
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

triphallia, was only seen in a human for the very first time in 2020 in a newborn, and is thought to affect one in every 5 to 6 million live births.

diphallia, has been seen in around 100 human cases, and occurs once in every 5.5 million live births.

so these two conditions, one of which is supposed to be more rare, occur with the same frequency?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

"or our interests..."

that hegemony talk sure is something.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 hour ago

you're welcome.

I never liked bullies, and I like you all less now.

being proud of erasing someone after is shameful of you. bearing indignant Pride in their pain when they tell you it hurts them is shameful of you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

okay, got it. thanks.

that is a heck of a development, I now understand the cause for the hullabaloo.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

okay. did those series ever end?

haha, I don't really want to watch 500 episodes and then wait for the hollowing chapters.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 hour ago

"I think it was offensive of Cynthia to erase the original artist's vision"

this didn't happen.

she's literally bringing the character to lie.

"it's shameful of you to defend her."

no, you're using that word wrong.

you attacking someone for being hurt is shameful.

"Both of you have hurt my feelings, and therefore you are in the wrong."

If this is true, you are hurt from your own actions of hurting another person.

you are in the wrong.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

fanart is valid.

she is not "making demands".

The actor is telling people that it hurts her for them to erase her face from the poster.

"She's literally playing a fantasy witch who has already been played by dozens of other actresses."

that does not make this actor less of a person who deserves basic courtesy and respect.

"She's the only one out of all of the previous ones to get upset about this."

being erased is upsetting. she is allowed to be upset.

"If she wants to be noticed for her face, then playing an iconic villain who has been played so many times before isn't her place to be"

victim blaming.

Just play the character, we don't care who you are.


"She is new to the franchise"

you should still respect her feelings.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 hours ago

I wish that in order to make a non-original piece of film, there was a lengthy process where the filmmakers had to prove they had something new to say and jump through a bunch of hoops so that 17 groups of people didn't remake the same fucking book every couple of decades.

I like original stories.

imagine If instead of writing stories, most authors just wrote somebody else's story with the same names, sequence of events, and swapped out car for a horse and buggy. because the guy isn't eccentric enough.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

nobody's throwing you in jail for being the public bigot you aspire to. use all the slurs you want.

people are, however, murdering trans people and banning books. in the real world.

have fun cradling your make believies.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 hours ago

yeah, public transportation is available everywhere, but most people have a electric scooter or motor scooter to get around everywhere anyway.

I've been around most of Southeast Asia. and whatever medication you can't afford in the states, you can afford the generic brand with identical active ingredients in Southeast Asia (and Europe).

Laos, I lived in for 3 months, and absolutely loved it. i lived in Luang Prabang, field capital that a lot of people moved out of so it's a little bit slower but still has a night market and tons of great restaurants and shops and everyone is super laid back.

really great food, which all costs $2 or less, The Mekong river ensconces the entire city, you can take riverboats if you want to just for fun or if you want to visit other towns.

there are like a bunch of different waterfalls all around the city that you can take a bike to or hike to or whatever.

that city is actually so small. I think they only have a couple buses, but with a bicycle you can drive across the city in 20 minutes anyway.

love laos, was considering settling down there, which happens with most countries i visit, hahaha.

nothing is more expensive than the US, and food is great. everywhere, and people are almost always great, Plus you have all the better social infrastructure and healthcare and everything so every time I'm in a new place, I'm like, yeah, this is a life!

cambodia is even smaller, they have cool dragon boat races, there's this town I love called kampot where this Japanese guy moved and he just has a large porch that he puts a couple tables and chairs on and he makes sushi and homebrews beer, so that's the cool spot to hang out at.

Vietnam! The food in Vietnam didn't wow. me as much as the others, but pho is pho, and I basically just ate pho for 3 months, and never got sick of it cuz it's the best.

when I went to Vietnam I bought a bicycle in the town. I landed in and then just rode out of the city, and I just chose North on a whim, and then discovered a week into my trip and 50 Mi North that the entire North part of Vietnam is all mountains and the entire South part is all flat, so I didn't see a single other foreigner for the 3 months that I was there. but those might be the most friendly and gracious people I have ever met.

like one guy ran out of his house to flag me down just to convince me to have breakfast with him, and we walked through his personal grove of dragon fruit, banana and mango trees that he just picked fruit from and we ate and then he cooked for me and played music and I was like. thank you so much but I have to go catch this train and he was like "go. thank you so much for spending the morning with me and visiting Vietnam"

this other guy sitting on his porch sipping tea waved me down, and then we communicated through Google translate, and then I ate dinner with him and his parents and they made the best amazing food I had the whole time I was in Vietnam.

it just kept happening over and over again, that's some random Vietnamese person would flag me down and do something incredibly kind and gracious.

and it's beautiful! like so much of all of Southeast Asia, so much of those countries are completely undeveloped, so you just have wild jungles all around you and it's stunning. and waterfalls everywhere.

I lived in a small town in Thailand and I just spent 2 weeks learning all of the constellations because the sky was like crystal clear and there was no light pollution where I was, a private house for I think $7 a day? with the best Thai restaurant I found in the whole country right next to my cabin.

yeah, it's difficult to go wrong with any place Southeast Asia, especially if finances are a concern.

sorry I speech to texted all of this, so there might be some bullshit mistakes all over the place.

you do not have to be retirement age to retire, btw, I started traveling in my 20s and I was like why would I stop doing this?

"do you want to come back, make car payments and have a mortgage? We shoot children a couple times a day! Don't get caught in the crossfire, you can't afford it! make sure to pay taxes, but you can't tell us what we're going to do with them!"

sorry for the run on,, I really do love talking about it hahah, and since I'm basically retired(work on what I want when I want) I have plenty of time to do it.


does anyone have any insight into this? actual behind the scenes knowledge?

the sets either look like cheap plastic or ps3 graphics.

It's very distracting and making it almost impossible for me to immerse myself in the story.

It's very frustrating because I like the movie and the story and I think the actors are mostly doing a good job, kamala and her family are hilarious, but I can't get over how dog shit the CGI , editing and set pieces are.

did anyone else notice this?

and the budget was 220 million. it was huge, I can't understand why the effects and set pieces are so terrible.

a small example: when captain Marvel "changes" her clothes in the singing Palace, her entire wardrobe is clearly changed off screen, she's already wearing her new costume when the camera switches back to her and there are literal like 1970s cartoon Disney sparkles floating around her for a second to imply that she morphed her costume?

have Marvel movies always looked this ridiculous? I feel like 10 years ago the effects and settings were more believable, or at the very least more immersive.

All of these effects look like they were made in one frantic week.

oh, and the costumes?

Why are all the costumes baggy?

like professor Marvel's costume is baggy, everyone on Nick Fury ship is wearing baggy jumpsuits.

and it's not like cool baggy, they just didn't make costumes that fit for everybody on set?

professor's Marvel's mom's hair looks crazy, it looks like they sprayed white spray paint on her head and was like okay, she's old now.

the kittens are rough, their textures, movements and physics are absurd.

great VA clip from S1 (
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I tried to find one with Ashley burch since I think she was the voice of computer bot lady in the pilot episode?

but it was a lot of work, relatively, for the internet, so I didn't.

Tempbot! right?

oh, I think the borders of my B+P memory are just hazy enough that I can justify watching the show again.

That's very exciting.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Thank you [email protected] community!

tldr: baking/steaming garlic in the peel is the clear winner for volume clove peeling.

Crushing is the winner for a couple cloves in a stir-fry, root end cut is obviously better for garlic chips.

The last garlic peeling post had so many good suggestions that I decided to trial each of them at least a few times with fresh/older bulbs of different shapes and sizes.

One method worked in any situation.

For peeling as many cloves as you want, each technique had some major cons except for the final, winning method put forward by @[email protected] !

The results were:

Smashing -

pros: easy, classic technique. usually works.

cons: peel can get stuck inside a smash, you still have to pull off the peel, occasionally the peel is still stuck to the skin, cloves are damaged.

Slicing off root end and peeling -

pros: easy, faster

cons: still have to manually peel it, much faster but not fast.

Garlic roller -

pros: I cannot find one. Sometimes works?

cons: can only roll a couple of cloves at a time, much more effort than other methods, have to either cut off the ends first or later, so you're doing all the work without any benefit. These are a no for me, dawg.

Shaking -

pros: fun to do, does work for more than half the cloves of large batches using two aluminum popcorn bowls for a minute of shaking.

cons: a LOT of effort, bruises the cloves before cooking, very messy, juice everywhere, inevitably doesn't peel every clove, so you have to spend time hand peeling the leftovers, even with prep work of slicing off top and root end.

WINNER is root end cut and steaming or roasting in peel as suggested by @[email protected]:

pros: least effort, safest, cooking is already done, fastest and simplest clove peeling, no bruising beforehand, least messy


Cut off root end.

Steam(~10 minutes) or bake(400 degrees ~30 min) as much garlic as you want.

Let garlic sit for a few minutes to cool down.

Pinch the top end of each peel and the clove will pop out easily, discard peel.

Mash the garlic together and season however you like for a garlic dip.


pet urine, whiskey, perfume, you can use white vinegar to get rid of most smells on most materials: carpets, furniture, clothes, without damaging the material.

vinegar is amazing at breaking down odors and then evaporating and not leaving a trace.

Pick a number (
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm feeling 4

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

bold move with the title, but they really pull it off this book.

this is a great final installment.

the entire book is good, but here's a couple moments that stuck out.

spoilersI forgot how it starts, with menderash willingly turning into a nothlit(mirroring tobias in the first book) so that he can pilot the Yeerk ship to take them to investigate the kelbrid space is so exciting!

I wonder how many mirrors of the first book there are that I didn't notice since I was devouring the story.

the extended internal torment where Jake is reckoning with Rachel's death and his responsibility as a war criminal who sends his friends to their death.

That Jake and Cassie don't end up together.

but all the anamorphs are pretty much unfulfilled, carrying on Rachel's legacy.

I can't sing this book's praises enough, it really is a solid ending with room to continue or conclude a limited run if they want to.

The Cage (

doesn't even look like they bothered to erase the original title or crop the picture correctly,, but who doesn't like Nic Cage enough to overlook a lazy morph?


The peel is thicker and attached firmly to the root, so cutting off the root end first will save a lot of time and effort peeling garlic.

you can avoid stripping the peel into tiny sticky pieces or digging grooves into the clove while you gouge or scrape off the peel from the top or side.

this is another lifehack I would have appreciated learning years earlier.

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