the ecosystem which we all share, and that ecosystem needs to be protected and maintained in order for all of the different organisms (instances) residing therein to thrive. Without our connection to the fediverse, all of our instances would simply wither away.

I think when Beehaw moves platforms, things may change. Better tools might allow for a more open relationship. That being said, Lemmy has been hostile to Beehaw (when they tried to reach out the Lemmy devs to petition for better mod tools, they were told in no uncertain terms they were welcome to GTFO). I know Lemmy isn't the whole fediverse, but putting in a bunch of effort on a platform Beehaw is leaving seems silly.

Again, these are just my thoughts as a Beehaw user, but to me the issues you bring up are not issues for me at all, and in a lot of cases are actual boons.

[-] [email protected] 63 points 2 weeks ago

There is one stockholder that has tried multiple times. The issue is the whole Tesla board are all his cronies, and a large portion of stockholders have bought into the cult of personality

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ford and GM are probably regretting that switch to NACS...

[-] [email protected] 39 points 1 month ago

Seriously fuck this day. The innocent pranks are so outweighed by the sheer bullshit, and anything announced can't be taken seriously.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 2 months ago

Fuck, I thought those were federal laws. Sounds like they should be, oh wait right wingers want to get rid of federal labor laws too

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We finished the last piece of the cat path I posted about earlier! This one goes from the laundry room, to the stairwell, and then into the guest bedroom on the upper floor (yes, I know the carpet needs replaced in that closet). They are already using them and seem to love the new path already.


submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My partner and I have been talking about making some cat paths in our house since long before we owned our house. We recently got 2 new dogs, so now it is a high priority project. The first step was putting up some shelves in the hallway and making a portal from the hallway to the bedroom closet (you can see it just above the tent). The surround for the portal is this 3D printed tunnel


The next project is going to be putting a portal from the spare bedroom into the stairwell so they can go up and down floors without the dogs being in the way


submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am stripping and re-sealing a corner shower stall, and am having a hell of time removing all the old caulk. I also discovered the previous homeowners decided to just caulk over the previous caulk that was on there, so I am removing 2 or 3 layers depending on the location. It was leaking in the spots that had 3 layers so I think they just added more caulk to "fix" leaks. I have the chemical caulk remover, and that certainly helps, but it still is taking a metric fuck-ton of manual labor. Any tricks/suggestions for removal of very old caulk? I am about to throw a scotch brite on a palm sander and go to town.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 5 months ago

Todd in the Shadows went a little deeper on that. Mostly saying they were so fit and sexy that they inspired American fitness culture. Which is just not true.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 8 months ago

I've played through all 3 acts. Obviously in no way have done everything, but I never ran into a situation where your character would get killed for a bad dialogue choice. The "Volo's eye" event referenced is for sure an example of the telegraphed outcome being the opposite of what actually goes down, but I really can't think of another time that happens. Even that choice did not end in death. Some options end in tough fights, and maybe fights above your level, but I was never surprised by them.

Bringing up save scumming is an odd criticism for a CRPG. That has been a long running discussion, but you can choose not to do it if you don't like it. It doesn't mean it is bad game design to include saving whenever you want.

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