[-] [email protected] 67 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

A man was arrested today in Casa Rosada (literally Argentina's White House) after he tried to enter the building armed with a machete while claiming "I am God, and I am going to kill the President".

let-em-cook knifecat ancaptain


Also he will meet tomorrow with the commander of the United States Southern Command, General Laura Richardson. Imperialism done with a lady in charge, feelin' the future and the inclusiveness here!

[-] [email protected] 82 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Have you seen that when Genocide Joe is giving a speech and a group of protestors yell things like "Genocide Joe! How many dead kids is enough for you?" to interrupt the rally... the pro-Genocide Joe crowd begins to chant "Four more years!"?

Are they asking for four more years of genocide?

Regardless of this, I know History will be the final judge here. And History will not be kind to them.

[-] [email protected] 86 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

For the next four months I'll be studying a subject called "Economy of Historians" in my University. Turns out the professor is a Marxist gigachad and his classes are four hours long, the first two hours we see general economic theory, from Smith to Keynes, Marx and all economic systems. The last two hours it's just him reading through Das Kapital chapter by chapter, line by line.

This is the evil political indoctrination milei was talking about. HELL YEAH. lets-fucking-go

By the end of this period I'll be the biggest Marxist around here, so you better buckle up, liberals.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 6 months ago


Argentina's government rules out free dengue vaccine despite record deaths

Presidential Spokesperson Maneul Adorni says there is no plan to make Dengue vaccine free and compulsory to citizens despite a record number of deaths this year.

President Javier Milei’s government will not include a vaccine for Dengue fever in its national vaccination calendar. Speaking at a press conference in Buenos Aires on Monday, Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adorni shot down suggestions that the state would make the jab free and compulsory to citizens despite a record number of deaths this year.

Adorni, who also questioned the vaccine’s effectiveness, said talks over its inclusion on the national vaccination calendar are “not on the agenda,” though the decision could be revisited in the future. "Immunity is achieved over time, so vaccinating now would mean that immunity will be achieved in four months, where the mosquito is no longer a problem, even though its effectiveness has not been proven," said Adorni.

Argentina has seen 79 deaths from dengue over the last eight months, 69 of which have been registered since the turn of the year. In the past week, 22 people have died after infection from the virus. Infection numbers are soaring. So far in 2024, more than 102,000 cases have been reported, which is 86 percent of the 120,000 cases registered in total, another record.

Milei said in an interview last Sunday that the dengue crisis is "part of Kirchnerism's negligence" – a reference to the government which preceded his in office. He accused them of “not having run a good campaign a year ago.”


For those seeking vaccination, the TAK-003 vaccine, also known as Qdengam, produced by the Japanese laboratory Takeda, is available in Argentina privately. Each dose against the virus, which is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, costs about 70,000 pesos (about US$80 at the official exchange rate), while the minimum wage is set at 202,800 pesos (USS$232).

Eduardo López, an infectious disease doctor at the Buenos Aires Children's Hospital, contradicted Adorni’s remarks. "Studies show that vaccines are safe and effective," he told the C5N news channel.

Andrea Gamarnik, a virologist, specialist in the dengue virus and researcher at the CONICET scientific research institute, denounced on the X social network that Argentina is "in the worst dengue epidemic in history" but that experts are not "allowed to work" because, she believes, the government is dismantling the scientific system.

A month ago, tens of thousands of people around the world shared videos of mosquito swarms in Argentina. That particular one was an invasion of Aedes Albifasciatus, a species that grows especially after the rains and in open, grassy places, unlike Aegypti, which grows mainly in cities and spreads Zika and chikungunya as well as dengue.

Both my mother and sister have dengue, both had serious fever but are now recovering. Hospitals wont give them tests, stating that "they don't have any" or are reserved for some special cases. "Come back tomorrow" they say. So far I've been able to avoid the disease, but I work in the streets so it's a matter of time one of these little fuckers bite me.

Also, oncologic patients are getting their help completely shut down by the government, leaving them to fend off by themselves against predatory pharma practices. The state decided to fuck off and the market will never help, we're all being left alone.

I try to mask it all off with some jokes and whatever, try to sound positive. But deep down I'm reaching a breaking point. Everywhere I look there's misery, hunger and desperation and it's all catching up to me.

[-] [email protected] 89 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Trump was very uncomfortable during his meeting with milei at CPAC, he literally jumped and kept grabbing him and Trump of course doesn't like physical contact too much lmao. It's embarrassing, milei was like a 12 year old girl who just had a meet&greet with her favorite BTS idol or something. Grow the fuck up, fucking weirdo.

But wait, milei is at CPAC? How? he's a Libertarian... not a Conservative, why is he hanging out with conservatives and fascis... oh.

I will not post the vide of milei adoring Trump because it has levels of cringe so high I think Hexbear cannot handle it.

[-] [email protected] 68 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

There's a "country" that is actively demolishing... dismantling an ENTIRE CITY, building by building, block by block while promoting it on social media and they SUFFER NO CRITICISM FROM THE "ENLIGHTENED" WEST (Let alone shit like sanctions or retaliatory strikes).

But don't you dare mention "Israel" is carrying out a genocide, no, don't even think about it. They're literally promoting it every day, enjoying it even. Just like ISIS, they love showing how they kill people, even the Germans, known for being a genocide-loving nation, tried to keep the murder of millions under secrecy. These motherfuckers are showing it for all of us to see while at the same time mocking the entire world because "there is nothing you can do about it".

However, what they don't understand, is that the destruction of the zionist entity is inevitable.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 7 months ago

Okay I've just seen the bodycam footage of the cop unloading his gun because he thought he was getting shot at, when in reality an acorn fell on his cop car. Pigs are always on edge lmao, always scared of everything and everyone. They truly behave like an occupying force that has the community in front of them, much like occupying armies, the civilians are there to be watched and repressed and not protected. Plus the cop's training in ameriKKKa is just awful lol

That officer is probably serving with the IOF now tho

[-] [email protected] 73 points 7 months ago

Football news are rarely posted here but this one deserves to be known

Palestine enter Asian Cup 2023 knockouts with emphatic win over Hong Kong

The Palestinian National Football Team achieved an historic 3-0 victory over Hong Kong in the Asian Cup. First victory in the competition and also first time they made it out of the group stage!

Match Highlights

[-] [email protected] 77 points 8 months ago

milei at Davos:

"We can see how from year zero to the year 1800 the GDP of the world has maintained stable levels.."

This is unbearable.

[-] [email protected] 81 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I suddenly remembered that time when the US "mistakenly" bombed Syrian Arab Army positions in Deir ez-Zor, which was being besieged by ISIS. Moments after the bombing ISIS launched an attack that was barely repelled.


[-] [email protected] 83 points 8 months ago

Remember, literally the first piece of footage the Resistance produced during the Battle of Gaza was idf-destroyer , the absolute Gigachad running towards a Merkava while chanting a Qur'an passage armed with nothing but his unshakeable will and a bomb to place on the tank, then runs back and fires a Yassin 105 into the enemy and finally creeps back into a hole to fight another day.

This sets the tone for the entire duration of this struggle. They started with a massive piece of footage that will inspire millions, they began to build their Epic very quickly. From that point onwards, the Resistance produced more and more insane footage, clearly winning the "propaganda war" with their genocidal enemy.

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